Monday, September 22, 2008

Tell me more about TELL ME MORE A14

Please refer to Tell me more about TELL ME MORE blog entry in the main blog . Thank you.

For YOU to COMMENT on:Please answer all the questions.
1)What do you think of TELL ME MORE?
2)Have you used TELL ME MORE before this?
3)If yes, what did you think of it then? And what do you think of it now?
4)If no, what do you think of TELL ME MORE?
5)Is it easy to to navigate?
6)Do you think the activities help you to improve your English?
7)What have you learnt as a result of using TELL ME MORE?

Tell me more about TELL ME MORE E03

Please refer to Tell me more about TELL ME MORE blog entry in the main blog . Thank you.

For YOU to COMMENT on:Please answer all the questions.
1)What do you think of TELL ME MORE?
2)Have you used TELL ME MORE before this?
3)If yes, what did you think of it then? And what do you think of it now?
4)If no, what do you think of TELL ME MORE?
5)Is it easy to to navigate?
6)Do you think the activities help you to improve your English?
7)What have you learnt as a result of using TELL ME MORE?

Tell me more about TELL ME MORE P13

Please refer to Tell me more about TELL ME MORE blog entry in the main blog . Thank you.

For YOU to COMMENT on:Please answer all the questions.
1)What do you think of TELL ME MORE?
2)Have you used TELL ME MORE before this?
3)If yes, what did you think of it then? And what do you think of it now?
4)If no, what do you think of TELL ME MORE?
5)Is it easy to to navigate?
6)Do you think the activities help you to improve your English?
7)What have you learnt as a result of using TELL ME MORE?

Tell me more about TELL ME MORE C12

Please refer to Tell me more about TELL ME MORE blog entry in the main blog . Thank you.

For YOU to COMMENT on:Please answer all the questions.
1)What do you think of TELL ME MORE?
2)Have you used TELL ME MORE before this?
3)If yes, what did you think of it then? And what do you think of it now?
4)If no, what do you think of TELL ME MORE?
5)Is it easy to to navigate?
6)Do you think the activities help you to improve your English?
7)What have you learnt as a result of using TELL ME MORE?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Final Project: Product Presentation

You have come near to the end of the course. For your final assessment, in your group of 4 or 5, unanimously choose ONE product to present on - preferably it's a product that is related to your field of study. Once you have all decided on your product, decide what each member should present on. Decide also which organization you'd like to have, e.g. spatial or chronological.

Remember, it's only a 3-5 minute presentation per group member. So, please do not choose an object so complex that there is not enough time to present it. (Also, there'll be a Q&A session after the presentation.)Once the product's decided, each member should prepare and write out a written report for submission from 15 - 19 September 2008 (depending on your lecturer). Although it is an individual assignment, the group leader should collect all the written assignments from each group member to be submitted as ONE.

In your group (if you have 4 members)*, let:
(1) student #1 write and present the INTRODUCTION,
(2) student #2 write and present the MAIN PART #1 and ITS MINOR PARTS (if any),
(3) student #3 write and present the MAIN PART #2 and ITS MINOR PARTS (if any), and
(4) student # 4 write and present the CONCLUSION (how product works etc. Please refer to your module).
*if you have 5 members,(4) student #4 write and present the MAIN PART #3 and ITS MINOR PARTS (if any), and(5) student #5 write and present the CONCLUSION.or in extreme cases, 6 members,(5) student #5 write and present the MAIN PART #4 and ITS MINOR PARTS (if any), and(6) student #6 write and present the CONCLUSION.
This will be returned to you the week after. Then as a group, compile all the information and produce a pamphlet of the product to be submitted on the presentation day (1 pamphlet per group)All sections must have graphics that accompany the explanation (in the written report and pamphlet) and slides that go with the oral presentation (product presentation).


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What do you think? A14

salam and hello to all.

well so far we have done our first presentation.
so how do you feel?
what did you get from the experience? share with your friends. Feel free to express anything ok!


Mdm Norkheiah

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Reading Entries E03

Post your comments on what you have read and cite the source.

Reading Entries A14

Post your comments on what you have read and cite the source.

Reading Entries C12

Post your comments on what you have read and cite the source.

Reading Entries P13

Post your comments on what you have read and cite the source.