book that i borrow from library entitle palomino is all a about a women had been divorce by his 7 years husband just because she could not bear any child beside he already had another woman who carried his child;in addition his husband felf intrigue with her successful.then her friend force her to take a she decide to go to a ranch as she know the owner.then she felt in love with one ofthe rancher.she was describe as the best woman rider over there EA08096
I had read an article from The Star online which is about “stress”. Do you realize that “stress” is around us and it is a normal condition which will occur from time to time? What is stress actually? Stress is something which many of us face in our lives, sometimes even on a daily basis. The stress that is felt can be the result of work-related issues or ones which fall closer to home. There are many different definitions of stress. The definition of stress depends strongly on the type of entity that is defining it. Regular dictionaries define stress as a condition caused by outside factors in the environment which can cause physical or mental results. Medical dictionaries usually define stress due to the medical conditions which can result from stress. Stress can be considered a normal for individuals to face or experience. Everyone is supposed to have a suitable way or method to experience or reduce his or her problems and stress. It is usually only when stress becomes unbearable, chronic or severe when the individual needs to have their stress evaluated. So, here I would like to share with u all of several effective ways to help u overcoming the terrible stress. One way to reduce stress is to eliminate the stress-causing event or object. Other ways to eliminate or alleviate stress are to exercise, meditation, aromatherapy and eat a proper diet. It is important that the individual experiencing the stress acknowledges such a condition and then starts on the right track to getting rid of stress-causing factors in their life or working to alleviate the stress through other means. Lastly, I need to comment that you just try your own way to reduce the stress for all you won’t get hurt of yourself or influence others. If you think that “laughing” is an appropriate method, then you just laugh as much as you prefer. Instead, if you consider that “crying” can reduce or minimize your stress, or you just can take this action at a certain safe place to release your feelings. Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03, I Have read one topic about..elephant at risk.. Elephants, largest of all land animals.Their ancestors once roamed most of the planet, but wild populations are now confined to decreasing swaths of land in Africa and Asia.Their body so be lost on this planet if human do not take any overcame.that's all. you know that, by eating chocolate we can burn fat?this article really attract me because i like to eat chocolate so much. but this article just mention about chocolate and man.chocolate-loving men are always in better health than those who do not like it..Over five days, a group of healthy young men (half like chocolate, half didn't) ate the same foods, plus a choice of bread or chocolate.blood and urine tests showed the chocolate lovers processed fatty foods better and had lower LDL(bad), indulging on occasion may have long term health benefits - but,researchers say, only when paired with an otherwise healthy diet and lifestyle. ~syazreen ardnan - ea08070
Is motion sickness connected to the ears???? After i read the article, i know that motion sickness has a great deal to do with the sense of balance, which is controlled in part by the inner ear.When sitting in a moving car,boat, or aeroplane,for example, the fluid in the inner car shifts,and confusing impulses may be sent to the balance centre of the brain.The eyes, as well,unable to focus on a fixed horizon,may be send upsetting messages to the brain.Some of these impulses may eventually reach the area that controls nausea and vomitting, with consequences that are all to familiar. The good news is there are drugs that can be taken before a trip to help prevent or reduce motion sickness.Actually, after i read this article,i really miss biology subject.huhu..
hi..happy fasting day to all.i want to share about the advantages of fasting with all of you knows,fasting is not just to starve your stomach but it can help you to be more productive and sharpen your mind while you are studying.besides,fasting can help us to manage our money and be more discipline in our,here i want to remind you and also myself not to be greed and spend a lot of money on,do a lot of charity and go to 'tarawih' every night in this month.
hi...laughing is the best i want to share one joke with you from readers digest.
i was admiring a picture on my design client's wall when she came up from behind and mentioned."that's my mother and dog" "she's very attractive,"i said "she was more like a friend,really.i miss her." "she's no longer alive?"i asked "no,but my mother is."
Why people like music? It's not just an entertainment. Whether u realise it or not, music also plays an important role in one's self improvement. There are 3 ways one can use music to accomplish this: 1. Music For Motivation - When you find the music that energizes you, relaxes you, or makes you happy, keep it ready for when you need it. 2. Music For Intelligence - Studies show that music trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. It creates neural pathways in your brain that stimulate creativity. 3. Music For Brainwave Entrainment - Music is embedded with beats and pulses that entrain your brain waves to a specific frequency which varies with mental state. Therefore, if you want to have a better quality of life and even self improvement, why not try listening to some music? From
I was browsing in a book shop when the cover of a book caught my attention.On it was the smiling face of a handsome man.He semmed so at peace with the world.The title of book was 'How to stop worrying and start living'. At first the author explained the fruitlessness of worrying,he said that worrying never did anybody any good but was only counter-productive.It could also lead to nervous breakdowns and health problems such as cancer. Then,the author asked his reader to imagine the worst-possible scenario,that is the thing which we have been worrying about really happens.He tells the readers that there is always a way out.He says let us say you worry about losing job your job and it happens.If you pass,you will have worried needlessly.If you fail,you can always sit your examination again.There is just necessity for worrying. After i had read the book,i stopped worrying so much.I became happier and more optimistic about life.Others sought me as a friend.The book had really helped me to solve my worrying problem and also helped me to live more productively...
Do you all know the role of music in our life?? Music have been used since the Greek to make their king relax. And nowadays,its still have been used practically to make people relax and enjoy. As for me,I used music to relax myself. I love music so much. Some of the people cant live without music. And some hospital provide music therapy to ntreat their patient. We can see how big the role of music in our live. But nowdays, the genre of music already change a lot.They have too many genre and artist and the lyrics of the music have no meanings.Not like the old times.And the music already change to rock and roll.
A lot has been said about the disadvantages of having a lots of fat!So here, as one of the million people who alert about this issue, i want to share with you about ways to get rid of excess fat. Here are 10 ways to realize our dream.Destroy temptation. If you've succumbed to a craving and bought a box of cookies or some other trigger food and start to feel bad while eating it, destroy it. "Don't just throw it away; run water over it, ruin it. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment that you've licked your binge,". Don't think about the money you're wasting. If the cookies don't go into the garbage, they're going straight to your hips.
Go nuts. Drink two glasses of water and eat an ounce of nuts (6 walnuts, 12 almonds or 20 peanuts). Within 20 minutes, this can extinguish your craving and dampen your appetite by changing your body chemistry.
Jolt yourself with java. Try sipping a skim latte instead of reaching for a candy bar. The caffeine it contains won't necessarily satisfy your cravings, but it can save you.
Let it go. Since stress is a huge trigger for cravings, learning to deal with it could potentially save you hundreds of calories a day. This will take some practice. You can try deep breathing or visualizing a serene scene on your own, or you can speed things up by buying one of the many CDs that teach progressive muscle relaxation.
Take a power nap. Cravings sneak up when we're tired. Focus on the fatigue: Shut the door, close your eyes, re-energize.
Get minty fresh. Brush your teeth; gargle with mouthwash. "When you have a fresh, clean mouth, you don't want to mess it up,".
Distract yourself. If only ice cream will do, it's a craving, not hunger. "Cravings typically last ten minutes,". Recognize that and divert your mind: Call someone, listen to music, run an errand, meditate or exercise.
Indulge yourself -- within limits. Once in a while, it's OK to go ahead and have that ice cream. But buy a small cone, not a pint. Try 100-calorie CocoaVia chocolate bars and 100-calorie snack packs of cookies, peanuts or pretzel sticks. The trick is to buy only one pack at a time so you won't be tempted to reach for more. And since even 100 extra calories can sabotage weight loss if you indulge daily, strike a bargain with yourself to work off the excess calories. A brisk 15-minute walk will burn 100 calories or so.
Plan or avoid. Vary your usual routine to avoid passing the bakery or pizzeria. If you know you'll be face-to-face with irresistible birthday cake, allocate enough calories to fit it into your diet.
there are many characteristics about machine.A machine is any device that uses energy to perform some activity. In common usage, the meaning is that of a device having parts that perform or assist in performing any type of work. A simple machine is a device that transforms the direction or magnitude of a force without consuming any energy.
there are many characteristics about machine.A machine is any device that uses energy to perform some activity. In common usage, the meaning is that of a device having parts that perform or assist in performing any type of work. A simple machine is a device that transforms the direction or magnitude of a force without consuming any energy. KHAIRUL AZLIN(EA08030)
A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a leaf is called a page. A book produced in electronic format is known as an e-book.
Books may also refer to a literature work, or a main division of such a work. In library and information science, a book is called a monograph, to distinguish it from serial periodicals such as magazines, journals or newspapers. The body of all written works including books is literature.
In novels, a book may be divided into several large sections, also called books (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, etc).
A lover of books is usually referred to as a bibliophile, a bibliophilist, or a philobiblist, or, more informally, a bookworm.
A store where books are bought and sold is a bookstore or bookshop. Books can also be borrowed from libraries or obtained for reading through the practice of BookCrossing.
hi there... what is difference between good stress and bad stress??hmmmm....i'll only give the common one. stress that is good for us. 1. facing something with enough excitement. 2. having a filed with some activities that enjoyable. 3. working towards a valued goals that you want to achieve. 4. feeling challenged 5. being tired enough to get deep sleep
here are the stress that is bad
1. facing something with worry 2. having an overloaded scheduled stuff that boring. 3. feeling that what you do is not important and wasting time. 4. feeling out of control and overwhelmed. 5. wanting to stay all the time rather than take a stab at getting trough the day 6. having restless sleep,ulcers,and backpain.
How we can improve our country malaysia?From a magazine i had read described many ways to improve our country.The first thing that can be improved in the country is its traffic congestion.The problem is so serious that it is very difficult for vehicles to move on the roads. Another thing that keeps Malaysia from being the perfect country is that Malaysians are addicted to vandalism.Few public telephones are in working condition.During an emergency one cannot make use of the phones at all.Besides,our public toilets are also not in good order. Malaysia is already a very good country.If teh people of Malaysia stop doing all this bad things I have described,Malaysia wii be much,much better place. That's all....
welcome to healh forum.. we are going to discuss about how to prevent heart disease.
-don't smoke -have your blood pressure checked periodicallt -watch you cholestrol levels -eat a healthy,low fat diet and pay attention to your weight -pay attention on your body mass index number -maintain a waist measurement of 35 inches or less -if you are 40s,50s,60s and experience shortness of breath,report it to doctor -make a regular exercise
even we are students,we have to pay attention on our body.this information will help us to stay active and avoid our body from the serious disease..
As we know,the crime rate of the country is rising.There are now more burglaries,robberies, rapes and murders.There are ways of reducing the crime rate in the country. First,we must create jobs for people by building factories or carrying out various project.If the reason for people not working is that they are not qualified for the jobs available,then we should train them.This will reduce the number of burglaries and robberies committed because of poverty. As for murders,imposing the death penalty may help.People commit murder for a number of reasons.Whatever the reason for the killing,capital punishment is the most appropiate sentence for murderers. If all the above measures are carried out,I am sure the crime rate will drop.
a study in britain found that peoplewho are physically active are more younger and genetically speaking. reseachers found that subjects who were more active had longer telomeres than less active .the most active subjects had telomeres the same length as sedentary individuals up toten years younger.
There are three schools concerning the cloning of humans.The libertarians who expouse free will do not see why there should be any opposition to the cloning of humans.They claim that the cloning of a human does not involve the question of ethics. For me cloning human should be allowd only in certain situationsI do not support cloning of humans if it is carried out for frivolous reasons.One of them is replication to replace someone who is dead,either because natural causes or an accident.This will bring about an untenable situation in which it is difficult to determine the relationship between the clone and the person who has had him or her cloned. However,I will agree to the clonong of humans if it is done for medical reasons.Only for such a case,will the cloning of humans have my whole hearted support.
Is playing computer games is bad?In my opinion,if a child plays the games for a short period of time for relaxion,then it is perfectly all right.There's nothing wrong for a child to play a computer games to relax his or her mind after a hard day's work or after many hours of study. However,it is bad when one plays computer games to avoid work or study.The same action should also be taken against those who play computer games instead of doung their homework or study.This means their homework or study will be left undone. Some students are addicted to computer games and will spend hours and hours playing them.They neglect their homework and study even forget to eat. From all the above you can see that there are nothingwrong if one plays computer games to while away an idle hour,for fun or for relaxation.However,something is seriously wrong when one plays computer games the whole day and night to the entire exclusion of other activities.
do you know,,healthy diet can spoils taste for cigarettes. cut back on coffee and alcohol and up your intake of milk,water,,fruit and vegetable. in study of 209 smokers,45% said that enhanced the taste of cigettes,while another 44% and 11% said alcohol and meat had the same that spoilt the taste were milk,vegetables,fruits and water."anything that can worsen the experience can help break the habit"..
your kids will be influenced by the way you are driving. research at bar-ilan univ.shows that not only young children absorb your driving style,but they most influenced by parents of the same sex. so,fathers should be more careful while their son in the back and mothers must also take extra care about that while driving with their kids.depressingly ,by the age of 11,boys mostly like to speed and likelier tocondone traffic violations.
salam and happy fasting.. i just want to share about one of the article that i had read in the book titled 'program rakan siswa(raksi)''s about the ways how to make the effective,the ways are : >SQ3R=Survey,Question,Read, Recite and Review >KWLH=What you know,what you want to know,what you have learned and how to find the information. >PQRST=Preview,Question,Read,State, and Test >READS=R(range),E(eye span), A(active),D(dynamic interaction) and S(survey) so,that's all the point i want to share today..hpe we all practice all of these ways to get the effective information...thank's..
assalamualikum w.b.t... there was an article that captured my eyes that was break the fast at the field. this incident happened in kuantan begin from the first of ramadhan.. people come together with their families and friends spread the mat and serve the foods before the azan of maghrib is being heard. it is more isteresting when the others religion such as chinese and indians also come and join together after they buy the foods nearby. at 5 p.m,the field is fulled with hundreds of is a joyful moment when we can spend time with the families instead of fostening the relationship among families. for your information,i had experienced it before with my friends and i can feel the excitement.
"A vegetarian diet is one that excludes meat, fat, legumes and fish. Vegetarians also aim to avoid eating battery hen eggs and any slaughter house by-products."
That was some article that i've read...
Some peoples incorrectly call themselves vegetarians just because they avoid eat meat only occasionally - a recent survey of 9,000 "vegetarian" women in England revealed that only half of the group surveyed never ate meat or fish.
Some that not suitable we call them innocent just because they were call Vegeterian... :-)
Get the One Piece!! That is the mision of of the one crew of the pirate. One Piece follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a 17 year old boy, who gained supernatural abilities by eating a magical fruit, and his ragtag crew of heroic pirates, named the Straw Hats. Luffy's greatest ambition is to obtain the world's ultimate treasure, One Piece and thereby become the next Pirate King. A boy named Monkey D. Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero "Red Haired" Shanks, sets out on a journey to find the legendary One Piece, to become the new Pirate King. To accomplish this, he must reach the end of the most deadly and dangerous ocean: The Grand Line. Luffy captains the Straw Hat Pirates first through the sea of East Blue and then through the Grand Line. He follows the path of the deceased Pirate King, Gold Roger, from island to island on his way to the great treasure One Piece. On his way his crew grows to have a first mate, a navigator, a sniper, a cook, a doctor, an archaeologist, a shipwright, and a musician. During the course of the story, the crew contend with both other less moral pirate crews and the Navy. The latter are the subordinates of the World Government, who apparently seek justice by ending the Great Age of Pirates. Many background story elements involve the delicate balance of power between the World Government and the world's most powerful pirate crews.
For more can go to my blog, that contain more article and picture..
assalamualaikum w.b.t.. i have read the article about the importance of foot care in our life.our feet is important to us in daily life.take good care of your feet and they will take care of u.normally,we hardly remember this part our body as it located at the lowest of our body.i found out the way of foot care tips so that everyone of you can stop neglecting your feet. a) keep your feet clean and dry as often as possible b) check your feet regularly for any abnormal colour or skin problems. c) keep your feet moisturized with a good moisturizer d) pay close attention to any fungus that you find on your feet.
if you take care of your feet they will take good care of you for many years to come.
For reading entries sesions i would like to she about Eat healthy... There are many popular diets on the market today.This article that i read will explain how to eat healthy for life and avoid the fad diets.
firstly.. Carry water with you at all times. Try to drink water in place of soft drinks and other flavored beverages. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces per day.
2.Non-fat yogurt can make a great snack, and its healthy bacteria can help with various stomach problems.
3.Choose wheat (brown) bread instead of white bread. Processed carbohydrates such as those found in white bread are harder to draw nutrients from, and therefore are seen as empty Calories.
4.Consider eating organic. Organic food isn't made with the use of a lot of harmful chemicals, or other harmful processes.
5.Smoothies are great for breakfast. Combine the following:
* banana * 4 medium-size strawberries * 1/2 cup of skim milk or soy milk
thats all that i would like to share...have a great meal with a healty lifestyle...
salam... I want to share with my friends about the article that i read..the article that I read is about 'why we must protect ourself from enemy?'..I suggest to my friends to learn anythings for protected ourself.. actually it is a weapon to protect ourself..this is because when we have this weapon,it make ourself brave doing something..this is what I want for myself..that all from me..thanks...
I've read some article about how to release our stress. Normally student nowadays always has some stress because of the course work and the assignment. So, this are some tips on how to relax our minds.
Massage is kneading muscles and soft body tissues to relieve stress, tension, and pain. A good massage therapist loosens and relaxes tight or sore muscles. Your whole body feels relaxed, yet refreshed and invigorated.
2.Deep Breathing
Practice deep breathing anywhere — while you're meditating, doing yoga, waiting to give a speech, or in your car stuck in traffic. Most forms of meditation include some type of breath practice, according to Jahnke. Breathing deeply and slowly helps you calm down and feel more relaxed. There are several ways to practice deep breathing, but the idea is to do it slowly and mindfully.
3.And these are some simple techniques: * Count to Ten If a situation gets really bad, count to ten slowly to give yourself time to think about the best way to react. * Talk To Yourself As you slowly breathe in, say to yourself, "I am." As you breathe out, say slowly to yourself "calm." Repeat this until your mind is calm and you can focus on your breathing. * Write It Out Writing can be good therapy. If you're overloaded with worries, take a pencil and paper and spend 20 minutes writing down your concerns and possible solutions to the problems. * Take A Break Get a change of scenery by doing something simple. A walk outdoors can give you a new outlook on a situation. * Take A Bath Add some soothing music and scented bath oil and let your stress just melt away! * Get Back To Nature Nature can be a great stress-reducer. Drive to the ocean and take a walk on the beach or just watch the waves rolling ashore. Stroll through a flower garden or nature trail. Listen to a tape of ocean sounds or birds. Relaxing for 15 minutes or more a day, using these techniques or others that you might discover on your own, can go a long way in relieving stress.
Rushed meals and poor snack choices has made wok itself a risk factor for weight gain. Here’s how to beat the flab : - eat at planned times. Waiting until you are famished cam prompt unhealthy options to satisfy cravings. Scheduling lunch is especially important when your day is hectic. - Instead of buying chocolate or chips, bring snacks such as fruit and cheese. - A proper work-home balance will reduce stress, a trigger for weight gain. - During breaks, take a walk. Even a 15-minutes walk can help your fitness and clear your head.
I just want to share this short sentences, but it is very meaningful : To appreciate life – wanting to make a difference in the world, achieve your goals and be a happy person. So many people work at being unhappy, whereas we really wanted to teach our self to be happy. It’s a great world, and that’s what you can focus on.
Have we concern about so many trees were cut down? In public toilet. Is it better to use a paper towel or an electric hand dryer? Go for the hot air. The energy needed to heat and blow air at our hands is far less than the energy needed to make and transport paper towel and haul waste away. One US study found that nine fully grown trees are cut down to supply an average fast-food restaurant with paper towels over a year; the tossed towel then create over 450 kilograms of landfill waste. The hand dryer is also hygienic. Doctors at the University of Ottawa claim the hot air gets into more crevices in the skin, killing of germs quicker.
salam.. i had read an article about top 10foods for healthy i want to share to all of you.
NO 1:SALMON when it comes to foods that pack a beauty punch,it's hardto beat salmon.loaded with omege-3 fatty acids,this high quality protein sorce is also filled with vitamin B-12 and iron.
NO 2:DARK GREEN VEGETABLES spinach like broccoli and Swiss chard,is an excelent source of vitamins A and C,which your body needs to produce sebum.the oily substance,secreted by your hair follicles,is the body's natural hair also provide iron and calcium.
NO3:BEANS legumes like kidney beans and lentils should be an important of your hair-care diet.not only do they provide plentiful protein to promote hair growth,but ample iron,zinc,and biotin.while crare can be result in brittle hair.
NO 4:NUTS brazil nuts are one of nature's sources of selenium,an important mineral for the health of your scalp
hello to all..When it comes to grocery shopping, should I do a big shop each month or fortnight, or should I shop every few days? Actually, around the world, billions of dollars worth of food gets thrown out each year. The United Nations Food Programme reports that just five percent of leftovers in the US alone can feed our million people in Africa. ‘Its not just money that is being wasted, it is the resources that went into making the food. Do an audit of the fridge before you go shopping and figure out what is left behind, what went off and why you did not eat the food. So by all means do a big monthly shop of durables and non-perishables, but buy your fresh frit and vegetables every couple of days so they do not sit in the crisper unused.
Does the thought of failure send a cold shiver down your spine? Failure is the thing most of us spend the greatest amount of energy trying to avoid. In reality, when you strip away all the emotions attached to the word, failure is only feedback. Failure means that we tried a strategy and it did not work. So what should we do? It's simple. We should try something else.
Human beings learn by failure, by understanding what does not work, and by continuing to adjust their strategies until they find out what does work.
It is true that when we strive to do something that is new for us, we might fail. As a matter of fact, we might fail many times, but only by risking failure will we ever be able to grow. A powerful way to deal with failure is to ask yourself "What is or could be positive in this situation?" This allows you to obtain some benefit from the experience and then to move on.
If you are failing, you are in great company. Most of the super achievers in history failed more often than anyone else. The difference is that they did not let the failure (or the negative comments from others) defeat them. They just continued to modify their strategies until they found what worked. They did not quit. They knew what they wanted and they did not give up until they achieved their goal. When Thomas Edison was attempting to discover the light bulb he was not met with much support from the scientific community. As a matter of fact, they thought he was crazy to try to invent something that was clearly impossible. A young reporter interviewed Edison and asked him, "Mr. Edison, how can you continue to try to invent the light bulb when you have failed over 5,000 times." To which Thomas Edison replied, "Young man, I have not failed 5,000 times. I have successfully discovered 5,000 ways that do not work and I do not need to try them again." This is a great way to interpret failure as a learning experience.
Very often, we achieve our greatest success right after we have experienced our worst defeat. The bottom line is that we should embrace "failure." Because if we are failing, we are learning; and if we are learning, we are growing. And growing is really what life is all about. From
6. I read one in the website like this article….its about ‘HEALTHY FOOF TASTES FOOD’ .The author ,Ingela Berger shared her experience about eating problems..Well ,she shares her knowledge how to improve the eating habits..: 1) reduce the fat in the daily diet….exchange the fat such as butter and margarine with extra-virgin olive oil….Instead of milk you may want to drink yogurt (containing live cultures) which is better for the stomach. 2) Eat fish at least twice a week. If you don’t like fish, make sure you get enough of the omega-3 fatty acids. 3) Eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, cereals 4) Drink water with every meal and in between meals. You can't get enough of water 5) Take some vitamin and mineral supplement every day 6) Try a day of fasting from time to time to rinse your system. Drink only fruit juices, water and green tea that day. 7) Reduce the sugar
Assalamualaikum…I have already read about one article….its the interesting article..its about ‘A BIT OF A DRINK PROBLEM’..What I like about this article is some of alcoholic drinker have this bad habit because of depression…They want to release their stress through alcohol..Besides ,its can happens depends on the kind of job…example ,the diplomat ,executive or journalist….thus ,avoid alcohol..
Hello madam raha…today I read one article from website‘MUSIC FOR SELF IMPROVEMENT’ by the author ,Steve Gillman .People can use music for motivation which can change the spirit and mood through the environment..Then ,music can make our life more cheerful when music for intelligent .Actually ,the music can stimulate our brain such as when we do mathematics practice .Besides ,music for brainwave entrainment..Well ,I got some knowledge from my reading.
Assalamualaikum madam raha…the article that I have read is really interesting for me…the title for this article is ‘How To Focus Mind On Success Using Mind Power’ by Kevin John .People should use mental self help to work on themselves…The mind power includes the human’s behavior and understanding about it..if you can control the mind power its easier to us to understand the behavior..
salam i would like to share a story by sidney sheldon that i forgot the all about 2 wives loses their beloved husband that work in the same company.everything seem to be normal untilthey realised they had escape from death several time
Do you know that more people in more countries are consuming rice, including in Africa, which now consumes one-third of the world’s total trade in rice, and the prosperous Middle East. Globally, the demand for rice is increasing by about five million tons per year, which means that in ten years the world will need to produce 50 million tones more than it does now. Panic buying by domestic consumers also causes artificial price hikes.
Heart disease is one of the dangerous disease that we always heard about. Because of that, we must know how to prevent it. First of all, to all smokers, please do not smoke – this is the single most important thing you can do for your heart. Next, have your blood pressure checked periodically. Here are some more way how to prevent heart disease : -watch your cholesterol levels -if you have diabetes, it should be treated and controlled -eat a healthy, low-fat diet and pay attention to your weight -keep your Body Mass Index number – an indicator of total body fat, based on a ratio between weight and height – at less than 25 -maintain a waist measurement of 35 inches or less -report chest, arm, throat, shoulder blade or jaw discomfort that comes on with exercise and goes away with rest.
I think there are still many other ways for us to prevent this disease. Please take a great care of our own self. Thank you:) ~syazreen ardnan
Here, I have ten tips for eating well without having to diet. Firstly, eat for pleasure and good health, not for weight loss. For breakfast, start your day with oats and you won’t be hungry for hours. Eat more fish, chicken, vegetables and salads, and less red meat, pork, pasta, pastry and potatoes. Use a plastic squeezy bottle for olive oil and sauces – it will help you use less. Use yogurt instead of cream. Snack on fruit and nuts instead of chocolate and crisps. Steam instead of grill, grill instead of roast, roast instead of fry, shallow-fry instead of deep-fry. Eat carbs like pasta and potatoes for lunch instead of in the evening. Drink better, drink less, and drink only with the evening meal. Lastly, if you really want something, enjoy it without guilt, then lighten up the next day:)Try it.. ~syazreen ardnan
Lately, I always got my back pain but not the serious one. Because of that, I really interested to read this article which ‘less is more for back pain’. For your information, costly therapies may do little to alleviate acute back pain. A University of Sydney study has found that paracetamol and gentle exercise is the best way to speed up recovery from short-term lower-back pain. ~syazreen ardnan
assalamualaikum w.b.t.. i have read an article in utusan malaysia.. the article was attracted me to share with you all.. in jakarta, 23 of poor people died while 8 of them are critical injured because of short breath due to the situation crowd together to get the money from one bussinessman in purwojero, pasuruan,jawa timur. this happened at the compound the bussinessman's house where they were line up at first but after they were given 40,000 rupiah or rm16 in malaysia,they started to press each other. i want to say that the indonesia is the poorest country compares to malaysia. it is totally different with the citizen of malaysia whre we can live happily and good economical. (= like study history...yes? let' check mean term history..History is the interpretation of past events, societies and civilizations. The term history comes from the Greek historian (ἱστορία), "an account of one's inquiries," and shares that etymology with the English word story. The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica stated that "history in the wider sense is all that has happened, not merely all the phenomena of human life, but those of the natural world as well. It is everything that undergoes change; and as modern science has shown that there is nothing absolutely static, therefore, the whole universe, and every part of it, has its history." i have you more like history after this..hihi thank you, amir syahir yaakob eao8135 study geography know where it came? just read..The Geography studies the location, extent, distribution, frequency and interaction of all significant elements of the human and physical environment on the Earth's surface, particularly its features and of the distribution of life on the earth, including human life and the effects of human activity. The word geography derives from the Greek γη (ge) or γαια (gaia) ("Earth") and γραφειν (graphein) ("to inscribe"). Physical geography focuses on Earth science (and is sometimes called Earth System Science). This provides an understanding of the physical, meteorological and ecological patterns of the Earth. Human geography includes economic, political and cultural geography and focuses on the social science or the non-physical aspects of the world. It examines how human beings adapt themselves to the land and how they impact the physical world. Geographers not only study the human and natural features of the Earth but also its place in the Solar System and the Universe and how this affects the Earth features (e.g. climate, sea currents and tides). that's all. thank you, amir syahir yaakob ea08135
Get really curious about your memory? What do you find easy to remember? What do you tend to forget? Do your own patterns tell you anything about what is important to you and what is less so? Or what kinds of representation come most naturally and you store most easily? Or where your self-limiting beliefs are? Here, I want to move on to how we retrieve information to enhance our memory. To heighten your awareness of your own memory improvement system. 1. We tend to find it easier to remember using certain preferred senses. (eg. If you are strongly visual, you can take a mental picture of their faces and perhaps see their names on their foreheads, or like a badge or necklace close to their faces) 2. The more of your senses that are involved, the richer your internal representation and the storage will be. (eg. Anything memorable about the temperature, moisture and pressure of their handshakes) 3. Some things are best encoded using particular senses. (eg. A good speller store mental "pictures" of how the words look. When they need to spell the word, they refer to that internal picture to get the right spelling) 4. People who are good at physical skills will tend to store information about them kinaesthetically, and they may not be able to explain what they do in words. In another words, when developing your own memory improvement system, you can develop a facility with any of your senses if you practise. Conversely, imagine how strange it would be trying to learn a dance by reading a book about it, or learning to sing by looking at the pictures of people singing. You need the right tool for the job. So check if you have the right senses alerted for what you want to learn. From
How is it that we can't seem to think that something nutritious and healthy could in fact be tasty and enjoyable? The benefits of eating healthy and nutritious food are plenty. You will feel spry and lively again. You will lose weight. You will strengthen your immune system and stay well longer. You will lower your blood pressure. I could go on and on... Below are some suggestions that you could do to improve your eating habits: 1. Reduce the fat, especially the saturated fat and trans fat, which are mostly found in meat, cooking oil and dairy products. 2. Eat fish at least twice a week (to get enough omega-3 fatty acids). 3. Eat a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, cereals and whole grain. 4. Make vegetables the main part of your meal. Rice, pasta, potatoes or couscous and beans are priority number two. 5. Eat soy products regularly (eg. tofu, tempeh and miso). 6. Drink at least 2 litres of water everyday. 7. Avoid intake of coffee and alcohol. Preferably switch to green tea. 8. Reduce intake of sugar. Don't use artificial sweeteners. When you follow the steps above you will not need much meat. Protein can be added through beans, soy and seeds for instance. Of course, you can have that little special treat now and then. The idea is to enjoy and have fun! If you feel like a prisoner you will not enjoy your new habits. But remember, if special treats come too often, they are not special treats anymore. From
On September 18, the world's oldest man, Tomoji Tanabe celebrated his 113th birthday, telling the reporters at his home in Miyakonojo, southern Japan about his joyful life and healthy appetite. “I’m happy,” said Tomoji Tanabe as the local mayor presented him with flowers and a giant tea cup glazed with his name and date of birth. “I’m well. I eat a lot,” he added. Tanabe, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest living male last year, eats mostly vegetables and believes the key to longevity is not drinking alcohol. He drinks milk everyday and has no major illnesses. The Japanese are among the world’s longest-lived people, with the number of those aged 100 or older at a record 36,276. What about Malaysians? Most Malaysians died at a very young age, hardly more than 70 years old. Our lifestyles and eating habits play important roles in determining our longevity. As you can see, Malaysians’ favourite food are ‘nasi lemak’, ‘mee goreng’ and ‘pisang goreng’ for instance. All these are the unhealthy food which are very oily and high in cholesterol. Malaysians also like suppers. It’s no wonder that we, Malaysians had never had the chance to break the World Records as the oldest people living or rank in the top 10 list. From
salam.. today i want to share about a news that i have read in it was about the founding of a huge diamond in Africa. it was a 478 carat diamond and the value is still unknown. it was mined in Lesotho. it has potential to yield a 180 carat polished stone.that's all. thank you. norlailah binti lanisa (ea08056) i want to share about the 7 most amazing caves of our world which i read in first one is about the Cave of Crystals in Mexico which known as the world's largest known natural containing the largest know natural crystals-translucent beams of gypsum as long as 36 feet(11 metres).the cave was 950 feet(290metres) underground.the second amazing cave is Majlis al Jinn Cave in Oman which known as world's second largest cave chamber.the access to this cave is through a hole in the ground with a rope.the inner height is between 120 and 150 metres ans the cave floor 300 by 200 metres which means the Great Pyramid of Giza can be fitted inside this cave.the third is Waitomo Glowworm Cave in New Zealand.inside this cave was the habitat for the glowworm. the roof of the cave was covered with glowworms larva which most people called the heavens at night. the fourth one is Elsviesenwelt Ice Caves (Austria). the largest ice caves known to man. the other three are Cave of the Ghost(Venezuela)(two helicopter can comfortably fly into it), Fantastic Cave Pit(US)(the deepest known cave pit in the continential USA) and Dongzhong Cave(China)(a cave which also a primary school). well that's all. thank you. i read the article abot the dengue in the Asia-Pacific.From my reading,World Health Organization(WHO) states that nearly two billion people in the Asia-Pacific region will be at risk from dengue fever unless governments do more to fight the disease.98% of all dengue cases and 99% of all dengue death. in the region between 2001 and 2004 included Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, French Polynesia, Fiji, New Caledonia and China.A dengue swept across the region between 1991 and 2004, peaking with 350,000cases in 1998. 1.8 billion live in the Western Pacific(Of the 2.5 billion people at risk globally)...
How much you know about lung cancer?Well,I read the article about this cancer today.Actually,I'm afraid when I read the statistic of lung cancer.From my reading,the average age of a person receiving a lung cancer diagnosis is 69 years.In 2007, an estimated 114,760 men and an estimated 98,620 women will be diagnosed with lung cancer and an estimated 89,510 men and an estimated 70,880 women will die from this lung cancer.Actually,smoking is one of causesof the lung cancer among people.This cancer can diagnosed from physical and chest examination,chest x-ray and CT scan.Besides,this cancer have 2 types include non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) and small Cell lung cancer(SCLC).
Actually i want to tell about the twins.Actually,I really like twin.In my family,my cousin are the girl twin..I still cannot know them very well.It difficult to remember their name.It have 3 types of twin includes Dizygotic twins(differences of gender),monozygotic twins and Zygosity(same gender),chorionicity and amniocity.The main factor of twins is family genetic.That's all from my reading.
Actually what do you know about seven wofers of ancient world?Well,i really impresssed and proud about the architect which is create and build up these seven wonders of ancient world.As you know,seven wonders of ancient world are: (1)The Great Pyramid Of Giza(still in existence) (2)The Colosseum in Rome (3)The Great Wall of China (4)Taj Mahal (5)Christ the Redeemer (6)Machu Picchu (7)Petra
can you imagine how the architect and people in that time build up the wonderful art without any modern technology..In the great wall of China and great pyramid in Giza, many people died because of the cruel leader.So pity.Umm,,,that's all from me.
assalamualaikum w.b.t i want to share to my friend about my favourite sportman,Michael Schumacher.As we know that he is former Formula One driver for Ferrari.What i know about him are he have already got seven-time world champion,advisor and test driver for Ferrari.Actually,he is the first German to win the Formula One World championship.He was voted the most popular driver among in a 2006 FIA survey among Formula One fans.He retired from racing at the end of the 2006 season.Schumacher's younger brother Ralf was a formula One until the end of 2007..i'm really impressed his success in the racing sports..hope 'Schumacher twin'will come back soon.
salam....i would like to share some information from my reading today..actually,i have read the article about Mount Kinabalu at i like about Mount Kinabalu are it is prominent mountain in Southest Asia.It is located in Kinabalu National Park in the east Malaysian state of Sabah. In 1997, a re-survey using satellite technology established its summit (known as Low’s Peak) height at 4,095 metres (13,435 ft) above sea level, which is some 6 metres (20 ft) less than the previously thought and hitherto published figure of 4,101 metres (13,455 ft).[1] The mountain is the fourth tallest in Southeast Asia behind Hkakabo Razi of Myanmar (5881 m), Puncak Jaya (4884 m) and Puncak Trikora (4750 m) of Papua, Indonesia.Its elevation is 4095 metres(13,435 ft) and the range is Crocker Range.Besides,i would like to climb this mountain if i have a chance to do it myself.Before this, i saw it in television and newspaper..that's my dream to go the Mount Kinabali one day.INSYAALLAH.
Many youngsters nowadays like to have their skins tanned. A research has been done showing that there is no such thing as a safe tan. Tans and skin cancers both begin with DNA damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet light but many people, especially the young, ignore or are unaware of this danger in a quest for a bronzed body. DNA damage is the first step in getting a mutation in cells that could lead to skin cancer, so there can’t be anything like a safe tan. The World Health Organization estimates that as many as 60,000 people die from too much ultraviolet light, mostly from malignant melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) each year. However, there are also mixed messages about the safety of ultraviolet light which confuse the public. In fact, getting some sunshine is important because ultraviolet light spurs the body to produce vitamin D but people need far less UV exposure for this than it takes to tan. That is why, people who like to have their skin tanned should be aware and stop tanning immediately. Beauty can’t guarantee you a good life but health definitely can. From
On September 8, a 59-year-old Frenchwoman has given birth to triplets, two boys and a girl, who are in good health. Another case which happened earlier this year, an Indian woman who was said to be 70-year-old gave birth to twins after receiving IVF treatment. Isn't it ridiculous? I find that there are many things happening around us that cannot be explained by Science. Something that happen out of our control and beyond our expectation. From
Hello..i really like to share about herbs and herbal treatment.People misunderstood about herbal supplements.Actually,herbal supplements are a type of dietary supplement that contain herbs(plant).Many herbs have health benefits to the body but some herbs also causes health problem to users.So,don't believe herb's benefit 100%.Besides,herbal products and supplements are not safe actually because many plant are poisonous..Some people believe that its safe because they're natural but unfortunately they aren't necessarily natural to the human body.The author advised the users should talk to the doctor before taking herbal products..This is for our health..People should have some knowledge about medicine and herbal supplements before use it... i want to share about the seven wonders of the ancient world that written in the first one is the Great Pyramid of Gizawhich build by the egyptian from 2584-2561 was build for pharaoh Khufu and still standing until now. second is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon built in year 605-562 was destroy after 1st century due to the earthquake.third was Statue of Zeus at Olympia which built by the Greeks. the destroyed of the statue was still unknown.the fourth was temple of artemis at ephesus which destroyed due to arsoning.the other three was Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes and Lighthouse of Alexandria which all of this monument was destroy by an earthquake. that's all. thank you. norlailah binti lanisa (ea08056) i want to share a little information about the Bermuda Triangle also known ass Devil's Triangle which i read in wikipedia website. in this website it contain some theory given by people about the incident that happen in Bermuda Triangle. some of them said that this incident is due to methane hydrates, compass variations, hurricanes, gulf stream or freak waves. it also contain some of the famous incident that happen there.. for example Flight 19. it was said that the flight took place on a calm day however wnet missing during the flight.there were also other incident told in this website like Raifuku Maru, SS Cotopaxi, USS Cyclops and many more.well that's all i want to share about this website. thank you. norlailah binti lanisa (ea08056)
"An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". Apples have a wonderful variety of nutritional benefits, and are a tasty addition to any diet of good health and longevity. Of all of the fruits we eat, apples are the best source of pectin, a natural fiber that has several health benefits. Apples also contain phytochemicals, quercetin, tannins, and antioxidants, all of which have different healthy properties. Below is a list of the top 5 benefits of making apples a standard part of our daily diet: 1. Improve the bowels, 2. Lower cholesterol, 3. Reduce the risk of cancer (colon, prostate and lung cancers), 4. Slow the aging process, 5. Prevent hair loss. After reading this article, I find that the often-repeated line of an apple a day keeping the doctor away is far from a myth. Apple is such a common fruit that has so much healings but most people are still unaware of its nutritional benefits. In my opinion, I think the apples are not just to keep the doctors away, it is also the live longer fruit. From
i got alot of reader's digest book, so i have read some of them..
here a my comment on how to save the earth by slow the fuel flow. just followw some tips here:
1) plan your route 2) don't speed 3)use cruise control 4)make sure your tyres are inflated 5)don't drive aggresively 6)get regular servicing 7)use air-conditioning sparingly 8)avoid short journeys
i got alot of reader's digest book, so i have read some of them..
here a my comment on how to save the earth by slow the fuel flow. just followw some tips here:
1) plan your route 2) don't speed 3)use cruise control 4)make sure your tyres are inflated 5)don't drive aggresively 6)get regular servicing 7)use air-conditioning sparingly 8)avoid short journeys
i have read an article about burn fat by eating chocolate: for those chocolate - loving(and eating) men are in better heath than those who don't like it, say researchers at Iperial College London, and Nestle. Over five days, a group of helathy young men (half liked chocolate, half didn't) ate the same foods, plus a choice of braed or chocolate. Blood and urine tests showed the chocolate lovers processed fatty foods better and had lower LDL ("BAD") cholestrol. So, indulging on occasion may have long-term health benefits-but, researchers say, only when paired with and otherwise healthy diet and lifestyle.
salam...i really like to read about plastic surgery's article at,plastic surgery includes: (a)craniofacial surgery (b)hand surgery (c)burn surgery (d)pediatric surgery (e)microsurgery the word'plastic'comes from the Greek plastikos.Plastic surgery was being carried out in India by 2000 BCE. Sushruta (6th century BCE) made important contributions to the field of plastic and cataract surgery..The transfer of skin tissue in plastic surgery is one of common procedures.Plastic surgery is famous way to the celebrities..from my reading,plastic surgery is not only used in beauty but also in health(burns,traumatic injuries,infection or disease and removal of cancers and tumors).Thus,is really give advantage to people ..that's all from me...
Salam...i read about the legend world boxer,Muhammad Ali which is born as Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. on January 17,1942.He is American boxer and former 3-time World HeavyWeight Champion..He is also The winner of an Olympic Light-heavyweight gold medal.He changed named after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964.What i like about him is he willing sacrifice his career for his new religion although people misunderstood about his changed religion.His daughter,Laila Ali have talent in boxing same like him..Her daughter participated in World Heavyweight Champion..Actually,she is new generation in their family involved in boxing sport.. that's all from me
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.... i have read about effective interview(key to getting the job we want).
What employers look for in the job interview: (a)qualifications (b)positive attitude (c)stable work history (d)clear sense of purpose (e)interest in the company and position (f)communication skills (g)high performance standards
Preparing For The Job Interview:
(a)Do some research about the company that we want to work will feel more confident and comfortable
(b)know the place and time of the interview,the interviewer's full name.Find out how many people are involved in the interview process.
(c)Be prepared to ask questions during interview.Avoid questions that relate about salary,benefits,vacations,and retirement.
(d)Allow sufficient time for the interview
(e)Dress appropriately. Men should wear a dark suit, white shirt, a solid or striped tie, and black shoes. Women should wear a knee length skirted suit or tailored dress with matching jacket, neutral colored sheer hose, dark pumps, and a minimum of make-up and jewelery.
During my primary school I used to like this book ‘Replica’ but I already forgot the author name. This book is such a serial book, where every few month there will be new edition. This story is a about a clone girl name Amy Candler, she has 10 other clone siblings and 11 clone brother. She has superior power compare to ordinary human- she has a of lot energy, super brilliant mind and higher immunity system. Amy and her siblings was secret government research and only few knew about them. They were given to live with family from all over the world. Amy lives with her mother Nancy (not real mother) have a very happy life and try their best to hide the real Amy from public. As a teenager the problem always arise, Amy and her friends try to solve the problem in every series.
This is a special edition of this serial book. In this series Amy Candler was gathered with all her clone siblings in the secret islands. At the island they were quarantine and given same food s and clothes. After that, few tests were done to them to check their power and capabilities. Amy at first was excited to special holiday offer that she got but everything turn into nightmare when she find the truth of holiday and her own clone siblings threat.
BEST TIMES TO DRINK • First thing in the morning-as body loses fluid overnight which can make mind foggy. So, drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. It’ll also stop us from seeking out caffeine to kick-start our day • 30 minutes before meal-If you feel craving coming, have a 350ml of water before that candy bar. If you still hungry, then have a healthy snack or a balanced meal. • Throughout the day, according study drinking about 1.5 liters of cold water can help burn up to an extra 50 calories a day.
The author of this fiction story is Sir Author Conan Doyle. Dr Jackie tried to create medicine that will make people change to other. After finish the research he tried to test it by injecting the medicine to his own body and he succeeded to become other people name Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde has totally different personality with Dr Jackie, he seem likes a bad guy with ugly faces, big body, rough voice and he never talks to other people. As his experiment succeed Dr Jackie will change to Mr. Hyde whenever he like using that medicine and Mr. Hyde became the dark part of him, plus people do not about the two part of Dr Jackie. The thing gets worse when he could not control the changes and like Mr. Hyde part control his body. At last, he died.
VALUE OF SLEEP Sleep is likes medicine for our mind and body. Sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice when life gets too busy. However we should realize that skip our night sleep can influence our next day’s performance and also harming our health. Adults should get sleep from 6 to 8 hours per day. Believe or not study shows that if we get enough sleep we can reduce our weight! So women not to wasting money buy expensive slimming pills just take your pillow and enjoy your sleep but remember not overdo as it will be different effects. Here some tips for those who get trouble in sleeping, try to avoid alcohol and caffeine before sleeping, take warm milk before sleep and the best thing you can do is relax your mind, forget all of your problems and forgive everybody. If you like you can light your aromatherapy candle in order to get a tight sleep
DATING GAME I like this novel but I already forgot the author name, I used to borrow it from my English lecturer during my matriculation time. This story is truly life facts where a happily married couple just gets divorce after 20 years marry. Paris the perfect woman for a man did not even expect that his husband will leave her like that just because to be with another women. With a broken hearth she moved to new place to start a new life and left her memories with David. There she starts to work as weeding planner to a nice homosexual guy. She also being dating with a handsome but unfaithful guy, a guy that too young for her, a guy that too good to go through and lastly after a lot of trouble she had faced she found out her true love.
HOW TO MEMORIES Student always complaining they hardly to memorize what been taught by their teachers. How can we memorize certain stories even tough we do not memories it? This is because the stories attract us. So we don’t we try our learning session such the fun time, this will help us memorize it. There’s proverb say when I look I know, when I listen I understand and when I do I memories, then try to do exercise regularly especially on calculation subject like math. We also can sharpen our memory by read the subject regularly and then do mind map or short note as a useful gadget when forget as we no need do wild goose chase in long words note.
FOOD FOR HAIR Some of food that we snack on or store in fridge can also be nutritious to our hair. For example we can use we can treat dry hair by using mayonnaise and egg. These ingredients contain egg protein to make rich conditioning agent. Just mix one raw egg with three tablespoons of mayonnaise and apply to dry hair. Bundle hair up and slip on a shower cap. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. We also can eliminate dandruff using thyme and apple. Blend juice from two oranges, half a peeled apple, a half banana and one tablespoon of fresh thyme. Massage mixture onto damp hair and scalp, then rinse and shampoo. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar through hair after shampoo also can eliminate dandruff.
World’s Oldest Man According to records the world’s oldest man, Habib Mianindias was born on May 28, 1870. A great-grand father believed to be the world's oldest man has died at the age of 138.Habib Mian passed away early yesterday morning after a brief illness at his home in the Alwar district, Rajasthan, India.The grand old man was a witness to the life and times of two kings of Jaipur, the dominance of the British Raj and the decades after the Jaipur princely state of the erstwhile Rajputana merged into the Indian Union after Independence. The Limca Book of World Records recognises him as the oldest living man in the world in its 2005 edition. But the Guinness Book of Records did not give him this recognition because his pension papers say he was born on May 20, 1878 at Rajgarh in Alwar district. Habib Mian also held the distinction of being the oldest Haj pilgrim having visited Mecca in 2004 and the longest beneficiary of old age pension which he has received since 1938. He dead at 138: Habib Mian is burried in Jaipur. Habib, who outlived his wife by 70 years, was buried at the Ghat Gate graveyard in the Alwar district, after the "Zuhar" (afternoon) prayers.
“Overweight, Obesity and Cancer.” People are aware that cancers can be caused by various toxic chemicals in foods and drinks. Consuming too much of certain foods increases the risk of certain cancers. However, it is less well-known that overweight and obesity can increase the risk of cancers. There is now convincing evidence that excess body fat increases the risk of the following cancers: colorectal (bowel), esophagus, pancreas, kidney, endometrium (womb) and breast (in postmenopausal women). Being overweight and obese probably also increases the risk of gallbladder cancer. There is sufficient data showing that the overweight and obesity rates in Malaysia have been on the rise. The NHMS III conducted in 2006 showing that 29.1% of the 33,055 adult populations were found to be overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9). The prevalence of obesity (BMI >30) was reported to be 14.0%. People should be aware that overweight and obesity increases the risk to coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure. Now, the evidence is clear. There is no doubt that maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most important things people can do to reduce their risk of cancers and this should be done while they are still young. It is also time that every Malaysian should know his body weight. From
assalamualaikum madam rahah, now i would like to share a lot of information from the book that i already read for a long time. it it the book from reader's digest, such a big and thick book.. entitled 101 ways to impove your memory.
in this side, i would like to share about one of the subtopic from this book entitled 'THE FIVE SENSES':
we already know that human has five senses that are SIGHT, SMELL, TASTE, TOUCH and HEARING.
this five senses actually channels to our is through the senses that all data is registered and gradually accumulates to become the rich and fertile ground that constitutes our memory.
each of the senses is adjusted to a certain range of wavelength. these waves will be captured by different organs.
the information carried by our senses is recognised, continously analysed and processed by specialised areas of the brain.
here are the areas that detect each of our senses.
1) associative sphere : - all the sensory information is combined to give an accurate overall perception 2) sensitive sphere : - it receive tactile information, fro the head to the feet. 3) gustatory sphere : - this is the zone where taste is interpreted 4) visual sphere : - coming straight to retina, the first images gradually take shape. 5) auditory sphere : - sounds are transmitted here to analysed 6) olfactory sphere : this is the zone near the hippocampus where smells are synthesissed.
i would like to share here with my friends about 'MY MEMORY AND LECTURES'.
listening to the lecture is a good way to acquire new information on any subject of our choice. start by reading about the subject and then attend lectures that are easy to follow. observe the following rules for good memorisation.
- do not neglect to take slow - release sugars in your diet; your brain will then function without slowing down. - sit as close as possible to the lecturer in case she or he uses diagrams or photographs. - make rough notes of the main points during the lecturer. - make a summary soon after the lecture or discuss what you have learned with someone else.
when you have to take medicine severals times a day, it's your episodic memory that makes these actions part of the daily routine by according a special space for them. your mind and body rapidly make the required adjustment to this routine. if you forget to take the medicine once or twice, it is most probably because that day was different in some way or because you were psychologically or physically upset that day. don't worry, get relax, and tomorrow you won't forget!
It is rare to find someone who will say that they are perfect. Most people simply believe that to think of themselves as perfect, means they are either an egotist or grossly immodest. When we are born, we are conditioned to strive towards perfection. And at the same time, as we grow, we know that we can never attain perfection as well. In other words, we are programmed and conditioned to strive for something that we can never attain. To determine if you are perfect, simply ask yourself “Is there anyone on this planet who is more perfect at being you than you are?” Definitely the answer is NO. Therefore, you are perfectly you! You are unique and there is no one else exactly like you. Perfection does not mean that people can't make a single mistake. Perfect people are those who are doing the best they can with the knowledge and experience they have at the moment, and they are constantly striving to be better tomorrow than they were yesterday. However, many people will still resist and feel that only arrogant and egotistical people will say that they are perfect. In fact, egotists are people who think more of themselves than they should; they think they are better than others and they are self-focused. Modesty is about having a proper and balanced view of you. If you think poorly of yourself, you are not modest. So, thinking of yourself as imperfect is actually immodest. From
We have all set a goal at one stage of our lives or another. Whatever it might be, we all experience different levels of success with accomplishing the goals that we succeed. With the abundance of goal setting books out there and the number of self help or motivational gurus telling you how to dream and achieve your goals in life, then why is it that so many people are still struggling to get what they want out of life. Below you will find some common reasons (excuses) given by people who fail to achieve their goals: 1. “I'll start tomorrow”. Stop putting off what should be done today for tomorrow because they only time you can control is now and the present so why not start today. 2. They take on too much all at once. People should get clarity in their life with what is important and focus only on achieving that goal till completion. 3. They don't stick to their goal. People get discouraged with the fact that things don't always go to plan. In fact, falling down is a normal part of learning. It's only through our failures that we learn and grow. 4. They don't have enough accountability. You all know that you work better when you have someone that you are accountable to. Make sure that person is supportive of your goals and can be strict with you to keep to your commitments. Better still if both of you have similar goals in mind. From i want to share about my race which is a minority race in Sabah. my race is buton which come from the name of the island in Indonesia where my ancestors come from.the information i want to share here is the information i gather from race was actually originated from an island in southeast peninsula of sulawesi indonesia.the largest town there was called Bau-Bau.major nearby islands include Wowoni,Muna Kabaena and Siumpu.most of the island was still covered by forest. Buton island was famous as one of only two habitats of the anoa,a type of buffalo.thats all.thank you. norlailah binti lanisa(ea08056) i want to share some information about the Bermuda Triangle at website Bermuda Triangle also known as The Devil's Triangle at International Waters,Bahamas.Actually,from my reading some of aircraft disappeared..People believe that it is because of the natural phenomena(natural disaster) and also cause of the paranoramal(evil spirit)..Besides,it is a region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean..I raed about an incident about Flight 19 which happened aroud 1945.Actually,it was missing on December 5,1945..Some people claimed that it happened because of the Bermuda Triangle...Its very strange to me....This place is mysterious thing that i have known in all of my life...that's all from me........
Nowadays, the job market is getting tougher and tougher. Therefore, your résumé is your No. 1 marketing tool before getting you an interview. With the increased competition for jobs and more applicants, employers don't spend a lot of time reading any one résumé. It's been estimated that today's résumé is on getting about 20 seconds of "eyeball time". That is why, your résumé must have a sense of urgency and answer the all-important question: "What's in it for the employer?" Here are four things you need to power up your résumé: 1. Focused objective - identify one clear job title that you are seeking. 2. Keyword section - add all your industry buzzwords as well as your biggest soft skills. 3. Personal branding statement - "What is it that makes you unique, compared to other applicants?" 4. Specific achievements – your work should involve helping a company either make money or save money. Hence, you should think beyond your skill sets and job duties and find as many ways as you can that you accomplish this. From>1=23000&cbRecursionCnt=1&cbsid=24dbda82f50d49f6934491339e9b1fe0-276815708-TA-4
Alcohol's effects can be seen immediately on people so that is enough to show that alcohol is bad for the brain. It slows reaction, makes people unable to make sound decisions and this are just after a few drinks. In large doses alcohol destroys the brain, so in consideration of all that - what will a lifetime of alcohol consumption have on the human brain?! For health, religious, or personal reasons, millions of Americans choose not to drink at all. Among these people there is no alcoholism, no drunk driving, no unintended pregnancies due to the influence of alcohol, no fetal alcohol syndrome, no alcohol-related fighting or domestic violence, no hangovers, no beer bellies, and, of course, much lower restaurant bills. Since most of the "health benefits" of wine can also come from grape juice, it puzzles me that in this day and age anyone would encourage drinking as healthy. The alcohol industry has a great PR campaign going, I guess. From: Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Thailand's Dutch Mill Group made the announcement even though the country's food inspection authorities said they had not found dangerous amounts of the industrial chemical melamine in any foods tested. Taiwan and Laos, meanwhile, announced measures to stop the sale of some milk products, after tests in the two countries found melamine in several brands of milk powder originating from China. Milk containing melamine has been blamed for killing four Chinese babies and sickening more than 54,000 others, sparking global concerns about food products made with Chinese milk or milk powder. Thailand's Food and Drug Administration has been impounding newly imported milk powder from China at ports around the country, pending laboratory analysis. The agency said it is testing nearly 100 food items. Dutch Mills already stopped using Chinese powdered milk as raw material for producing pasteurized milk products, he added. China has sought to ease the fears over the widening scandal, saying its latest tests on liquid milk products, including milk and yogurt, from 65 different companies showed no melamine contamination. In my view, I hope that our government will take serious concern about this case due to all of our kids’ health and safety. Our next generations are vital and important to us or even our country in future; to keep them well, we are firstly required to take care their health! And for this case, I hope that the related authorize can take appropriate action otherwise our next generations can safely live in and grow up healthily. From: Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
In the Victorian era, many popular beach resorts were equipped with bathing machines because even the all-covering beachwear of the period was considered immodest. This social standard still prevails in many Muslim countries. At the other end of the spectrum are topfree beaches and nude beaches where clothing is optional or not allowed. In most countries social norms are significantly different on a beach in hot weather, compared to adjacent areas where similar behaviour might not be tolerated. For example, undressing down to swimwear, showering in public, women exposing their breasts and lying with legs apart, etc. A walk along the beach is also popular, including a long walk in the case of a long beach, for example from one seaside resort to the next. When and where the sand is not too hot, people often walk barefoot on the beach, because of the pleasant feeling of sand on their soles and between their toes. The best beach walking areas typically are near the shoreline, where the sand is wet and more comfortable to walk in. A person will also enjoy walking with their bare feet in the water. In more than thirty countries in Europe, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Costa Rica, South America and the Caribbean, the best recreational beaches are awarded Blue Flag status, based on such criteria as water quality and safety provision. Subsequent loss of this status can have a severe effect on tourism revenues. In my opinion, beaches play main role since they are the best recreational places for us or even the tourists from foreign countries. We are required to keep clean of the beaches and do not litter anywhere from the beaches. Beach can give us recreation or even our family members. We can enjoy our happy life during at beach for searching the happiness. Then, how about you? Try and enjoy it, then you may know in final. From:
Are 'Energy' Drinks Threatening Our Kids? Researchers are calling for warning labels and other steps to curb the abuse of those wildly popular high-caffeine "energy drinks." The researchers are worried about all sorts of problems. Too much caffeine can lead to "caffeine intoxication," which can cause nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, stomach problems and even rapid heartbeats and death in rare cases. The scope of the problem is unclear. But at least 41 such cases related to energy drinks were reported to poison control centers between 2002 and 2004 alone, the researchers noted. And that's probably just the tip of the iceberg. In my opinion, Absolutely caffeinated drinks should be required to list their caffeine content. Packaged food lists the amount of calories and other nutritional information. Since caffeine is a stimulant and can have drug interactions with various medications, that information should certainly be provided. That there is such a large youth market for energy drinks underscores the need for labeling. More information, please refer
Kids Say Specs Make Kids Look Smart When I was shopping for new eyeglass frames recently, my 14-year-old daughter wanted a pair, too. Not that she needs glasses; her vision's perfect. But she thought the glasses looked really cool. How far we've come since I was 14, when glasses conferred instant nerd status on their wearers. (Of course, frames then weren't as fashionable as the ones my daughter and I were looking at. But, still.) By Jennifer Huget In my opinion, it’s not just kids who think glasses equals smarts. Even it is for me too to emerge of this type of thinking. However, if you are a rational adult, then you can be understood that poor vision actually is regardless of the intelligence of someone. In addition, if we say wearing spec is for fashionable of ourselves and make us look like more tidy, beautiful or handsome, then I recognize of these cases. But for making someone to look like more smart and clever, this is a question which full of question marks in my mind. More information, please refer to:
This week is considered exam week for all the PMR candidates because they are starting to sit the exam for this whole week. I saw this news that a Form Three student who name is Sarah Mazlin Zahari, from Kuantan may be down with a severe headache but she is determined to sit for the PMR examination. The SMK Goh student has been suffering from headache since Sunday. The 15-year-old girl even managed some last revision before sitting for Bahasa Malaysia I paper at the Tengku Ampuan Afzan hospital yesterday (13-10-2008). Actually, what I would like to share is that the spiritual is very vital for us just seems like Form Three girl who even getting sick, however she still has the heart to sit for the exam. This can be make us to imitate. And my youngest brother is actually also sitting for this PMR examination, so I really hope that my brother and all the PMR candidates can do their best in this exam and obtain excellent results finally. The news is from: Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Why we suppose to study Mathematics in each level?
Actually, I require asking a question for a long time ago, but no one can answer me as well. Why we suppose to study Mathematics as well? And what usage of it actually? When you see this question, actually your mind has already come out some main ideas, right? For your information, studying Mathematics is very useful to you or even to me. I would like to share with you all about the benefits of studying the Mathematics subject. To understand creation To train our mind effectively To understand and realize to the Mathematicians’ history and we can know that how to create or distribute a formula or principle which we are learning until now. To appreciate the beauty ( the usage of the formulae and principles) To enjoy the mental challenge That is the main reason why I prefer the Mathematics subject most and I will continue my Mathematics study even when I after graduated. I hope all of you may also have this heart to learn Mathematics, and then you will feel that, learning the Mathematics actually is not so difficult that what has been set in your mind! Reference from:
assalamualaikum madam rahah, now i would like to share a lot of information from the book that i already read for a long time. It the book from reader's digest, such a big and thick book.. Entitled 101 ways to improve your memory.
In this side, I would like to share about one of the subtopic from this book entitled 'THE FIVE SENSES':
we already know that human has five senses that are SIGHT, SMELL, TASTE, TOUCH and HEARING.
These five senses actually channels to our are through the senses that all data is registered and gradually accumulates to become the rich and fertile ground that constitutes our memory.
Each of the senses is adjusted to a certain range of wavelength. these waves will be captured by different organs. The information carried by our senses is recognized, continuously analyzed and processed by specialized areas of the brain.
Here are the areas that detect each of our senses.
1) Associative sphere: - all the sensory information is combined to give an accurate overall perception 2) sensitive sphere: - it receive tactile information, from the head to the feet. 3) Gustatory sphere: - this is the zone where taste is interpreted 4) visual sphere: - coming straight to retina, the first images gradually take shape. 5) Auditory sphere: - sounds are transmitted here to analyzed 6) olfactory sphere: this is the zone near the hippocampus where smells are synthesized.
I would like to share here with my friends about 'MY MEMORY AND LECTURES'.
listening to the lecture is a good way to acquire new information on any subject of our choice. start by reading about the subject and then attend lectures that are easy to follow. Observe the following rules for good memorization.
- Do not neglect to take slow - release sugars in your diet; your brain will then function without slowing down. - Sit as close as possible to the lecturer in case she or he uses diagrams or photographs. - make rough notes of the main points during the lecturer. - make a summary soon after the lecture or discuss what you have learned with someone else.
When you have to take medicine several times a day, it's your episodic memory that makes these actions part of the daily routine by according a special space for them. Your mind and body rapidly make the required adjustment to this routine. If you forget to take the medicine once or twice, it is most probably because that day was different in some way or because you were psychologically or physically upset that day. Don’t worry, get relax, and tomorrow you won't forget!
My reading is about ‘AIR POLLUTION: how does it hurt?’ Even at low levels, air pollution can damage your health in several ways: • IRRITATION : burning eyes, cough and chest tightness • REDUCED LUNG FUNCTIONS: difficulty breathing deeply vigorously, more rapid and shallow breaths than normal. • AGGRAVATED ASTHMA: Increased hospitalizations and emergency department visits to treat severe symptoms. • INCREASED SUSCEPTIBILITY TO INFECTIONS: reduced ability to fight colds, flu, bronchitis and pneumonia because protective membranes in the nose and throat dry out and immune function is impaired.
My reading is about ‘GOODBYE DUST MITES’. Want to rid your bed of dust mites, those ubiquitous allergens that live by the thousand in each pinch of dust? Experts have long known that washing sheets, pillows and blanket covers weekly – and blankets and quilts monthly – in hot (55oc) water helps kills of most of the bugs. But that’s tough on bedding. Now there’s an easier ways to be rid of these unwanted bedfellows. A study from the University of Sydney found that adding eucalyptus oil (available at most health- food shops) to your wash cycle- whether hot, warm or cool – will vanquish the vast majority of dust mites. The recipe: mix one part liquid soap with four parts eucalyptus oil. Once mixed, the solution should remain opaque for at least 10 minutes. If it separates, try a different kind of liquid soap. Fill the washing machine, pour the mixture in and soak the bedding for 30 minutes before laundering as usual. For best results, repeat these washings weekly for sheets and every month for blankets and other large bedding. In addition purchase a dehumidifier to use in your bedroom.
My reading is about ‘THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR’. Researchers say that social support is the key to a long and happy life. But what exactly is social support? The short answer is the degree to which a person’s basic social needs are met through interaction with others. Social support fulfils the most basic human needs of: • Being cared for and loved • Being valued • Having your personal • Worth confirmed • Sharing intimacy • Companionship, communication, and sense of belonging • Having easy access to information, advice and guidance from others • Material and financial assistance in times of need.
MY READING IS ABOUT ‘GET HANDLE ON YOUR ANGER’. The next time you feel your temper rising, take a step back to recognize and label your anger. Just saying the words ‘I’m really furious!’ can help to defuse the emotion. Remind yourself, ‘this will pass,’ then take time to cool off. Leave the room. Splash cold water on your face. It’s also helpful to: • BREATH EASY: it sound to simple, but it works. If you feel as if you’re really going to explode, take two three very deep breaths and count to 10. Slowly and intentionally wipe away your angry expression by clenching and relaxing your jaw, forehead and mouth. These actions will help keep you from doing or saying something rash that you may regret later. • REDIRECT YOUR ENERGY: doing something physical, like taking a walk around the block or doing a fast- paced 20 minutes on a treadmill, can help you use the adrenalin in your bloodstream. Painting, drawing, clay modeling and other activities that provide satisfaction also can help to calm you. THANK YOU
My reading about ‘DO YOU RECOGNISE THESE SYMPTOMS OF STRESS?’. • Behavioral: drinking too much, eating too much or too little, fidgeting, fist clenching, talking too fast or too loud. • Emotional: anger, defensiveness, depression, irrationality, listlessness, mood swings, worry. • Mental: confusion, memory problems, poor concentration, racing thoughts, vivid dreams. • Physical: cold hands and feet, grinding teeth, headache, heart palpitations, increased sweating, indigestion, itching, loss of libido, sore neck, rapid breathing, tense muscles, weight loss or gain.
My reading on ‘PLASTIC NOT SO FANTASTIC’ from the reader’s digest book January edition. Remember the debate over bisphenol A, the chemical found in some plastic containers, drink bottles and the lining of cans, which was linked to cancer? While the European Food Safety Authority concluded earlier this year that the levels of exposure were within safe limits, a US study has now challenged this and a decision id due on what to do. In the meantime, you can lower your exposure to bisphenol A. website the suggests you discard cracked, old items, and only refill plastic bottles with the original type of liquids
My reading is about ‘GROWING BRAIN’. Omega – 3 is vital for foetal brain development and now it’s thought a deficiency in the womb can lead to blood pressure problems in adulthood. Doctors also believe that if kids don’t get enough omega – 3, they may develop learning, psychiatric and behavioral problems later on. A study by Dr. Natalie Sinn at the University of South Australia found that fish oil supplements reduced hyperactivity, inattention and impulsiveness in half the children taking it. It also helped children who suffered from ADHD symptoms. Get more omega – 3 to kids by giving them fish in foods they enjoy, like seafood pizza. THANK YOU
My reading is about ‘Love Hurts…but it Can Also Heal’ state University had married couples create minor blister wounds on their skin, then discuss a neutral topic. Two months later, the test was repeated, but this time couples talked about a point of conflict. The result: couples took longer to heal after airing disagreements than when covering neutral round. Hostile couples who were critical and sarcastic healed slowest and produced less of the proteins linked to healing. Dr Brian Baker, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, performed another study that showed the physical effects of marital harmony. Married couples with mild hypertension wore blood-pressure monitors for 24 hours and completed a questionnaire about the quality of their marriage. Bad marriages raised while good marriages lowered blood pressure for couples. “Marriage tends to be good for your health, but it’s the quality of your marriage that’s important,” says Baker.
• Listen to others patiently and hear and learn from what they are saying. Some people are wise, other's just hurt and need to talk, while others may try to persuade you into doing things you shouldn’t! Read, research the Internet on different subjects. If we keep our ears and eyes open to the world and truly listen we learn much. • Pay attention to subjects. • Here are some Related Links for some websites that will help you improve your memory and thinking skills. The best way to become smarter is simply to exercise your brain! You can improve your brain the same way you improve your muscles when you exercise them. Read as much as you can and talk about what you have read with others. Look up information about anything that seems interesting. The more you learn, the more your brain will be able to learn. Try puzzles and brainteasers to improve your problem-solving abilities. You can also browse the Learning Tips section to learn how to take better notes in class, how to listen better, and how to study for tests. I prefer of it. I often use this to train my brain especially doing my mathematics. I also prefer to play puzzles because I really hope I can improve my problem-solving skills and abilities. If you don’t believe on it, just try it by yourself, then you may know it vividly by yourself in final. From:
When it comes to obesity, you probably feel like you've heard it all. Well, here's a new idea for you: "Normal weight obesity." OK, so you're thinking: "That's a contradiction in terms. How can someone be both 'normal weight' and 'obese?' " Now, I would like to do some explanations. First of all, you remember that BMI stands for body-mass index. It's calculated based on your height and weight. Anyone with a BMI over 24 is "overweight." Thirty or above and you're "obese." BMI has gotten a lot of criticism, though. Super healthy people, like athletes, are often "obese" even though they're all muscle. Lopez-Jimenez and his colleagues suspected the opposite also might be true: People whose BMIs are normal may still be at risk. That fits with other recent research. Last week another study linked big bellies with dementia. And earlier this week new research from the Nurses' Health Study at Harvard found women with a lot of fat around their waists were more likely to die early from cancer or heart disease even if their weight was considered "normal." So, for your information, especially for those who are looking for making his or her body slim and fit, don’t just watch your weight, you are necessary to concern your fat composition. Even though for you are thin, slim or fit, you also require keeping or maintaining your balanced diet, and often keep doing exercise to protect yourselves from infecting of the horrible diseases. More information, refer to:
Every morning when I am going to my morning class, I shall yawn at least once in 1 or 2 hours. This event is happening not only on my side, but also to many other students. Then I feel strange and surprised, why all this happen for me and others? So, I tried to find this article to search exact and correct answers from net. Fortunately, I could obtain it flow, and I would like to share with you all too. Yawns are involuntary reactions to increase carbon dioxide levels in the blood. When folks are weary, bored, or being sedentary (or a mix of all three — such as during an 8:00 A.M. chemistry class in the giant lecture hall), their breathing slows. This leads to decreased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide levels in the blood. By opening the mouth wide and inhaling deeply, yawns draw in a large amount of oxygen while expelling the accumulated carbon dioxide from the blood stream, bringing the body back to its normal state. So who wins the bet? It's a tie: yawns happen when the body needs more oxygen, and being tired is one of the things that make this happen. So now, I quite clear why I often have this reaction during morning class. Perhaps, I am very tied or I really require more oxygen for my body’s cells to do the metabolism. Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
If you are asking from my comment, then the answer would be that yes, you can, but there are definite negative effects that are related to living alone without any family or friends to interact with. Now I would like to add on more about the negative impacts of living alone without anyone. The most obvious aspects are a sense of isolation and alienation; a sense of having no connections with others. Living alone without a sense of connection with others leads to feelings of loneliness, helplessness, an inordinate amount of time spent focusing on ones self, and depression. It can lead to unstable emotional states and irrational thoughts, as well as thoughts of suicide as one begins questioning their existence and whether they have any value or matter to anyone at all. For anyone who does live alone and does not have social connections - consider ways you might get out and connect with others. Even going out for a walk and just smiling at others who are out doing the same can do wonders for your sense of worthiness when they return your smile at you in return. If you're feeling up to it, you can add saying "Hi" to your greeting and feel the joy of someone else offering you a friendly "Hello" in return. Acknowledging others and being acknowledged back is a basic way to begin building self-esteem and to see you provide value even in the simple task of acknowledging others presence in the world. If you find you must live alone for some reason, the next best thing is to get yourself a pet. Something who trusts you, depends on you, that you can care for, and who is always there for you. There have been many studies done showing many positive effects of having pets, such as healing faster from operations, less tendency to loneliness, and so on... it's not a substitute for connections with other people, but it's far better than living completely alone. As you can perhaps tell, this is an area that is important to me and that I've studied and looked into for a long time. I hope the information is useful and helpful to those who may need it. More information, please refer to Ching Wai Hoong,EA08019, E03
DOCTORS baffled by an unexplained rash on people's ears or cheeks should be on alert for a skin allergy caused by too much mobile phone use, the British Association of Dermatologists has warned. Citing published studies, the group said a red or itchy rash, known as "mobile phone dermatitis," affects people who develop an allergic reaction to the nickel surface on mobile phones after spending long periods of time on the devices. "It is worth doctors bearing this condition in mind if they see a patient with a rash on the cheek or ear that cannot otherwise be explained," it said. The group said many doctors were unaware mobile phones could cause the condition. Safety concerns over mobile phones has grown as more people rely on them for everyday communication, although the evidence to date has given the technology a clean bill of health when it comes to serious conditions like brain cancer. "In mobile phone dermatitis, the rash would typically occur on the cheek or ear, depending on where the metal part of the phone comes into contact with the skin," the group said in a statement. "In theory it could even occur on the fingers if you spend a lot of time testing on metal menu buttons." Nickel is a metal found in products, ranging from mobile phones to jewellery to belt buckles and is one of the most common causes of allergic contact dermatitis, according to the Mayo Clinic in the US. Earlier this year Lionel Bercovitch of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and colleagues tested 22 popular handsets from eight different manufacturers and found nickel in 10 of the devices. In my opinion, If this was caused by mobile phone use then there would be millions of people worldwide that would have a similar condition, not just a few people in England. It is more likely a reaction to the material used in the production of the phone or some cleaning material people are using on their phones or their hands (which they hold up to their head). More research is needed to provide a warrant any health warnings. From:,25642,24510181-5014239,00.html Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Climate Change Minister Penny Wong, in Poland for talks ahead of a key UN climate change conference in Copenhagen, says the crisis will be factored into the design of a future emissions trading scheme. The Government was also very aware of the desire of many business leaders for certainty and clarity, she said. Ministers attending the Poland meeting have discussed the financial crisis. "The current financial crisis does not lessen the need for the nations of the world to deal with climate change," Senator Wong told ABC Radio today. She was responding to comments from Woodside chief executive Don Voelte who said a carbon trading scheme could not start in 2010, as flagged in the Government's green paper. "Heck, I think it's off the table right now," he told ABC Radio. "You can't put something like that in at this time until we get this whole fiscal chaos that is going on in the world straightened out." That would probably take a couple of years, he said. "No government can risk jobs in the economy until we get stabilization within the world marketplace. "This is not going to be a short-term issue, it is not going to be two or three months to get this all straightened out." But the Australian Industry Group says the scheme should start in 2010. "The economic pressure certainly intensifies pressure on the economy as a whole if we move too quickly on this issue," chief executive Heather Ridout said. In my opinion, at the same time if we start sensibly, if we start cautiously, maybe we can learn how to operate in this new environment and the risks will be reduced. From:,23599,24493674-5009760,00.html Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
If I was to die tonight Would anybody care? If I used a gun Would anyone hear?
If I was to die tonight what would I lose? Would anybody care If I used a noose?
If I was to die tonight Would it be, because I took my life? Would anybody care If I used a knife?
Jordan Everly
This is really a touched poem and imprinted deeply in my mind. And even the title, I also feel that it has included a deep and wide meaning inside of it. I try my best to understand this poem as well, fortunately it is quite simple words in using and I can get the whole meaning of this poem finally. The poet, Jordan Everly attempted to express his internal feeling which it was embedded in his mind and heart a long time ago. Unfortunately, there was no one could understand him well or even some could, however, they were reluctant to hear him of expressing his internal heart feeling. When I read though the whole poem, I really feel upset and the sadness has been floating in my mind. I can feel him, he was very successful to express out his thoughts and feelings to me via this simple poem. Don’t know why, I really hope that I can exist at that precious moment to share his difficulties, his sadness or even everything! Now, I can realize vividly, we can see the sentence of “ if I was to die tonight ” obviously, it means that he had ever thought to commit suicide, since he knew, his existence in this world was meaningless and even nobody would concern what he had ever done. He felt that he just a remainder in the world around him. Via this meaningful poem, I hope that most of us can live in a life which is full of people concerning and won’t feel that he or she is living alone in this world. Reference from: www.poem/poet.JordanEverly/ Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
A poorly maintained air-conditioning system can occasionally promote the growth and spread of microorganisms, such as Legionella pneumophila, the infectious agent responsible for Legionnaires' disease, or thermophilic actinomycetes,[10] but as long as the air conditioner is kept clean these health hazards can be avoided. Conversely, air conditioning, including filtration, humidification, cooling, disinfection, etc., can be used to provide a clean, safe, hypoallergenic atmosphere in hospital operating rooms and other environments where an appropriate atmosphere is critical to patient safety and well-being. Air conditioning can have a positive effect on sufferers of allergies and asthma.[11] In serious heat waves, air conditioning can save the lives of the elderly. Some local authorities even set up public cooling centers for the benefit of those without air conditioning at home. Poorly operating air conditioning systems can generate sound levels that contribute to hearing loss, if exposures are endured over a long term. These levels are similar to the exposure of living near a busy highway or airport for a considerable length of time. Properly functioning air conditioners are much quieter. In my opinion, if we use the air conditioner is necessary, then we are supposed to use it in smarter way for one example which it can maintain the conditioning level. This is not only saves the conditioner life, and also keeps you from spread of hazardous microorganisms. The people who are suffered from asthma and allergies, you are advised to use or under the air conditioning less as well. Of course, the air conditioners also provide numerical benefits to humans especially in hot season but these implications we can not just ignore, we are required to take some actions to avoid the unwanted events happen. From: Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Music with a prominent beat stimulates an increased arousal in students which overrides the effect of environmental distracters…repetitive beat produces a reduction in muscle tension, thus reducing hyperactivity… (there was) significant reduction in distractibility among students after being exposed to music. Short term memory was also beneficially affected by having to listen to music. Music plays with your state of mind as the electrical energy generated by firing neurons creates brain waves. The music a person chooses to listen to can influence the waves’ frequency, and their state of mind. It’s not only the mind that is influenced by music, the body also responds. Musical messages travel down the spinal cord, impacting the autonomous nervous system that regulates the heart rate, blood pressure, muscular activity, metabolism, and other vital functions… Energizing music can make your brain exercise longer and harder. It increases speed and workload capacity … music with a strong steady beat can increase endurance, boost effort level, increase motivation and distract from discomfort and agitation. From my view, listening to music even in class actually can be considered a good teaching method and provides the students to study in a comfortable and relax condition and environment. It can stimulate the students mind to think more creative as well as improve their study’s skills and concentration too. So that why music can be called the new teaching tool for the 21st century. From: Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
salam... i just want to share about my reading in the reader's digest august 2008's about ten tips for eating well without having to so useful for our health and also good to practice in order to make a happier,these are the tips : 1)eat for pleasure and good health, not for weight lose. 2)start the day with oats and you won't be hungry for hours. 3)eat more fish,chicken,vegetables and salads and also less red meat,pork,pasta,pastry and potatoes. 4)use a plastics squeeze bottle for olive oil and sauces,can help you use less. 5)use yogurt instead of cream. 6)snack on fruit and nuts instead of chocolate and crisps. 7)steam instead of grill,grill instead of roast,roast instead of fry,shallow-fry instead of deep fry. 8)eat cabs like pasta and potatoes for lunch instead of in the evening. 9)drink better,drink less,and drink only with the evening meal. 10)if you want something,enjoy it without guilt,then lighten up the next day..
so,that's all the things that i want to share..thank you
salam... i have read a short article about study tips that is suitable for parents to help their children facing learning process
firstly, for kids: i)listen and hear during class. ii)ace your homework and do the practice. iii)study effectively and continuously.
and then for the parents they can apply this method to help their children: i)help your children prepare a study schedule and things related to their sudy. ii)create a special and suitable that will encourage their kids to study. iii)get involved with their kids study to show that study is important to theior kids.
from reader digest book's i have found an article make me interest to write and shoul everyone know about this...
Are You One Of Them???
i)signs that you're too tired to drive... -yawning -poor concentration -tired or sore eyes -restlessness -drowsiness -slow reactions -boredom and irritability -missing road signs -making fewer and larger steering corrections -finding it hard to stay in the lane
in this article also have
ii)tips to stay alert at the wheel" -make sure that you've had adequate sleep before you set off -plan to drive during the day, not during normal sleeping hours. have a rest break at least once every 2 hours, more often if you find yourself getting sleepy. -if you do begin to feel sleepy or notice any of the telltale signs when we've listed, stop and nap for up to 40 minutes. -use caffeine judiciously;keep it for when tiredness sets in, but don't rely on it. -eat sensibly during journey and avoid large meals. -where possible, share the driving load. -avoid assuming alcohol immediately before and during your journey.
from reader digest book's i have found an article make me interest to write and shoul everyone know about this...
Are You One Of Them???
i)signs that you're too tired to drive... -yawning -poor concentration -tired or sore eyes -restlessness -drowsiness -slow reactions -boredom and irritability -missing road signs -making fewer and larger steering corrections -finding it hard to stay in the lane
in this article also have
ii)tips to stay alert at the wheel" -make sure that you've had adequate sleep before you set off -plan to drive during the day, not during normal sleeping hours. have a rest break at least once every 2 hours, more often if you find yourself getting sleepy. -if you do begin to feel sleepy or notice any of the telltale signs when we've listed, stop and nap for up to 40 minutes. -use caffeine judiciously;keep it for when tiredness sets in, but don't rely on it. -eat sensibly during journey and avoid large meals. -where possible, share the driving load. -avoid assuming alcohol immediately before and during your journey.
salam.... today I want to share with you all about this fact. " two- third or parents of young children are woken up at least once a week, losing 200 hours of sleep a year". thinking....
salam... How about your life today? Now, I want to share with you all with a good fact that I get from the magazine.It says " 27% of men overestimate their height by 2.5 cm or more; just 13% 0f women do ". So, how do you think?
Asasalamualaikum....actually I want to share about the colours...Well,the retinas in our eyes have three types of colours receptors..From my reading,i just know that we can only detect three of the visible colours which red,blue and green.These visible colours also known as additive primaries.It is these three colours that are mixed in our brain to create all of the other colours we see such as orange,grey,purple,yellow and others.Basically,the wavelength and frequency of light also give effect to the colours we see.The seven colours of spectrum have varying wavelength and frequncies. That's all from me
salam... i want to share about my reading today from readers's about sleep.. do you know how many calories does an extra two hours of sleep save?? well,the answer is about 300,according to a study at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas (i don't know where this place)..from the research, thirty-two student kept their diaries of how much sleep they got and which foods they ate over a three-week period. The first week, students stuck to their normal eating and sleeping schedules. The second week, they were asked to sleep an extra two hours a day. And the third week, they went back to their normal routines. Researchers found that the students who got an extra two hours of sleep during week two ate nearly 300 calories a day less than in week one.When they returned to their normal sleep-deprived routines in week three, they ate more,that's all the interesting something from sleep..
salam... i have read one of the article in the new straits times..i think it's about the comment from a 40-year-old working mother of four children. she talk about the hot news now day that advertised on the new straits times on October,17 entitled 'Teacher kicked,slapped by two Form 2 girls. she was not satisfied with the responsible among the parents nowadays until the case like that happened. she state that the teachers these days are scared of the students and also asked these questions: What has happened to us, parents? How can we be so gullible as to think our children could never tell a lie just to escape the punishment they deserved? so,for her comment,she said that it is right that we should be a caring society. At the same time, we must be practical and use our common sense on the issue of discipline in school. The need for this must be accepted by all parents who want to see their children grow up to become decent and responsible citizens. There's no two ways about it. Without a proper disciplinary system enforced in every school in Malaysia, we can be assured of a chaotic school environment such as that we already seen in some countries like the United States. for me, i am totally agree with this mother as the parents play a main role in order to make their children good or bad human. OK,that's all..
salam.... How about you life today? Today I have read, that I think it is a good news to sharing together. I have read the Reader's Digest book, and I found that it news is better for our health. In this blog, I want listed 5 surprising reasons to get more exercise. Did you know exercise is good for you? Of course you know exercise is good for you. But did you know just how good? Here are 5 more reasons to limber up.
1) It boosts the immune system. 2) It guards against Parkinson's. 3) It could slow prostate cancer. 4) It might fight Alzheimer's. 5) It may have more effect on heart health than obesity.
So, how do you think? Even if you can not get to the gym, there are other ways to get active. You can even exercise at your desk; see or
salam... i have read one of the article about antibiotic we know,only a doctor can determine whether it is appropriate to take an antibiotic or not.if one is prescribed,keep these basic guidelines in mind:
i)Take the full course of treatment.if you stop taking the drug early because you feel better, you will allow any bacteria that are still alive inside you to multiply.they may then possibly rekindle the infection.
ii)Never save antibiotic for later use.a doctor should evaluate your condition each time you may be sick enough to need antibiotics.
iii)Antibiotics have no effect on viruses,but they do kill bacteria - and not just the ones making you sick.use acidophilus supplements or eat yoghurt to help restore the numbers of beneficial bacteria in you system quickly.
1.Use fully ripe fruit.they typically have better flavour and,sometimes,higher nutritional value.too sweet?add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice.too tart??add honey or unsweetened apple sauce.
2.Frozen fruit make a thicker drink.spread diced fruit on a baking sheet and freeze for two to four hours.transfer the pieces to a resealable beg when hard.or buy unsweetened strawberries,blueberries and raspberries already frozen.most supermarkets sell a good range.
3.The smaller the ice cubes,the easier to crush.fill trays only halfway or set your automatic icemaker to the smallest setting.
4.Experiment.try unsweetened fruit nectars,such as mango,guava or apricot,instead of juices;silken tofu instead of yoghurt;or buttermilk instead of low-fat milk.flavour with vanilla extract,orange-flower water,grated ginger,or chopped fresh mint.
salam Until You by Judith Mcnaught is very a fascinated story that revolves around Sheridan Bromleigh, a teacher.One day, she had to go to England with Miss Lancaster as a companion to meet Miss Lancaster fiancee,Lord Burleton.Unfortunately Miss Lancaster had escaped with his lover while on board.So,Sheridan feel responsible to meet the lord and tell him about his fiancee escaped.While,in England a young man had an accident with the lord and couse the deadth of the lord.From the lord`s butler the young man know about the arrival of the lord`s fiancee.He decided to meet the lord and tell her about the lord deadth eventhought he vand the butler did know the lord`s fiancee face.During the meeting in the port,the young man tell about the lord deadth to Sheridan.She is so shock untill she was unable to speak as the young man thought her as Miss Lancaster.Then,she had encounter an accident that couse her lost of memory.Feeling guitly the young man take care of her.For Seridan,she thought she was Miss Lancaster and the young man was her fiancee.The romantic sory are revolves around them as they fall in love and deciced to get married.But ,during the wedding day,Sheridan got her memory back as the real Miss Lancaster appear brfore her.Feeling confused and histria ,she ran from her wedding.After some quarell they are back together.
salam Testing Kate by Whitney Gaskell is very story.Kate is the careless heroin ang was call as bad luck.During her first day in the university, she was tell by a man from her apartment building,Nick stick that she had a pad stick on her back.From that moment she had bee friend with Nick as they are in a same re study group with course,law.They also made a study group with,Jane Arnold,Dana and Lexi.Unfornately she had encounter a problem with her Prof Holfman.Her love life also had problem as they had to do a long distance relationship w3ith George.But lastly,she decide to do want she want most and stop her study.A few years later shr meet back with Nick and confess to him.
salam Recently,I had to read about the funtional of the external part of the printer as preparation of our English exhition.For example of the external part is paper tray,control panel and ink cartridge.Control panel is a collection of button of command that gives detail of our command.It has a few button such as CANCEL,NEXT,START and other button.It also has screen that used to display our command.
i have read 2 novels from 'a little black dress'. The first one is about JUST SAY YES. it is a lovely story and also a great story.the story is about a girl name lucy who has boyfriend whose extremely popular winner of reality show, nick laurentis, proposes to her live on air she's stunned-into silence.every girl in the story loves a romantic gesture, but she's just not ready for that kind of commitment.with the press hounding her as the one who callously broke nick's heart, lucy flees her London flat to seek refuge in an isolated Cornwall Cottage.but if she's hoping for the simple life she's in for a shock.the story told me about dodging paparazzi, finding Mr Right and knowing when you should JUST SAY YES!huhu..
this is the second novel i read from 'a little black dress'.the title is HISTERICAL BLONDENESS.the story begin when the usually brunette, and terminally single, patti stiiwell wakes up to find that her hair has mysteriously turned blonde overnight, her whole life change.suddenly men are taking notice on her-lots of cutes men.and so she takes the opportunity to have the time to her life.but when the blonde wears off-her old life start again. that's all. -syazreen ea08070
10 bad things good for you~ -listening to loud music -texting,not talking(for example,messaging with someone) -pounding the pavements -being a bit overweight -full fat dairy -caffeine -booze -computer games -sugary soft drinks -being a working person
tips on how to be a good listener~ -gives your full attention to the person who is not look out the window or daydrea. -make sure your mind is focused, too. if you feel your mind wandering, change the position of your body and try to concentrates on the speaker's words. -let the speaker finish before you begin to talk. speakers appreciate having the chance without interruptions.when you interrupt, it appears as though you are not listening, even though you reallt are. syazreen ea08070 website, il earn how i can be a good friend to my friend.there is about 8 steps on how to be a good friend. the first one is be loyal. always stick up for your friend and trust them so they know that you are loyal to them.second is listen. to be a good friend we not only need to be a good talker but also a good listener. no one would like to friend to a chatterbox which won't listen to them.the third one is be trustworthy. don't ever talk your friend secret when they ask you to shut it up. the fourth is stick up for them. don't just sit back and relax when you see your friend being bullied by other people. try to protect them. the fifth is spend time together. by hanging out togetheryou could spend some quality time together and your friendship will become more stronger than before. the sixth is be yourself.don't try to pretend to be someone else because sooner or later your friend will see your true colour. when this happen they migth more like you or they might hate you.the seventh step is care for your best friend. when they are out to somewhere, don't just simply forget about them. with the technology nowadays communication is very easy even though you are in different country, therefore try to contact your friend.the last step is avoid expectations. don't expect your friend to be someone who did not represent their true attitude. try to accept your friend for who they are. well, that's all i want to share about this website. hopefully we all can get our true best friend. thank you norlailah binti lanisa (ea08056)
what is bullying?bullying has een defined in many can be defined as a specific type of aggression in which the behaviour is intended to harm or disturb.the behavior occurs repeatedly over time, and when there is an imbalance of power, with a more powerful person or group attacking a less powerful one. actually, after i read this article, i really miss my secondary school. even though there was no bullying, but i just miss them. syazreen ea08070
i think most people knew about this information.but i just want to tell that some scientists believe that the earth's supplies of coal,petroleum and other fossils fuels will soon run out. in order to meet the ever increasing demand for fuel energy from the sun which is more commonly known as solar energy.various methods of utilizing this energy have been developed. syazreen ea08070
Hi;)have you ever heard about IAP or indoor air pollution?actually, when there is indoor air pollution, the building is suffering from what is referred to as sick building syndrome, a situation in which a substantial number of occupants of the building experience dis-comfort and ill-health that is only relieved upon leaving the building.many developing countries are following the example of developed countries by designing buildings which save energy.such building retain high temperatures that keep the building warm during the harsh winter month.however, such buildings with higher temperature and humidity levels proliferate micro-organism in indoor environments. in other words, organic compounds are produced which eventually combine to produced IAP. IAP in turn causes building-related illnesses in the occupants. syazreen ea08070
salam.. i just want to share about an article that i search in the it's about stress.. stress mean a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined. for my opinion,stress can make someone be an abnormal person like an usual. it's will force someone doing the false or even the bad thing that he/she never do such as kill herself/himself.this is we call negative stress. sometimes,stress also make the people change in their attitude from bad to better..this is we call the positive stress.. for me,actually it's depend to the person as they can choose another one of the type of the stress.. so,as the final exam is around the corner,i would like to advise all my friend-don't be stress and always be with hard and smart without stress.. that's all,thank you..
i)set your frozen temperature at zero.Food lasts longers when it's stored at colder temperatures.
ii)cook,puree and freeze any kind of vegetable or fruit and use it,thawed,to enrich casseroles,soups or stews.also try blanching whole or cut-up vegetables.experiments have shown that more nutrients are retained if vegetables are blanched(plunged in boiling water for about three to four minutes)before freezing.blanching kills bacteria and inactivates enzymes so that they cannot cause discoloration and disagreeable flavours.blanching is not necessary with fruit;pieces can be sprinkled lightly with sugar.
iii)undercook dishes you're preparing for the freezer.subtract about five minutes from the usual cooking time for rice and noodles in particular.on their own,these starches freeze poorly,but they're fine in casseroles.
iv)pack freezable in containers with airtight lids or heavy-duty zip-top plastic bags.use a permanent ink marker to label each batch with the date,name of contents and number of servings.
v)use your freezer to store and preserve herbs.first,dry them thoroughly(in the sun is easiest)or they will be mushy and discoloured when and pack the leaves loosely in freezer bags.they can be used either directly from the frezeer or thawed.
vi)cool foods to room temperature before freezing.this helps prevent large ice crystals from forming during freezing and giving and 'off' taste later when they melt.
vii)thaw meals by placing them in the refrigerator for 24 hours before reheating.defrost with the wrapping on so that condensation forms outside of the wrap,not on the food.cook as soon as defrosted,while the food is still cold.
i)There are no magic bullet. Good as they can be, supplements can only be just supplements. When it comes to strengthening your immune system, they’re never a replacement for a healthy diet, exercise, stress-reducing routines and good sleep habits.
ii)Consults a doctor with an interest in nutrition or a qualified nutritionist. Avoid advice from unqualified people, especially if large if large doses of supplements are recommended. If taken in excess, some supplements do more harm than good.
iii)It’s doesn’t pay to take pills you don’t need. If you’re taking a specific reason and you don’t see an improvement after a month or two, or if you symptoms have worsened, consult your doctor before continuing to use it. Natural health practitioners are listed on the web site of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
1)Note the form the herb listed on the package.when possible,select a standardised extract.Standardisation ensures that each dosage contains the same percentage of active compounds.(even plants of the same species can vary greatly in the quantity and strength of these compounds.only with standardisation can you be sure you're getting the right amount).otherwise,choose a product labelled 'whole herb'.these contain all of the herb's distinct compounds in the ratio nature provided.
2)Check the expiry or best-used-by date.discard the product if that date has passed.
3)Read any health warnings,cautions and contraindications to be certain that the herb is appropriate for you.herbal supplements in Australia are regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.products are classified as 'R',registered,if they have shown proven effectiveness,or 'L',listed,if they are safe but have not show proven effectiveness for the therapeutic claims New Zealand anything promoted as a health product must be cleared for safety and efficacy by the Health Minister before going on sale.
Some tips to help your first foray into yoga go smoothly.
1)Talk to you doctor.certain medical conditions may rule out specific poses.if you have high blood pressure,glaucoma,a history of retinal detachment,or heart disease,for instance,your doctor may advise you not to do hand,head or shoulder stands.because they tend to increase blood flow to the head,such positions could aggravate any of those conditions.
2)Fit the class to your to the teacher before signing up to alert him or her to your newcomer status and make sure you'll be comfortable with the level of the class.
3)Wear comfortable clothes.good choices are bike shorts,stretchy leggings,or tight and a must be able to move easily and be able to see you bare-foot,but take your own mat if you prefer.
4)Don't overdo it.push yourself,but don't be talked into anything that feels overly difficult.a good yoga teacher will guide-rather than force-your body into the correct form.
5)Eat early.try not to have a meal within two hours of class.
6)Stay at home,if you a few beginner videotapes or have a few one-on-one sessions with a private teacher.
1)Replacement sleepers nap to get a much-needed energy boost,because they don't sleep enough at night.
2)Split sleepers regularly divide their total sleeping time into two periods-midday and night.not surprisingly,this is especially common among night or split-shift workers.
3)Long sleepers simply enjoy more than a 'full' night's sleep.a famous example was Winston Churchill,who napped every day,even at the height of his wartime responsibilities.'Nature had not intended man to work from eight in the morning until midnight,without the refreshment of blessed oblivion,which,even if it last only 2o minutes,is sufficient to renew all vital forces,'he wrote.
4)Prophylactic sleepers nap to store up for a planned deficit because they may have work obligations,or plan to travel later or have a night out.
Salam madam Raha i read book from reader digest. one of the topic is human cyborg.the latest technology from japan.they create robot to handle human activities like wash clothes. it interesting topic.
salam Madam Raha, i read praying can use treat a critical disease.physical activities such as stand up or down is a simple exercise.the new research show that physical activities in praying can treat a ED(erectile dysfunction), heart disease n mental,praying is very good for your life.
assalamualaikum Madam Raha.. I had read about breakfast. Some scientist called breakfast as a brain food. In their research, someone who take breakfast has more focus, more energy to work in the day. Such student which in learning process make the brain going focus, energy and fresh..
Salam... I just read an interest megazine National Geographic... what I read is The Red Planet.. It's Mars.. Mars is small rocky body and look like Earth.. very earthlike.. It has polar ice caps that grow and recede with the season changes... know why we sleep? let's check up..There are a few theories as to why we need so much sleep. One idea is that sleep is restorative to the body, giving it an opportunity to rest. But if rest is the goal, why does our brain remain hard at work? It's possible that while we sleep, the brain is practicing and running problem-solving drills before completing actions in the real world. There are several studies that show that learning can't take place without sleep to reinforce the knowledge [source: Schaffer].
Some of these studies may have real implications for students. One researcher claims that it would be better for students to review information until they were tired, then slept, as opposed to pulling an all-nighter [source: BBC]. Some schools have changed the time of that first bell so that middle and high school students can get a little more snooze time [source: Boyce, Brink] i read some article What causes the smell after rain? Most people notice a distinctive smell in the air after it rains. It's frequently linked with spring, as the smell of fresh cut grass is associated with summer. You'll find it in a lot of poetry and also on many inspirational lists of things to be happy about. But what causes it? As it turns out, the smells people associate with rainstorms can be caused by a number of things. One of the more pleasant rain smells, the one we often notice in the woods, is actually caused by bacteria! Actinomycetes, a type of filamentous bacteria, grow in soil when conditions are damp and warm. When the soil dries out, the bacteria produces spores in the soil. The wetness and force of rainfall kick these tiny spores up into the air where the moisture after a rain acts as an aerosol (just like an aerosol air freshener). The moist air easily carries the spores to us so we breathe them in. These spores have a distinctive, earthy smell we often associate with rainfall. The bacteria is extremely common and can be found in areas all over the world, which accounts for the universality of this sweet "after-the-rain" smell. Since the bacteria thrives in moist soil but releases the spores once the soil dries out, the smell is most acute after a rain that follows a dry spell, although you'll notice it to some degree after most rainstorms.
Another sort of smell is caused by the acidity of rain. Because of chemicals in the atmosphere, rainwater tends to be somewhat acidic, especially in urban environments. When it comes in contact with organic debris or chemicals on the ground, it can cause some particularly aromatic reactions. It breaks apart soil and releases minerals trapped inside, and it reacts with chemicals, such as gasoline, giving them a stronger smell. These reactions generally produce more unpleasant smells than bacteria spores, which is why the after-the-rain smell isn't always a good one. Like the smell caused by the bacteria spores, the smell of chemical reactions is most noticeable when it rains following a dry spell. This is because once the chemicals on the ground have been diluted by one downpour, they don't have the same reaction with the rainwater. that's all. know what had happen after tsunami On December 26, 2004, a massive underwater earthquake off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Island rattled the Earth in its orbit. The quake, measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, was the largest one since 1964. Dozens of aftershocks with magnitudes of 5.0 or higher occurred in the following days. But the most powerful and destructive aftermath of this devastating earthquake was the tsunami that it caused. The death toll reached higher than 220,000, and many communities suffered devastating property damage.that's worst had happen to around us. are you? i hope u know this fact?? read this..The Heaviest Building Ever Moved Building 1: Fu Gang Building (15,140 tons) When it comes to big moves, it's only a matter of time before a record is broken. The current record holder in the book of Guinness World Records for heaviest structure moved intact is a building in China. The Fu Gang building weighs in at 15,140 tons, or 33.3 million pounds. It had to be moved over about 118 feet (36 meters), and it took 11 days to move it [source: Guinness World Records]. As this writer doesn't speak Chinese and all of the research written on this building is in Chinese, it's difficult for her to tell you much else about this historic move. So let's just take a moment to appreciate again that the Chinese moved a building that weighed 15,140 tons. How long will it take to break the record? The big moves on this list show that it's only a matter of time and determination. woo..that amazing..maybe we can ask for incredible hulk help..hihi..
Salam. let's read this..Safety and Performance of hyper cars. A lot of auto enthusiasts grimace at the thought of efficiency, while plenty of other people worry that incredibly light vehicles will not do an adequate job of protecting the occupants. Hyper cars are actually better in both aspects than many compact cars on the road today. Although they have small engines, the power-to-weight ratio of a hyper car can be much higher than a heavy car with a V8 engine. This allows for impressive acceleration, and even more impressive handling.Nice car nice prices..hihi.
salam..this it continued for hypercars safetyThat agile handling is also a safety feature. Light weight equals shorter braking distances and when you combine that with precision avoidance maneuvers, hypercars can potentially avoid some accidents altogether. In the event of a collision, hypercars can use advanced energy absorption techniques. Carbon fiber itself has excellent crash properties, deflecting and absorbing a lot of kinetic energy before it ever gets to the occupants. The monocoque (single-piece) carbon fiber chassis used by some hypercars is also very stiff, adding further protection. In addition to more traditional safety features like airbags, built-in crush zones that absorb impacts in key areas also create additional protection. have dream to buy camera digital? let's view this. Top 10 Digital Canon PowerShot A620 Packing a host of features into an easy-to-use, compact point-and-shoot, the Canon PowerShot A620 is tops in its class. This high-performance camera has a 7.1- megapixel CCD and customizable shooting settings that let you decide how much control you want and how much to leave on automatic. Its large 2-inch LCD screen has a grid option to help you line up and center your subject. You can also shoot movies up to 1GB in high-quality video mode or up to 60 seconds in fast-frame mode. how about price? i do not know..hihi..
hii..let's remember this tips.If your cat has problems vomiting hairballs, use the following cat care tips: Step 1: Remove all of the cat's food and water immediately. Step 2: If vomited material is bloody or has a foul odor, contact the veterinarian immediately. If not, proceed to Step 3. Step 3: Treat the cat by placing one or two teaspoons of white petroleum jelly on the cat's mouth and paws so it can lick it off. Do not give the cat mineral oil. Step 4: Repeat the petroleum jelly treatment once a day while the cat is having difficulty. If the problem lasts more than two or three days, contact the veterinarian as soon as possible. so,you can save your cat with your own. know this fact? let have pleasure to read. High Paying Dirty Jobs; Crime Scene Cleaner Depending on how bad the mess is, the cleanup could take a few hours to a few days. But you won't hear these crime scene cleaners complaining too much -- they charge by the hour. With a little experience under your belt and flexibility with your work hours, you can easily make about $75,000 a year with this job [source: Sahadi]. Although you don't need a college degree to get a crime scene cleaning job, it can help boost that salary into six figures. It awesome to job for..hihi
Amazing fact about sharks. let's read it.Sharks have been studied closely for more than 100 years, mainly because of their low likelihood of contracting disease. Fish with bones have a pretty high rate of growing tumors. For a long time, scientists believed that sharks were immune to cancer and tumors. So what makes sharks different? They don't have bones. Their skeleton is made up entirely of cartilage. This is one reason that shark teeth are collectible -- it's the only fossil you can find from dead sharks. Their cartilage dissolves over time, and nothing is left but the hard-enameled teeth. Many researchers think that this cartilage holds the secret to the cure for some human medical conditions -- namely cancer.that's all.
hi..If a peacock loses his tail feathers, do they grow back? you know that answer?? let's check itIn about seven months -- in time for the peafowl mating season to come back around -- peacocks will regrow their plumes longer and fuller. The peacock's tail reaches peak development around age six [source: Hopkins]. In fact, mature peacock trains can extend more than 5 feet (1.5 meters) in length [source: National Zoo]. Because of the size boost from the feathers, peacocks are one of the largest flying birds.
Salam..i would like to share this fact.Mount Everest is literally located at the top of the world, rising 29,035 feet (8850 meters) above sea level. As soon as it was crowned the world's tallest mountain, people inevitably had to climb it. And just as inevitably, many of them failed. While more than 2,200 people have succeeded, nearly 200 have lost their lives attempting the who have great determined can reach at peak.
Will I die if I eat polar bear liver? While this polar bear could easily make a meal out of you, one bite of his liver could be enough to send you to the hospital..Why?? While some vitamins dissolve in water, vitamin A only dissolves in fat. This means that, unlike other vitamins, excess vitamin A doesn't exit the body in urine. Instead, it collects in the body's filtration organ, the liver, where it can reach toxic levels. Generally this occurs over a prolonged period of time, in what's called chronic hypervitaminosis A. In fact, if you ever have the chance to try polar bear liver, think twice -- it may be the last meal you ever eat.
Salam, today I have read about Dodos.Dodos were flightless birds the size of large turkeys. In 1598 a Dutch trading vessel landed on Mauritius and its sailors found that the birds were good to eat and easy to catch. With the introduction of hogs, cats, rats, and monkeys by colonists, who arrived in 1638, the dodo population was exterminated. The last living dodo was seen in 1681. Solitaires, birds related to the dodo, lived on the nearby islands of Runion and Rodriguez. By 1800 they, too, had become extinct. The dodo and the solitaires belonged to the family Raphidae. The dodo was Raphus cucullatus; the Runion Island solitaire, R. solitarius; the Rodriguez Island solitaire, Pezophaps solitaria.So, it now became Extinct Animals. has 3 Steps to a Healthier You 1. Follow a balanced exercise program. A brisk 30-minute walk while enjoying the sunset will burn 1,500 calories per week -- that's 78,000 calories a year! Cardio is great for your heart and lungs, but add a couple sessions of weight training to tone or build muscle. 2. Schedule family fitness time. Play basketball, chase a Frisbee, or hike the hills together. You'll be getting closer to each other as you shape up. 3. Invest in a jump rope. It's a great workout anytime. Set a goal of skipping rope for ten minutes per day and watch those love handles melt's easy right? so let's do it now!!
Salam..Everybody wants to burn the most calories in the least amount of time.Here have 5 Sports and Recreational Activities and the Calories They Burn. 1.Running Burning about 450 calories every 30 minutes (based on an 8-minute mile), running also gives a fantastic cardiorespiratory workout. Leg strength and endurance are maximized, but few benefits accrue to the upper body. Warm up thoroughly, wear the proper shoes, and keep a moderate pace to avoid injury. 2. Rock Climbing Rock climbing relies on quick bursts of energy to get from one rock to the next. It won't do a lot for your heart, but your strength, endurance, and flexibility will greatly benefit, and you'll burn about 371 calories every half hour. 3. Swimming Swimming provides an excellent overall body workout, burning up to 360 calories in a half hour depending on the stroke used. However, most people have difficulty maintaining proper form for that long. The best swim workout is based on interval training; swim two lengths, catch your breath, and then repeat. 4. Cycling Cycling is an excellent non-weight-bearing (your weight is not being supported by your body) exercise, and depending on your speed, burns around 300 or 400 calories in a half hour. It provides a great cardio workout and builds up those thighs and calves. However, it doesn't provide much in the way of an upper body workout. 5. Boxing If you're game enough to step into the ring, you'll be rewarded with a 324-calorie deficit for every half hour of slugging it out. In addition, your cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular endurance will go through the roof. Make sure you're match fit, though, or it may be all over before you build up a sweat!but,always remember to properly warm up and stretch.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. A novel that hits with movies. Harry Potter is about a competition that's held in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry Potter was accidentally taking part in this competition and how he solves the problem. This story is ended by a tragedy where one of the participants dies. I realy enjoy this book because it full with imagination as I like it movies.
Salam... Beside Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, I also had read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This is the book before Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But I watch it movies before found this book. In this story, Harry discovers that his true destiny is to become a great wizard, enemy of the evil Voldemort; but first, he has to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn how. Try read this book. Its realy exciting..
Assalamualaikum Madam... ANIMAL'S BRAIN.. Brain is the center of the nervous system in animals. All vertebrates, and the majority of invertebrates, have a brain. Some "primitive" animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system at all. In vertebrates animal, the brain was located in the head, were protected by skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell.
Salam Madam... Unidentified Flying Object or UFO is the common issues in all of country in the world.Some people already see it and some people not.A lot of question appear in our mind like who are them?,Is it there is another creature like us in other planet and if yes,why they come to us?".Until now,we still cannot answer these question.Several country like America make organization in order to investigate this thing like British UFO Research Association (BUFORA),UFO and Research Midlands(UFORM).We hope someday,UFO is not mystery to us anymore and a lot of question in our mind will be answered.
Do you like game,this the latest game from sony.the 80-gigabyte model, which hits shelves at RM1,599, is what Sony calls a “complete entertainment system” comprising a Blu-ray player, high-definition multimedia interface output, integrated Wi-Fi, Cell Broadband Engine and a DualShock 3 wireless controller.Now,it price is expensive,but we wait 1 or 2 year,it price is cheaper.
Salam Madam Raha Safety tips from PLUS -observe the speed limit -follow our travel time advisory -just a call away -drive safely -be more careful -the road is not race track -be courteous at all time follow this tips for your life
PROTON MSX is to produce a high technology 'Jekyll & Hyde' dual image, high performance crossover. It is actually a technology showcase of aluminiun adaptable platform, ride & handling, engine power and crossover functions of suv and sports car. The target user group of the PROTON MSX is for successful professionals with young-at-heart lifestyle. The typical usage of the mpv is for leisure and work .And to attract all the businessmen, corporate leaders or celebrities, they had emphasize on 6 different aspect of the car which is the style, the engine and performance, the technology behind it, the ride and handling, the quality and also the ride comfort. It only a Naturally Aspirated 3.0 V6 engine, They had manage to churned out a hefty 224KW of power and 360Nm of torque. With a 0-100 time of 5.9 seconds and a top speed of 250kmh, the proton already beaten up some of the top notch SUV such as the Porsche Cayenne S,BMW X6 35i and the Nissan Murano. The Technical Specification Of the SUV ENGINE : 3.0L V6 MAX POWER : 224kW MAX TORQUE : 360Nm TRANSMISSION : 6 M/T LENGTH :4,697mm WIDTH : 1,852mm HEIGHT : 1,750mm WHEELBASE : 2700mm KERB WEIGHT : 1,570kg 0-100km/h : 5.9sec TOP SPEED : 250km/h
I love 2 play games. That one of my hobby. I love to play when i have leisured time or i want to release tension. One of my favorites games is warcraft 3, that is one of the map is DOTA. In this game, we have to defend our base and attack enemies’ base with our unique heroes. Until the latest map, There are about 93 different heroes. Each of them has their unique skill and technique. To win this game, we have to plan and that need cooperation between the team mates. This game has spread widely around the world and there has several contests again the country.
I have got a new hobby. That is make a Kubrick as my collection. This is a new version of small figure. But, the collection that i got is just a local one, not the original. But the price is affordable. it is only RM 9.90 each. U all can get it at the store around the kuantan parade and Berjaya megamall. This figure is small n have a lot of design but the shape is just the same. Until now, i only have 5 figure and perhaps, i will buy again to add to my collection.
One of the largest entertainments in the world is Sony. It has supply a lot of feature and stuff that is for fun or for entertainment. One of the successful products is Play station. Until now, there are three version of play station, which is play station 1, play station 2, and play station 3. Then, they also provide a good stuff in sound such as speaker.
For more information about all my writing, please visit my blog
Salam Madam... I would to share about MP4 Ipod Classic..... MP4 Ipod Classic is an electronic appliance that can play music and video.It is use for listening music and watching video.we can save the song in MP4, because it has internal memory about 1 gigabyte(1GB).But for watching video,it must need more memory,that why it provide the memory slot(sd card ) for up to 32GB.So you can put many movie in it as long as it has free spaces.For more interesting, it made up for several colour such as black, pink, or green.So you can just choose the colour that you like the most.This product also contain a camera that have 2MP,two time for zoom, and also 3.8mm focal length, which is same like handphone.But the different between them is ,MP4 is not a telecommunication device.
PLAYSTATION PORTABLE (PSP) PSP is a handled game console manufactured and marketed by Sony Computer Entertainment. Actually sony PSP is the Japan product. PSP also have many advantages that make it quite different with PS1, PS2, and also PS3.It does not need the television to play the game.we can bring it everywhere because of its small size,lightweight and also easy to brought.The price of psp IS arround RM700 and above.We can alsao use it to surfing internet because it consist of wireless LAN.Other than that, we can also watching movie using PSP.In other word, it is the product that give us a lot of uses.
salam... today, i would like to share about what I read in Reader Digest. Muscle weighs more than fat. Trainers often tell clients who are concerned about what the scale is showing that the reason they couldn't lower their weigh because muscle weighs more than fat. But isn't true because a kilogram of muscle weighs the same as a kilogram of fat. So, if your weight remains the same, you wil look sleeker and smaller. So keep hitting those weights.
Hello... Today I just want to talk about FRIEND. Friends is so meaning full to all community because friends always with you all at the time. Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more beings. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them.THANK YOU...
hello..lets talk abut banana.what? yes..banana..After Reading THIS, you'll NEVER look at a banana in the same way again.Bananas. Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
I would like share articles about "GUIDE TO FEMALE HAIR LOSS". This article mentioned that hair loss usually occurs because of hormonal factors. As a consequence, biological events like puberty, pregnancy and menopause levels can also cause female hair loss. In the case of pregnancy, hair loss is simply a consequence of the stress the body undergoes during labor and should stop approximately 6 months after birth. Discontinuation of taking birth control pills can also cause temporary female hair loss. Therefore, this information is important and very useful for us to know more details and to gain knowledge as well.i think That’s all from me..
hello everybody.. The more often you use your English, the worse it turns out to be. This I have read from the article, what do you think??I am not that good in English but I can share my opinion. I think, it is not about your English getting worst or something. But it is about our mentality or your mindset. Sometimes, maybe because you are very afraid of making mistakes or to talk to audiences, you will be very conscious about it. Then when we are very conscious, we make mistakes. Believe me especially when we are talking. Can you see my point there? Change your mind set. Don’t be inferior..Just believe yourself..... Because all people in the world have there weakness….
From the article that I read, there are 10 reason why we must smile. The first reason is smiling makes us attractive. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. The second is smiling changes our mood. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood. Third is smiling is contagious. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you. Fourth is smiling relieves stress. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action. Next is smiling boosts your Immune System. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed.if you want to now more, better you find me.hehee So, always smile ‘senyum sokmo’ That all…
Assalammualaikum wbt.. Do you know what “Talent Development” is??? Talent Development: What it means for Academes clients managing talent is one of the greatest challenges in organizational life today. It's always fascinating to learn how different organizations are facing up to this challenge. Because this is such a pertinent issue for Academe clients, we decided to invite a group of them to a seminar and networking event where we could share best practice and learn from each other. We learned a lot. We asked what ‘talent' really means. We looked at its strategic importance. We discovered that sometimes it's best if you don't use the word 'talent' at all...
I have read about a latest ball of the nike product. That is Nike Total 90 Omni Premier Match Soccer Ball. It is A perfectly spherical shape allows the Omni to fly faster, farther and more accurately. It's cover is Compressed PU layer stores energy from impact and releases it at launch while a cross-linked nitrogen-expanded foam layer offers exceptional shape retention and a polyester support fabric enhances structure and stability. Geometrically shaped panels distribute pressure evenly across panels and around the ball for a consistent, accurate and powerful strike. It has Six-wing carbon latex air chamber for explosive acceleration.
more information an pictures, visit my blog.
1 – 200 of 219 Newer› Newest»book that i borrow from library entitle palomino is all a about a women had been divorce by his 7 years husband just because she could not bear any child beside he already had another woman who carried his child;in addition his husband felf intrigue with her successful.then her friend force her to take a she decide to go to a ranch as she know the owner.then she felt in love with one ofthe rancher.she was describe as the best woman rider over there
How to get rid of stress?
I had read an article from The Star online which is about “stress”. Do you realize that “stress” is around us and it is a normal condition which will occur from time to time? What is stress actually? Stress is something which many of us face in our lives, sometimes even on a daily basis. The stress that is felt can be the result of work-related issues or ones which fall closer to home. There are many different definitions of stress. The definition of stress depends strongly on the type of entity that is defining it. Regular dictionaries define stress as a condition caused by outside factors in the environment which can cause physical or mental results. Medical dictionaries usually define stress due to the medical conditions which can result from stress.
Stress can be considered a normal for individuals to face or experience. Everyone is supposed to have a suitable way or method to experience or reduce his or her problems and stress. It is usually only when stress becomes unbearable, chronic or severe when the individual needs to have their stress evaluated.
So, here I would like to share with u all of several effective ways to help u overcoming the terrible stress. One way to reduce stress is to eliminate the stress-causing event or object. Other ways to eliminate or alleviate stress are to exercise, meditation, aromatherapy and eat a proper diet. It is important that the individual experiencing the stress acknowledges such a condition and then starts on the right track to getting rid of stress-causing factors in their life or working to alleviate the stress through other means.
Lastly, I need to comment that you just try your own way to reduce the stress for all you won’t get hurt of yourself or influence others. If you think that “laughing” is an appropriate method, then you just laugh as much as you prefer. Instead, if you consider that “crying” can reduce or minimize your stress, or you just can take this action at a certain safe place to release your feelings.
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03, I Have read one topic about..elephant at risk.. Elephants, largest of all land animals.Their ancestors once roamed most of the planet, but wild populations are now confined to decreasing swaths of land in Africa and Asia.Their body so be lost on this planet if human do not take any overcame.that's all.
thank you,
amir syahir e08135 you know that, by eating chocolate we can burn fat?this article really attract me because i like to eat chocolate so much. but this article just mention about chocolate and man.chocolate-loving men are always in better health than those who do not like it..Over five days, a group of healthy young men (half like chocolate, half didn't) ate the same foods, plus a choice of bread or chocolate.blood and urine tests showed the chocolate lovers processed fatty foods better and had lower LDL(bad), indulging on occasion may have long term health benefits - but,researchers say, only when paired with an otherwise healthy diet and lifestyle.
~syazreen ardnan - ea08070
Is motion sickness connected to the ears????
After i read the article, i know that motion sickness has a great deal to do with the sense of balance, which is controlled in part by the inner ear.When sitting in a moving car,boat, or aeroplane,for example, the fluid in the inner car shifts,and confusing impulses may be sent to the balance centre of the brain.The eyes, as well,unable to focus on a fixed horizon,may be send upsetting messages to the brain.Some of these impulses may eventually reach the area that controls nausea and vomitting, with consequences that are all to familiar. The good news is there are drugs that can be taken before a trip to help prevent or reduce motion sickness.Actually, after i read this article,i really miss biology subject.huhu..
hi..happy fasting day to all.i want to share about the advantages of fasting with all of you knows,fasting is not just to starve your stomach but it can help you to be more productive and sharpen your mind while you are studying.besides,fasting can help us to manage our money and be more discipline in our,here i want to remind you and also myself not to be greed and spend a lot of money on,do a lot of charity and go to 'tarawih' every night in this month.
Is motion sickness connected to the ears????
was postedby me.~syazreen~ea08070
hi...laughing is the best i want to share one joke with you from readers digest.
i was admiring a picture on my design client's wall when she came up from behind and mentioned."that's my mother and dog"
"she's very attractive,"i said
"she was more like a friend,really.i miss her."
"she's no longer alive?"i asked
"no,but my mother is."
Why people like music? It's not just an entertainment. Whether u realise it or not, music also plays an important role in one's self improvement. There are 3 ways one can use music to accomplish this:
1. Music For Motivation - When you find the music that energizes you, relaxes you, or makes you happy, keep it ready for when you need it.
2. Music For Intelligence - Studies show that music trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. It creates neural pathways in your brain that stimulate creativity.
3. Music For Brainwave Entrainment - Music is embedded with beats and pulses that entrain your brain waves to a specific frequency which varies with mental state.
Therefore, if you want to have a better quality of life and even self improvement, why not try listening to some music? From
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
I was browsing in a book shop when the cover of a book caught my attention.On it was the smiling face of a handsome man.He semmed so at peace with the world.The title of book was 'How to stop worrying and start living'.
At first the author explained the fruitlessness of worrying,he said that worrying never did anybody any good but was only counter-productive.It could also lead to nervous breakdowns and health problems such as cancer.
Then,the author asked his reader to imagine the worst-possible scenario,that is the thing which we have been worrying about really happens.He tells the readers that there is always a way out.He says let us say you worry about losing job your job and it happens.If you pass,you will have worried needlessly.If you fail,you can always sit your examination again.There is just necessity for worrying.
After i had read the book,i stopped worrying so much.I became happier and more optimistic about life.Others sought me as a friend.The book had really helped me to solve my worrying problem and also helped me to live more productively...
(baithy puteh)
Do you all know the role of music in our life??
Music have been used since the Greek to make their king relax. And nowadays,its still have been used practically to make people relax and enjoy. As for me,I used music to relax myself. I love music so much. Some of the people cant live without music.
And some hospital provide music therapy to ntreat their patient.
We can see how big the role of music in our live.
But nowdays, the genre of music already change a lot.They have too many genre and artist and the lyrics of the music have no meanings.Not like the old times.And the music already change to rock and roll.
Jeremy A.S
Hello, Mdm Raha.....
A lot has been said about the disadvantages of having a lots of fat!So here, as one of the million people who alert about this issue, i want to share with you about ways to get rid of excess fat. Here are 10 ways to realize our dream.Destroy temptation. If you've succumbed to a craving and bought a box of cookies or some other trigger food and start to feel bad while eating it, destroy it. "Don't just throw it away; run water over it, ruin it. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment that you've licked your binge,". Don't think about the money you're wasting. If the cookies don't go into the garbage, they're going straight to your hips.
Go nuts. Drink two glasses of water and eat an ounce of nuts (6 walnuts, 12 almonds or 20 peanuts). Within 20 minutes, this can extinguish your craving and dampen your appetite by changing your body chemistry.
Jolt yourself with java. Try sipping a skim latte instead of reaching for a candy bar. The caffeine it contains won't necessarily satisfy your cravings, but it can save you.
Let it go. Since stress is a huge trigger for cravings, learning to deal with it could potentially save you hundreds of calories a day. This will take some practice. You can try deep breathing or visualizing a serene scene on your own, or you can speed things up by buying one of the many CDs that teach progressive muscle relaxation.
Take a power nap. Cravings sneak up when we're tired. Focus on the fatigue: Shut the door, close your eyes, re-energize.
Get minty fresh. Brush your teeth; gargle with mouthwash. "When you have a fresh, clean mouth, you don't want to mess it up,".
Distract yourself. If only ice cream will do, it's a craving, not hunger. "Cravings typically last ten minutes,". Recognize that and divert your mind: Call someone, listen to music, run an errand, meditate or exercise.
Indulge yourself -- within limits. Once in a while, it's OK to go ahead and have that ice cream. But buy a small cone, not a pint. Try 100-calorie CocoaVia chocolate bars and 100-calorie snack packs of cookies, peanuts or pretzel sticks. The trick is to buy only one pack at a time so you won't be tempted to reach for more. And since even 100 extra calories can sabotage weight loss if you indulge daily, strike a bargain with yourself to work off the excess calories. A brisk 15-minute walk will burn 100 calories or so.
Plan or avoid. Vary your usual routine to avoid passing the bakery or pizzeria. If you know you'll be face-to-face with irresistible birthday cake, allocate enough calories to fit it into your diet.
Let's give it a try.
there are many characteristics about machine.A machine is any device that uses energy to perform some activity. In common usage, the meaning is that of a device having parts that perform or assist in performing any type of work. A simple machine is a device that transforms the direction or magnitude of a force without consuming any energy.
there are many characteristics about machine.A machine is any device that uses energy to perform some activity. In common usage, the meaning is that of a device having parts that perform or assist in performing any type of work. A simple machine is a device that transforms the direction or magnitude of a force without consuming any energy.
Did you know about "books"?
A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a leaf is called a page. A book produced in electronic format is known as an e-book.
Books may also refer to a literature work, or a main division of such a work. In library and information science, a book is called a monograph, to distinguish it from serial periodicals such as magazines, journals or newspapers. The body of all written works including books is literature.
In novels, a book may be divided into several large sections, also called books (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, etc).
A lover of books is usually referred to as a bibliophile, a bibliophilist, or a philobiblist, or, more informally, a bookworm.
A store where books are bought and sold is a bookstore or bookshop. Books can also be borrowed from libraries or obtained for reading through the practice of BookCrossing.
hi there...
what is difference between good stress and bad stress??hmmmm....i'll only give the common one.
stress that is good for us.
1. facing something with enough excitement.
2. having a filed with some activities that enjoyable.
3. working towards a valued goals that you want to achieve.
4. feeling challenged
5. being tired enough to get deep sleep
here are the stress that is bad
1. facing something with worry
2. having an overloaded scheduled stuff that boring.
3. feeling that what you do is not important and wasting time.
4. feeling out of control and overwhelmed.
5. wanting to stay all the time rather than take a stab at getting trough the day
6. having restless sleep,ulcers,and backpain.
so,take a deep breath and think about it.
How we can improve our country malaysia?From a magazine i had read described many ways to improve our country.The first thing that can be improved in the country is its traffic congestion.The problem is so serious that it is very difficult for vehicles to move on the roads.
Another thing that keeps Malaysia from being the perfect country is that Malaysians are addicted to vandalism.Few public telephones are in working condition.During an emergency one cannot make use of the phones at all.Besides,our public toilets are also not in good order.
Malaysia is already a very good country.If teh people of Malaysia stop doing all this bad things I have described,Malaysia wii be much,much better place.
That's all....
(baithy puteh)
welcome to healh forum..
we are going to discuss about how to prevent heart disease.
-don't smoke
-have your blood pressure checked periodicallt
-watch you cholestrol levels
-eat a healthy,low fat diet and pay attention to your weight
-pay attention on your body mass index number
-maintain a waist measurement of 35 inches or less
-if you are 40s,50s,60s and experience shortness of breath,report it to doctor
-make a regular exercise
even we are students,we have to pay attention on our body.this information will help us to stay active and avoid our body from the serious disease..
As we know,the crime rate of the country is rising.There are now more burglaries,robberies,
rapes and murders.There are ways of reducing the crime rate in the country.
First,we must create jobs for people by building factories or carrying out various project.If the reason for people not working is that they are not qualified for the jobs available,then we should train them.This will reduce the number of burglaries and robberies committed because of poverty.
As for murders,imposing the death penalty may help.People commit murder for a number of reasons.Whatever the reason for the killing,capital punishment is the most appropiate sentence for murderers.
If all the above measures are carried out,I am sure the crime rate will drop.
(baithy puteh)
stay active and young..
a study in britain found that peoplewho are physically active are more younger and genetically speaking. reseachers found that subjects who were more active had longer telomeres than less active .the most active subjects had telomeres the same length as sedentary individuals up toten years younger.
There are three schools concerning the cloning of humans.The libertarians who expouse free will do not see why there should be any opposition to the cloning of humans.They claim that the cloning of a human does not involve the question of ethics.
For me cloning human should be allowd only in certain situationsI do not support cloning of humans if it is carried out for frivolous reasons.One of them is replication to replace someone who is dead,either because natural causes or an accident.This will bring about an untenable situation in which it is difficult to determine the relationship between the clone and the person who has had him or her cloned.
However,I will agree to the clonong of humans if it is done for medical reasons.Only for such a case,will the cloning of humans have my whole hearted support.
Is playing computer games is bad?In my opinion,if a child plays the games for a short period of time for relaxion,then it is perfectly all right.There's nothing wrong for a child to play a computer games to relax his or her mind after a hard day's work or after many hours of study.
However,it is bad when one plays computer games to avoid work or study.The same action should also be taken against those who play computer games instead of doung their homework or study.This means their homework or study will be left undone.
Some students are addicted to computer games and will spend hours and hours playing them.They neglect their homework and study even forget to eat.
From all the above you can see that there are nothingwrong if one plays computer games to while away an idle hour,for fun or for relaxation.However,something is seriously wrong when one plays computer games the whole day and night to the entire exclusion of other activities.
(baithy puteh)
do you know,,healthy diet can spoils taste for cigarettes.
cut back on coffee and alcohol and up your intake of milk,water,,fruit and vegetable.
in study of 209 smokers,45% said that enhanced the taste of cigettes,while another 44% and 11% said alcohol and meat had the same that spoilt the taste were milk,vegetables,fruits and water."anything that can worsen the experience can help break the habit"..
your kids will be influenced by the way you are driving.
research at bar-ilan univ.shows that not only young children absorb your driving style,but they most influenced by parents of the same sex. so,fathers should be more careful while their son in the back and mothers must also take extra care about that while driving with their kids.depressingly ,by the age of 11,boys mostly like to speed and likelier tocondone traffic violations.
salam and happy fasting..
i just want to share about one of the article that i had read in the book titled 'program rakan siswa(raksi)''s about the ways how to make the effective,the ways are :
Recite and Review
>KWLH=What you know,what you
want to know,what you have
learned and how to find the
and Test
>READS=R(range),E(eye span),
interaction) and S(survey)
so,that's all the point i want to share today..hpe we all practice all of these ways to get the effective information...thank's..
assalamualikum w.b.t...
there was an article that captured my eyes that was break the fast at the field. this incident happened in kuantan begin from the first of ramadhan..
people come together with their families and friends spread the mat and serve the foods before the azan of maghrib is being heard.
it is more isteresting when the others religion such as chinese and indians also come and join together after they buy the foods nearby.
at 5 p.m,the field is fulled with hundreds of is a joyful moment when we can spend time with the families instead of fostening the relationship among families.
for your information,i had experienced it before with my friends and i can feel the excitement.
What is the vegetarian diet....?
"A vegetarian diet is one that excludes meat, fat, legumes and fish. Vegetarians also aim to avoid eating battery hen eggs and any slaughter house by-products."
That was some article that i've read...
Some peoples incorrectly call themselves vegetarians just because they avoid eat meat only occasionally - a recent survey of 9,000 "vegetarian" women in England revealed that only half of the group surveyed never ate meat or fish.
Some that not suitable we call them innocent just because they were call Vegeterian... :-)
Get the One Piece!! That is the mision of of the one crew of the pirate. One Piece follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a 17 year old boy, who gained supernatural abilities by eating a magical fruit, and his ragtag crew of heroic pirates, named the Straw Hats. Luffy's greatest ambition is to obtain the world's ultimate treasure, One Piece and thereby become the next Pirate King.
A boy named Monkey D. Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero "Red Haired" Shanks, sets out on a journey to find the legendary One Piece, to become the new Pirate King. To accomplish this, he must reach the end of the most deadly and dangerous ocean: The Grand Line.
Luffy captains the Straw Hat Pirates first through the sea of East Blue and then through the Grand Line. He follows the path of the deceased Pirate King, Gold Roger, from island to island on his way to the great treasure One Piece. On his way his crew grows to have a first mate, a navigator, a sniper, a cook, a doctor, an archaeologist, a shipwright, and a musician.
During the course of the story, the crew contend with both other less moral pirate crews and the Navy. The latter are the subordinates of the World Government, who apparently seek justice by ending the Great Age of Pirates. Many background story elements involve the delicate balance of power between the World Government and the world's most powerful pirate crews.
For more can go to my blog, that contain more article and picture..
assalamualaikum w.b.t..
i have read the article about the importance of foot care in our life.our feet is important to us in daily life.take good care of your feet and they will take care of u.normally,we hardly remember this part our body as it located at the lowest of our body.i found out the way of foot care tips so that everyone of you can stop neglecting your feet.
a) keep your feet clean and dry as often as possible
b) check your feet regularly for any abnormal colour or skin problems.
c) keep your feet moisturized with a good moisturizer
d) pay close attention to any fungus that you find on your feet.
if you take care of your feet they will take good care of you for many years to come.
For reading entries sesions i would like to she about Eat healthy...
There are many popular diets on the market today.This article that i read will explain how to eat healthy for life and avoid the fad diets.
Carry water with you at all times. Try to drink water in place of soft drinks and other flavored beverages. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces per day.
2.Non-fat yogurt can make a great snack, and its healthy bacteria can help with various stomach problems.
3.Choose wheat (brown) bread instead of white bread. Processed carbohydrates such as those found in white bread are harder to draw nutrients from, and therefore are seen as empty Calories.
4.Consider eating organic. Organic food isn't made with the use of a lot of harmful chemicals, or other harmful processes.
5.Smoothies are great for breakfast. Combine the following:
* banana
* 4 medium-size strawberries
* 1/2 cup of skim milk or soy milk
thats all that i would like to share...have a great meal with a healty lifestyle...
forgot to put my name..
syakirah sapie (~_^)
my post comment about 'foot care'.
I want to share with my friends about
the article that i read..the article that I read is about 'why we must protect ourself from enemy?'..I suggest to my friends to learn anythings for protected ourself..
actually it is a weapon to protect ourself..this is because when we have this weapon,it make ourself brave doing something..this is what I want for myself..that all from me..thanks...
~noor shahizad b surani
I've read some article about how to release our stress. Normally student nowadays always has some stress because of the course work and the assignment. So, this are some tips on how to relax our minds.
Massage is kneading muscles and soft body tissues to relieve stress, tension, and pain. A good massage therapist loosens and relaxes tight or sore muscles. Your whole body feels relaxed, yet refreshed and invigorated.
2.Deep Breathing
Practice deep breathing anywhere — while you're meditating, doing yoga, waiting to give a speech, or in your car stuck in traffic. Most forms of meditation include some type of breath practice, according to Jahnke. Breathing deeply and slowly helps you calm down and feel more relaxed. There are several ways to practice deep breathing, but the idea is to do it slowly and mindfully.
3.And these are some simple techniques:
* Count to Ten
If a situation gets really bad, count to ten slowly to give yourself time to think about the best way to react.
* Talk To Yourself
As you slowly breathe in, say to yourself, "I am." As you breathe out, say slowly to yourself "calm." Repeat this until your mind is calm and you can focus on your breathing.
* Write It Out
Writing can be good therapy. If you're overloaded with worries, take a pencil and paper and spend 20 minutes writing down your concerns and possible solutions to the problems.
* Take A Break
Get a change of scenery by doing something simple. A walk outdoors can give you a new outlook on a situation.
* Take A Bath
Add some soothing music and scented bath oil and let your stress just melt away!
* Get Back To Nature
Nature can be a great stress-reducer. Drive to the ocean and take a walk on the beach or just watch the waves rolling ashore. Stroll through a flower garden or nature trail. Listen to a tape of ocean sounds or birds.
Relaxing for 15 minutes or more a day, using these techniques or others that you might discover on your own, can go a long way in relieving stress.
I hope this will help you a lot. Good luck!
Rushed meals and poor snack choices has made wok itself a risk factor for weight gain. Here’s how to beat the flab :
- eat at planned times. Waiting until you are famished cam prompt unhealthy options to satisfy cravings. Scheduling lunch is especially important when your day is hectic.
- Instead of buying chocolate or chips, bring snacks such as fruit and cheese.
- A proper work-home balance will reduce stress, a trigger for weight gain.
- During breaks, take a walk. Even a 15-minutes walk can help your fitness and clear your head.
september 15, 2008 6:25 PM
posted by :
~syazreen ardnan - ea08070
I just want to share this short sentences, but it is very meaningful : To appreciate life – wanting to make a difference in the world, achieve your goals and be a happy person. So many people work at being unhappy, whereas we really wanted to teach our self to be happy. It’s a great world, and that’s what you can focus on.
~syazreen ardnan
Have we concern about so many trees were cut down? In public toilet. Is it better to use a paper towel or an electric hand dryer? Go for the hot air. The energy needed to heat and blow air at our hands is far less than the energy needed to make and transport paper towel and haul waste away. One US study found that nine fully grown trees are cut down to supply an average fast-food restaurant with paper towels over a year; the tossed towel then create over 450 kilograms of landfill waste. The hand dryer is also hygienic. Doctors at the University of Ottawa claim the hot air gets into more crevices in the skin, killing of germs quicker.
September 15, 2008 6:44 PM
syazreen ardnan
i had read an article about top 10foods for healthy i want to share to all of you.
when it comes to foods that pack a beauty punch,it's hardto beat salmon.loaded with omege-3 fatty acids,this high quality protein sorce is also filled with vitamin B-12 and iron.
spinach like broccoli and Swiss chard,is an excelent source of vitamins A and C,which your body needs to produce sebum.the oily substance,secreted by your hair follicles,is the body's natural hair also provide iron and calcium.
legumes like kidney beans and lentils should be an important of your hair-care diet.not only do they provide plentiful protein to promote hair growth,but ample iron,zinc,and biotin.while crare can be result in brittle hair.
brazil nuts are one of nature's sources of selenium,an important mineral for the health of your scalp
hello to all..When it comes to grocery shopping, should I do a big shop each month or fortnight, or should I shop every few days? Actually, around the world, billions of dollars worth of food gets thrown out each year. The United Nations Food Programme reports that just five percent of leftovers in the US alone can feed our million people in Africa. ‘Its not just money that is being wasted, it is the resources that went into making the food. Do an audit of the fridge before you go shopping and figure out what is left behind, what went off and why you did not eat the food. So by all means do a big monthly shop of durables and non-perishables, but buy your fresh frit and vegetables every couple of days so they do not sit in the crisper unused.
Failure...Is Only Feedback
Does the thought of failure send a cold shiver down your spine? Failure is the thing most of us spend the greatest amount of energy trying to avoid. In reality, when you strip away all the emotions attached to the word, failure is only feedback. Failure means that we tried a strategy and it did not work. So what should we do? It's simple. We should try something else.
Human beings learn by failure, by understanding what does not work, and by continuing to adjust their strategies until they find out what does work.
It is true that when we strive to do something that is new for us, we might fail. As a matter of fact, we might fail many times, but only by risking failure will we ever be able to grow. A powerful way to deal with failure is to ask yourself "What is or could be positive in this situation?" This allows you to obtain some benefit from the experience and then to move on.
If you are failing, you are in great company. Most of the super achievers in history failed more often than anyone else. The difference is that they did not let the failure (or the negative comments from others) defeat them. They just continued to modify their strategies until they found what worked. They did not quit. They knew what they wanted and they did not give up until they achieved their goal. When Thomas Edison was attempting to discover the light bulb he was not met with much support from the scientific community. As a matter of fact, they thought he was crazy to try to invent something that was clearly impossible. A young reporter interviewed Edison and asked him, "Mr. Edison, how can you continue to try to invent the light bulb when you have failed over 5,000 times." To which Thomas Edison replied, "Young man, I have not failed 5,000 times. I have successfully discovered 5,000 ways that do not work and I do not need to try them again." This is a great way to interpret failure as a learning experience.
Very often, we achieve our greatest success right after we have experienced our worst defeat. The bottom line is that we should embrace "failure." Because if we are failing, we are learning; and if we are learning, we are growing. And growing is really what life is all about.
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
6. I read one in the website like this article….its about ‘HEALTHY FOOF TASTES FOOD’ .The author ,Ingela Berger shared her experience about eating problems..Well ,she shares her knowledge how to improve the eating habits..:
1) reduce the fat in the daily diet….exchange the fat such as butter and margarine with extra-virgin olive oil….Instead of milk you may want to drink yogurt (containing live cultures) which is better for the stomach.
2) Eat fish at least twice a week. If you don’t like fish, make sure you get enough of the omega-3 fatty acids.
3) Eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, cereals
4) Drink water with every meal and in between meals. You can't get enough of water
5) Take some vitamin and mineral supplement every day
6) Try a day of fasting from time to time to rinse your system. Drink only fruit juices, water and green tea that day.
7) Reduce the sugar
Assalamualaikum…I have already read about one article….its the interesting article..its about ‘A BIT OF A DRINK PROBLEM’..What I like about this article is some of alcoholic drinker have this bad habit because of depression…They want to release their stress through alcohol..Besides ,its can happens depends on the kind of job…example ,the diplomat ,executive or journalist….thus ,avoid alcohol..
Hello madam raha…today I read one article from website‘MUSIC FOR SELF IMPROVEMENT’ by the author ,Steve Gillman .People can use music for motivation which can change the spirit and mood through the environment..Then ,music can make our life more cheerful when music for intelligent .Actually ,the music can stimulate our brain such as when we do mathematics practice .Besides ,music for brainwave entrainment..Well ,I got some knowledge from my reading.
Assalamualaikum madam raha…the article that I have read is really interesting for me…the title for this article is ‘How To Focus Mind On Success Using Mind Power’ by Kevin John .People should use mental self help to work on themselves…The mind power includes the human’s behavior and understanding about it..if you can control the mind power its easier to us to understand the behavior..
i would like to share a story by sidney sheldon that i forgot the all about 2 wives loses their beloved husband that work in the same company.everything seem to be normal untilthey realised they had escape from death several time
sep 17 11;05
by EA08096
Do you know that more people in more countries are consuming rice, including in Africa, which now consumes one-third of the world’s total trade in rice, and the prosperous Middle East. Globally, the demand for rice is increasing by about five million tons per year, which means that in ten years the world will need to produce 50 million tones more than it does now. Panic buying by domestic consumers also causes artificial price hikes.
by syazreen
Heart disease is one of the dangerous disease that we always heard about. Because of that, we must know how to prevent it. First of all, to all smokers, please do not smoke – this is the single most important thing you can do for your heart. Next, have your blood pressure checked periodically. Here are some more way how to prevent heart disease :
-watch your cholesterol levels
-if you have diabetes, it should be treated and controlled
-eat a healthy, low-fat diet and pay attention to your weight
-keep your Body Mass Index number – an indicator of total body
fat, based on a ratio between weight and height – at less than 25
-maintain a waist measurement of 35 inches or less
-report chest, arm, throat, shoulder blade or jaw discomfort that comes on with exercise and goes away with rest.
I think there are still many other ways for us to prevent this disease. Please take a great care of our own self. Thank you:)
~syazreen ardnan
Here, I have ten tips for eating well without having to diet. Firstly, eat for pleasure and good health, not for weight loss. For breakfast, start your day with oats and you won’t be hungry for hours. Eat more fish, chicken, vegetables and salads, and less red meat, pork, pasta, pastry and potatoes. Use a plastic squeezy bottle for olive oil and sauces – it will help you use less. Use yogurt instead of cream. Snack on fruit and nuts instead of chocolate and crisps. Steam instead of grill, grill instead of roast, roast instead of fry, shallow-fry instead of deep-fry. Eat carbs like pasta and potatoes for lunch instead of in the evening. Drink better, drink less, and drink only with the evening meal. Lastly, if you really want something, enjoy it without guilt, then lighten up the next day:)Try it..
~syazreen ardnan
Lately, I always got my back pain but not the serious one. Because of that, I really interested to read this article which ‘less is more for back pain’. For your information, costly therapies may do little to alleviate acute back pain. A University of Sydney study has found that paracetamol and gentle exercise is the best way to speed up recovery from short-term lower-back pain.
~syazreen ardnan
assalamualaikum w.b.t..
i have read an article in utusan malaysia..
the article was attracted me to share with you all..
in jakarta, 23 of poor people died while 8 of them are critical injured because of short breath due to the situation crowd together to get the money from one bussinessman in purwojero, pasuruan,jawa timur.
this happened at the compound the bussinessman's house where they were line up at first but after they were given 40,000 rupiah or rm16 in malaysia,they started to press each other.
i want to say that the indonesia is the poorest country compares to malaysia.
it is totally different with the citizen of malaysia whre we can live happily and good economical. (=
syakirah sapie (~_^)
ea08109 like study history...yes? let' check mean term history..History is the interpretation of past events, societies and civilizations. The term history comes from the Greek historian (ἱστορία), "an account of one's inquiries," and shares that etymology with the English word story. The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica stated that "history in the wider sense is all that has happened, not merely all the phenomena of human life, but those of the natural world as well. It is everything that undergoes change; and as modern science has shown that there is nothing absolutely static, therefore, the whole universe, and every part of it, has its history." i have you more like history after this..hihi
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
eao8135 study geography know where it came? just read..The
Geography studies the location, extent, distribution, frequency and interaction of all significant elements of the human and physical environment on the Earth's surface, particularly its features and of the distribution of life on the earth, including human life and the effects of human activity. The word geography derives from the Greek γη (ge) or γαια (gaia) ("Earth") and γραφειν (graphein) ("to inscribe"). Physical geography focuses on Earth science (and is sometimes called Earth System Science). This provides an understanding of the physical, meteorological and ecological patterns of the Earth. Human geography includes economic, political and cultural geography and focuses on the social science or the non-physical aspects of the world. It examines how human beings adapt themselves to the land and how they impact the physical world. Geographers not only study the human and natural features of the Earth but also its place in the Solar System and the Universe and how this affects the Earth features (e.g. climate, sea currents and tides). that's all.
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
Get really curious about your memory? What do you find easy to remember? What do you tend to forget? Do your own patterns tell you anything about what is important to you and what is less so? Or what kinds of representation come most naturally and you store most easily? Or where your self-limiting beliefs are? Here, I want to move on to how we retrieve information to enhance our memory. To heighten your awareness of your own memory improvement system.
1. We tend to find it easier to remember using certain preferred senses. (eg. If you are strongly visual, you can take a mental picture of their faces and perhaps see their names on their foreheads, or like a badge or necklace close to their faces)
2. The more of your senses that are involved, the richer your internal representation and the storage will be. (eg. Anything memorable about the temperature, moisture and pressure of their handshakes)
3. Some things are best encoded using particular senses. (eg. A good speller store mental "pictures" of how the words look. When they need to spell the word, they refer to that internal picture to get the right spelling)
4. People who are good at physical skills will tend to store information about them kinaesthetically, and they may not be able to explain what they do in words.
In another words, when developing your own memory improvement system, you can develop a facility with any of your senses if you practise. Conversely, imagine how strange it would be trying to learn a dance by reading a book about it, or learning to sing by looking at the pictures of people singing. You need the right tool for the job. So check if you have the right senses alerted for what you want to learn. From
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
Healthy Food Tastes Better!
How is it that we can't seem to think that something nutritious and healthy could in fact be tasty and enjoyable? The benefits of eating healthy and nutritious food are plenty. You will feel spry and lively again. You will lose weight. You will strengthen your immune system and stay well longer. You will lower your blood pressure. I could go on and on...
Below are some suggestions that you could do to improve your eating habits:
1. Reduce the fat, especially the saturated fat and trans fat, which are mostly found in meat, cooking oil and dairy products.
2. Eat fish at least twice a week (to get enough omega-3 fatty acids).
3. Eat a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, cereals and whole grain.
4. Make vegetables the main part of your meal. Rice, pasta, potatoes or couscous and beans are priority number two.
5. Eat soy products regularly (eg. tofu, tempeh and miso).
6. Drink at least 2 litres of water everyday.
7. Avoid intake of coffee and alcohol. Preferably switch to green tea.
8. Reduce intake of sugar. Don't use artificial sweeteners.
When you follow the steps above you will not need much meat. Protein can be added through beans, soy and seeds for instance. Of course, you can have that little special treat now and then. The idea is to enjoy and have fun! If you feel like a prisoner you will not enjoy your new habits. But remember, if special treats come too often, they are not special treats anymore. From
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
On September 18, the world's oldest man, Tomoji Tanabe celebrated his 113th birthday, telling the reporters at his home in Miyakonojo, southern Japan about his joyful life and healthy appetite. “I’m happy,” said Tomoji Tanabe as the local mayor presented him with flowers and a giant tea cup glazed with his name and date of birth. “I’m well. I eat a lot,” he added. Tanabe, recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest living male last year, eats mostly vegetables and believes the key to longevity is not drinking alcohol. He drinks milk everyday and has no major illnesses. The Japanese are among the world’s longest-lived people, with the number of those aged 100 or older at a record 36,276. What about Malaysians? Most Malaysians died at a very young age, hardly more than 70 years old. Our lifestyles and eating habits play important roles in determining our longevity. As you can see, Malaysians’ favourite food are ‘nasi lemak’, ‘mee goreng’ and ‘pisang goreng’ for instance. All these are the unhealthy food which are very oily and high in cholesterol. Malaysians also like suppers. It’s no wonder that we, Malaysians had never had the chance to break the World Records as the oldest people living or rank in the top 10 list. From
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
today i want to share about a news that i have read in it was about the founding of a huge diamond in Africa. it was a 478 carat diamond and the value is still unknown. it was mined in Lesotho. it has potential to yield a 180 carat polished stone.that's all. thank you.
norlailah binti lanisa (ea08056) i want to share about the 7 most amazing caves of our world which i read in first one is about the Cave of Crystals in Mexico which known as the world's largest known natural containing the largest know natural crystals-translucent beams of gypsum as long as 36 feet(11 metres).the cave was 950 feet(290metres) underground.the second amazing cave is Majlis al Jinn Cave in Oman which known as world's second largest cave chamber.the access to this cave is through a hole in the ground with a rope.the inner height is between 120 and 150 metres ans the cave floor 300 by 200 metres which means the Great Pyramid of Giza can be fitted inside this cave.the third is Waitomo Glowworm Cave in New Zealand.inside this cave was the habitat for the glowworm. the roof of the cave was covered with glowworms larva which most people called the heavens at night. the fourth one is Elsviesenwelt Ice Caves (Austria). the largest ice caves known to man. the other three are Cave of the Ghost(Venezuela)(two helicopter can comfortably fly into it), Fantastic Cave Pit(US)(the deepest known cave pit in the continential USA) and Dongzhong Cave(China)(a cave which also a primary school). well that's all. thank you.
7 most amazing caves was written by me, norlailah binti lanisa (ea08056) i read the article abot the dengue in the Asia-Pacific.From my reading,World Health Organization(WHO) states that nearly two billion people in the Asia-Pacific region will be at risk from dengue fever unless governments do more to fight the disease.98% of all dengue cases and 99% of all dengue death. in the region between 2001 and 2004 included Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, French Polynesia, Fiji, New Caledonia and China.A dengue swept across the region between 1991 and 2004, peaking with 350,000cases in 1998. 1.8 billion live in the Western Pacific(Of the 2.5 billion people at risk globally)...
How much you know about lung cancer?Well,I read the article about this cancer today.Actually,I'm afraid when I read the statistic of lung cancer.From my reading,the average age of a person receiving a lung cancer diagnosis is 69 years.In 2007, an estimated 114,760 men and an estimated 98,620 women will be diagnosed with lung cancer and an estimated 89,510 men and an estimated 70,880 women will die from this lung cancer.Actually,smoking is one of causesof the lung cancer among people.This cancer can diagnosed from physical and chest examination,chest x-ray and CT scan.Besides,this cancer have 2 types include non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) and small Cell lung cancer(SCLC).
Actually i want to tell about the twins.Actually,I really like twin.In my family,my cousin are the girl twin..I still cannot know them very well.It difficult to remember their name.It have 3 types of twin includes Dizygotic twins(differences of gender),monozygotic twins and Zygosity(same gender),chorionicity and amniocity.The main factor of twins is family genetic.That's all from my reading.
Actually what do you know about seven wofers of ancient world?Well,i really impresssed and proud about the architect which is create and build up these seven wonders of ancient world.As you know,seven wonders of ancient world are:
(1)The Great Pyramid Of Giza(still in existence)
(2)The Colosseum in Rome
(3)The Great Wall of China
(4)Taj Mahal
(5)Christ the Redeemer
(6)Machu Picchu
can you imagine how the architect and people in that time build up the wonderful art without any modern technology..In the great wall of China and great pyramid in Giza, many people died because of the cruel leader.So pity.Umm,,,that's all from me.
assalamualaikum w.b.t
i want to share to my friend about my favourite sportman,Michael Schumacher.As we know that he is former Formula One driver for Ferrari.What i know about him are he have already got seven-time world champion,advisor and test driver for Ferrari.Actually,he is the first German to win the Formula One World championship.He was voted the most popular driver among in a 2006 FIA survey among Formula One fans.He retired from racing at the end of the 2006 season.Schumacher's younger brother Ralf was a formula One until the end of 2007..i'm really impressed his success in the racing sports..hope 'Schumacher twin'will come back soon.
salam....i would like to share some information from my reading today..actually,i have read the article about Mount Kinabalu at i like about Mount Kinabalu are it is prominent mountain in Southest Asia.It is located in Kinabalu National Park in the east Malaysian state of Sabah. In 1997, a re-survey using satellite technology established its summit (known as Low’s Peak) height at 4,095 metres (13,435 ft) above sea level, which is some 6 metres (20 ft) less than the previously thought and hitherto published figure of 4,101 metres (13,455 ft).[1] The mountain is the fourth tallest in Southeast Asia behind Hkakabo Razi of Myanmar (5881 m), Puncak Jaya (4884 m) and Puncak Trikora (4750 m) of Papua, Indonesia.Its elevation is 4095 metres(13,435 ft) and the range is Crocker Range.Besides,i would like to climb this mountain if i have a chance to do it myself.Before this, i saw it in television and newspaper..that's my dream to go the Mount Kinabali one day.INSYAALLAH.
Many youngsters nowadays like to have their skins tanned. A research has been done showing that there is no such thing as a safe tan. Tans and skin cancers both begin with DNA damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet light but many people, especially the young, ignore or are unaware of this danger in a quest for a bronzed body. DNA damage is the first step in getting a mutation in cells that could lead to skin cancer, so there can’t be anything like a safe tan. The World Health Organization estimates that as many as 60,000 people die from too much ultraviolet light, mostly from malignant melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) each year. However, there are also mixed messages about the safety of ultraviolet light which confuse the public. In fact, getting some sunshine is important because ultraviolet light spurs the body to produce vitamin D but people need far less UV exposure for this than it takes to tan. That is why, people who like to have their skin tanned should be aware and stop tanning immediately. Beauty can’t guarantee you a good life but health definitely can. From
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
On September 8, a 59-year-old Frenchwoman has given birth to triplets, two boys and a girl, who are in good health. Another case which happened earlier this year, an Indian woman who was said to be 70-year-old gave birth to twins after receiving IVF treatment. Isn't it ridiculous? I find that there are many things happening around us that cannot be explained by Science. Something that happen out of our control and beyond our expectation. From
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
Hello..i really like to share about herbs and herbal treatment.People misunderstood about herbal supplements.Actually,herbal supplements are a type of dietary supplement that contain herbs(plant).Many herbs have health benefits to the body but some herbs also causes health problem to users.So,don't believe herb's benefit 100%.Besides,herbal products and supplements are not safe actually because many plant are poisonous..Some people believe that its safe because they're natural but unfortunately they aren't necessarily natural to the human body.The author advised the users should talk to the doctor before taking herbal products..This is for our health..People should have some knowledge about medicine and herbal supplements before use it...
EA08126 i want to share about the seven wonders of the ancient world that written in the first one is the Great Pyramid of Gizawhich build by the egyptian from 2584-2561 was build for pharaoh Khufu and still standing until now. second is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon built in year 605-562 was destroy after 1st century due to the earthquake.third was Statue of Zeus at Olympia which built by the Greeks. the destroyed of the statue was still unknown.the fourth was temple of artemis at ephesus which destroyed due to arsoning.the other three was Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes and Lighthouse of Alexandria which all of this monument was destroy by an earthquake. that's all. thank you.
norlailah binti lanisa (ea08056) i want to share a little information about the Bermuda Triangle also known ass Devil's Triangle which i read in wikipedia website. in this website it contain some theory given by people about the incident that happen in Bermuda Triangle. some of them said that this incident is due to methane hydrates, compass variations, hurricanes, gulf stream or freak waves. it also contain some of the famous incident that happen there.. for example Flight 19. it was said that the flight took place on a calm day however wnet missing during the flight.there were also other incident told in this website like Raifuku Maru, SS Cotopaxi, USS Cyclops and many more.well that's all i want to share about this website. thank you.
norlailah binti lanisa (ea08056)
"An apple a day, keeps the doctor away". Apples have a wonderful variety of nutritional benefits, and are a tasty addition to any diet of good health and longevity. Of all of the fruits we eat, apples are the best source of pectin, a natural fiber that has several health benefits. Apples also contain phytochemicals, quercetin, tannins, and antioxidants, all of which have different healthy properties. Below is a list of the top 5 benefits of making apples a standard part of our daily diet:
1. Improve the bowels,
2. Lower cholesterol,
3. Reduce the risk of cancer (colon, prostate and lung cancers),
4. Slow the aging process,
5. Prevent hair loss.
After reading this article, I find that the often-repeated line of an apple a day keeping the doctor away is far from a myth. Apple is such a common fruit that has so much healings but most people are still unaware of its nutritional benefits. In my opinion, I think the apples are not just to keep the doctors away, it is also the live longer fruit. From
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
i got alot of reader's digest book,
so i have read some of them..
here a my comment on how to save the earth by slow the fuel flow. just followw some tips here:
1) plan your route
2) don't speed
3)use cruise control
4)make sure your tyres are inflated
5)don't drive aggresively
6)get regular servicing
7)use air-conditioning sparingly
8)avoid short journeys
i got alot of reader's digest book,
so i have read some of them..
here a my comment on how to save the earth by slow the fuel flow. just followw some tips here:
1) plan your route
2) don't speed
3)use cruise control
4)make sure your tyres are inflated
5)don't drive aggresively
6)get regular servicing
7)use air-conditioning sparingly
8)avoid short journeys
assalamualaikum madam rahah.
i have read an article about burn fat by eating chocolate:
for those chocolate - loving(and eating) men are in better heath than those who don't like it, say researchers at Iperial College London, and Nestle. Over five days, a group of helathy young men (half liked chocolate, half didn't) ate the same foods, plus a choice of braed or chocolate. Blood and urine tests showed the chocolate lovers processed fatty foods better and had lower LDL ("BAD") cholestrol. So, indulging on occasion may have long-term health benefits-but, researchers say, only when paired with and otherwise healthy diet and lifestyle.
thats all form me.thank you
salam...i really like to read about plastic surgery's article at,plastic surgery includes:
(a)craniofacial surgery
(b)hand surgery
(c)burn surgery
(d)pediatric surgery
the word'plastic'comes from the Greek plastikos.Plastic surgery was being carried out in India by 2000 BCE. Sushruta (6th century BCE) made important contributions to the field of plastic and cataract surgery..The transfer of skin tissue in plastic surgery is one of common procedures.Plastic surgery is famous way to the celebrities..from my reading,plastic surgery is not only used in beauty but also in health(burns,traumatic injuries,infection or disease and removal of cancers and tumors).Thus,is really give advantage to people ..that's all from me...
Salam...i read about the legend world boxer,Muhammad Ali which is born as Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. on January 17,1942.He is American boxer and former 3-time World HeavyWeight Champion..He is also The winner of an Olympic Light-heavyweight gold medal.He changed named after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964.What i like about him is he willing sacrifice his career for his new religion although people misunderstood about his changed religion.His daughter,Laila Ali have talent in boxing same like him..Her daughter participated in World Heavyweight Champion..Actually,she is new generation in their family involved in boxing sport..
that's all from me
Assalamualaikum w.b.t....
i have read about effective interview(key to getting the job we want).
What employers look for in the job interview:
(b)positive attitude
(c)stable work history
(d)clear sense of purpose
(e)interest in the company and position
(f)communication skills
(g)high performance standards
Preparing For The Job Interview:
(a)Do some research about the company that we want to work will feel more confident and comfortable
(b)know the place and time of the interview,the interviewer's full name.Find out how many people are involved in the interview process.
(c)Be prepared to ask questions during interview.Avoid questions that relate about salary,benefits,vacations,and retirement.
(d)Allow sufficient time for the interview
(e)Dress appropriately. Men should wear a dark suit, white shirt, a solid or striped tie, and black shoes. Women should wear a knee length skirted suit or tailored dress with matching jacket, neutral colored sheer hose, dark pumps, and a minimum of make-up and jewelery.
(f)Keep a positive frame of mind.Relax.
During my primary school I used to like this book ‘Replica’ but I already forgot the author name. This book is such a serial book, where every few month there will be new edition. This story is a about a clone girl name Amy Candler, she has 10 other clone siblings and 11 clone brother. She has superior power compare to ordinary human- she has a of lot energy, super brilliant mind and higher immunity system. Amy and her siblings was secret government research and only few knew about them. They were given to live with family from all over the world. Amy lives with her mother Nancy (not real mother) have a very happy life and try their best to hide the real Amy from public. As a teenager the problem always arise, Amy and her friends try to solve the problem in every series.
REPLICA (special edition)
This is a special edition of this serial book. In this series Amy Candler was gathered with all her clone siblings in the secret islands. At the island they were quarantine and given same food s and clothes. After that, few tests were done to them to check their power and capabilities. Amy at first was excited to special holiday offer that she got but everything turn into nightmare when she find the truth of holiday and her own clone siblings threat.
• First thing in the morning-as body loses fluid overnight which can make mind foggy. So, drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. It’ll also stop us from seeking out caffeine to kick-start our day
• 30 minutes before meal-If you feel craving coming, have a 350ml of water before that candy bar. If you still hungry, then have a healthy snack or a balanced meal.
• Throughout the day, according study drinking about 1.5 liters of cold water can help burn up to an extra 50 calories a day.
The author of this fiction story is Sir Author Conan Doyle. Dr Jackie tried to create medicine that will make people change to other. After finish the research he tried to test it by injecting the medicine to his own body and he succeeded to become other people name Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde has totally different personality with Dr Jackie, he seem likes a bad guy with ugly faces, big body, rough voice and he never talks to other people. As his experiment succeed Dr Jackie will change to Mr. Hyde whenever he like using that medicine and Mr. Hyde became the dark part of him, plus people do not about the two part of Dr Jackie. The thing gets worse when he could not control the changes and like Mr. Hyde part control his body. At last, he died.
Sleep is likes medicine for our mind and body. Sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice when life gets too busy. However we should realize that skip our night sleep can influence our next day’s performance and also harming our health. Adults should get sleep from 6 to 8 hours per day. Believe or not study shows that if we get enough sleep we can reduce our weight! So women not to wasting money buy expensive slimming pills just take your pillow and enjoy your sleep but remember not overdo as it will be different effects. Here some tips for those who get trouble in sleeping, try to avoid alcohol and caffeine before sleeping, take warm milk before sleep and the best thing you can do is relax your mind, forget all of your problems and forgive everybody. If you like you can light your aromatherapy candle in order to get a tight sleep
I like this novel but I already forgot the author name, I used to borrow it from my English lecturer during my matriculation time. This story is truly life facts where a happily married couple just gets divorce after 20 years marry. Paris the perfect woman for a man did not even expect that his husband will leave her like that just because to be with another women. With a broken hearth she moved to new place to start a new life and left her memories with David. There she starts to work as weeding planner to a nice homosexual guy. She also being dating with a handsome but unfaithful guy, a guy that too young for her, a guy that too good to go through and lastly after a lot of trouble she had faced she found out her true love.
Student always complaining they hardly to memorize what been taught by their teachers. How can we memorize certain stories even tough we do not memories it? This is because the stories attract us. So we don’t we try our learning session such the fun time, this will help us memorize it. There’s proverb say when I look I know, when I listen I understand and when I do I memories, then try to do exercise regularly especially on calculation subject like math. We also can sharpen our memory by read the subject regularly and then do mind map or short note as a useful gadget when forget as we no need do wild goose chase in long words note.
Some of food that we snack on or store in fridge can also be nutritious to our hair. For example we can use we can treat dry hair by using mayonnaise and egg. These ingredients contain egg protein to make rich conditioning agent. Just mix one raw egg with three tablespoons of mayonnaise and apply to dry hair. Bundle hair up and slip on a shower cap. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. We also can eliminate dandruff using thyme and apple. Blend juice from two oranges, half a peeled apple, a half banana and one tablespoon of fresh thyme. Massage mixture onto damp hair and scalp, then rinse and shampoo. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar through hair after shampoo also can eliminate dandruff.
World’s Oldest Man
According to records the world’s oldest man, Habib Mianindias was born on May 28, 1870. A great-grand father believed to be the world's oldest man has died at the age of 138.Habib Mian passed away early yesterday morning after a brief illness at his home in the Alwar district, Rajasthan, India.The grand old man was a witness to the life and times of two kings of Jaipur, the dominance of the British Raj and the decades after the Jaipur princely state of the erstwhile Rajputana merged into the Indian Union after Independence. The Limca Book of World Records recognises him as the oldest living man in the world in its 2005 edition. But the Guinness Book of Records did not give him this recognition because his pension papers say he was born on May 20, 1878 at Rajgarh in Alwar district. Habib Mian also held the distinction of being the oldest Haj pilgrim having visited Mecca in 2004 and the longest beneficiary of old age pension which he has received since 1938. He dead at 138: Habib Mian is burried in Jaipur. Habib, who outlived his wife by 70 years, was buried at the Ghat Gate graveyard in the Alwar district, after the "Zuhar" (afternoon) prayers.
“Overweight, Obesity and Cancer.” People are aware that cancers can be caused by various toxic chemicals in foods and drinks. Consuming too much of certain foods increases the risk of certain cancers. However, it is less well-known that overweight and obesity can increase the risk of cancers. There is now convincing evidence that excess body fat increases the risk of the following cancers: colorectal (bowel), esophagus, pancreas, kidney, endometrium (womb) and breast (in postmenopausal women). Being overweight and obese probably also increases the risk of gallbladder cancer. There is sufficient data showing that the overweight and obesity rates in Malaysia have been on the rise. The NHMS III conducted in 2006 showing that 29.1% of the 33,055 adult populations were found to be overweight (BMI 25.0-29.9). The prevalence of obesity (BMI >30) was reported to be 14.0%. People should be aware that overweight and obesity increases the risk to coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure. Now, the evidence is clear. There is no doubt that maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most important things people can do to reduce their risk of cancers and this should be done while they are still young. It is also time that every Malaysian should know his body weight. From
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
assalamualaikum madam rahah,
now i would like to share a lot of information from the book that i already read for a long time.
it it the book from reader's digest, such a big and thick book.. entitled 101 ways to impove your memory.
in this side, i would like to share about one of the subtopic from this book entitled 'THE FIVE SENSES':
we already know that human has five senses that are SIGHT, SMELL, TASTE, TOUCH and HEARING.
this five senses actually channels to our is through the senses that all data is registered and gradually accumulates to become the rich and fertile ground that constitutes our memory.
each of the senses is adjusted to a certain range of wavelength. these waves will be captured by different organs.
the information carried by our senses is recognised, continously analysed and processed by specialised areas of the brain.
here are the areas that detect each of our senses.
1) associative sphere :
- all the sensory information is combined to give an accurate overall perception
2) sensitive sphere :
- it receive tactile information, fro the head to the feet.
3) gustatory sphere :
- this is the zone where taste is interpreted
4) visual sphere :
- coming straight to retina, the first images gradually take shape.
5) auditory sphere :
- sounds are transmitted here to analysed
6) olfactory sphere :
this is the zone near the hippocampus where smells are synthesissed.
thank you
see you in another page.
i would like to share here with my friends about 'MY MEMORY AND LECTURES'.
listening to the lecture is a good way to acquire new information on any subject of our choice. start by reading about the subject and then attend lectures that are easy to follow. observe the following rules for good memorisation.
- do not neglect to take slow - release sugars in your diet; your brain will then function without slowing down.
- sit as close as possible to the lecturer in case she or he uses diagrams or photographs.
- make rough notes of the main points during the lecturer.
- make a summary soon after the lecture or discuss what you have learned with someone else.
my memory and my medication.
when you have to take medicine severals times a day, it's your episodic memory that makes these actions part of the daily routine by according a special space for them. your mind and body rapidly make the required adjustment to this routine. if you forget to take the medicine once or twice, it is most probably because that day was different in some way or because you were psychologically or physically upset that day. don't worry, get relax, and tomorrow you won't forget!
thank you
It is rare to find someone who will say that they are perfect. Most people simply believe that to think of themselves as perfect, means they are either an egotist or grossly immodest. When we are born, we are conditioned to strive towards perfection. And at the same time, as we grow, we know that we can never attain perfection as well. In other words, we are programmed and conditioned to strive for something that we can never attain. To determine if you are perfect, simply ask yourself “Is there anyone on this planet who is more perfect at being you than you are?” Definitely the answer is NO. Therefore, you are perfectly you! You are unique and there is no one else exactly like you. Perfection does not mean that people can't make a single mistake. Perfect people are those who are doing the best they can with the knowledge and experience they have at the moment, and they are constantly striving to be better tomorrow than they were yesterday. However, many people will still resist and feel that only arrogant and egotistical people will say that they are perfect. In fact, egotists are people who think more of themselves than they should; they think they are better than others and they are self-focused. Modesty is about having a proper and balanced view of you. If you think poorly of yourself, you are not modest. So, thinking of yourself as imperfect is actually immodest. From
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
i have raed The Da Vinci all about a secret organisation with secret symbol and mysterious agenda
We have all set a goal at one stage of our lives or another. Whatever it might be, we all experience different levels of success with accomplishing the goals that we succeed. With the abundance of goal setting books out there and the number of self help or motivational gurus telling you how to dream and achieve your goals in life, then why is it that so many people are still struggling to get what they want out of life. Below you will find some common reasons (excuses) given by people who fail to achieve their goals:
1. “I'll start tomorrow”. Stop putting off what should be done today for tomorrow because they only time you can control is now and the present so why not start today.
2. They take on too much all at once. People should get clarity in their life with what is important and focus only on achieving that goal till completion.
3. They don't stick to their goal. People get discouraged with the fact that things don't always go to plan. In fact, falling down is a normal part of learning. It's only through our failures that we learn and grow.
4. They don't have enough accountability. You all know that you work better when you have someone that you are accountable to. Make sure that person is supportive of your goals and can be strict with you to keep to your commitments. Better still if both of you have similar goals in mind.
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039) i want to share about my race which is a minority race in Sabah. my race is buton which come from the name of the island in Indonesia where my ancestors come from.the information i want to share here is the information i gather from race was actually originated from an island in southeast peninsula of sulawesi indonesia.the largest town there was called Bau-Bau.major nearby islands include Wowoni,Muna Kabaena and Siumpu.most of the island was still covered by forest. Buton island was famous as one of only two habitats of the anoa,a type of buffalo.thats all.thank you.
norlailah binti lanisa(ea08056) i want to share some information about the Bermuda Triangle at website Bermuda Triangle also known as The Devil's Triangle at International Waters,Bahamas.Actually,from my reading some of aircraft disappeared..People believe that it is because of the natural phenomena(natural disaster) and also cause of the paranoramal(evil spirit)..Besides,it is a region of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean..I raed about an incident about Flight 19 which happened aroud 1945.Actually,it was missing on December 5,1945..Some people claimed that it happened because of the Bermuda Triangle...Its very strange to me....This place is mysterious thing that i have known in all of my life...that's all from me........
Nowadays, the job market is getting tougher and tougher. Therefore, your résumé is your No. 1 marketing tool before getting you an interview. With the increased competition for jobs and more applicants, employers don't spend a lot of time reading any one résumé. It's been estimated that today's résumé is on getting about 20 seconds of "eyeball time". That is why, your résumé must have a sense of urgency and answer the all-important question: "What's in it for the employer?" Here are four things you need to power up your résumé:
1. Focused objective - identify one clear job title that you are seeking.
2. Keyword section - add all your industry buzzwords as well as your biggest soft skills.
3. Personal branding statement - "What is it that makes you unique, compared to other applicants?"
4. Specific achievements – your work should involve helping a company either make money or save money. Hence, you should think beyond your skill sets and job duties and find as many ways as you can that you accomplish this.
Phoong Phooi Theng (EA08039)
Alcohol’s Effects:
Alcohol's effects can be seen immediately on people so that is enough to show that alcohol is bad for the brain. It slows reaction, makes people unable to make sound decisions and this are just after a few drinks. In large doses alcohol destroys the brain, so in consideration of all that - what will a lifetime of alcohol consumption have on the human brain?!
For health, religious, or personal reasons, millions of Americans choose not to drink at all. Among these people there is no alcoholism, no drunk driving, no unintended pregnancies due to the influence of alcohol, no fetal alcohol syndrome, no alcohol-related fighting or domestic violence, no hangovers, no beer bellies, and, of course, much lower restaurant bills. Since most of the "health benefits" of wine can also come from grape juice, it puzzles me that in this day and age anyone would encourage drinking as healthy. The alcohol industry has a great PR campaign going, I guess. From:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Asia still finding tainted Chinese milk powder
Thailand's Dutch Mill Group made the announcement even though the country's food inspection authorities said they had not found dangerous amounts of the industrial chemical melamine in any foods tested. Taiwan and Laos, meanwhile, announced measures to stop the sale of some milk products, after tests in the two countries found melamine in several brands of milk powder originating from China.
Milk containing melamine has been blamed for killing four Chinese babies and sickening more than 54,000 others, sparking global concerns about food products made with Chinese milk or milk powder.
Thailand's Food and Drug Administration has been impounding newly imported milk powder from China at ports around the country, pending laboratory analysis. The agency said it is testing nearly 100 food items.
Dutch Mills already stopped using Chinese powdered milk as raw material for producing pasteurized milk products, he added.
China has sought to ease the fears over the widening scandal, saying its latest tests on liquid milk products, including milk and yogurt, from 65 different companies showed no melamine contamination.
In my view, I hope that our government will take serious concern about this case due to all of our kids’ health and safety. Our next generations are vital and important to us or even our country in future; to keep them well, we are firstly required to take care their health! And for this case, I hope that the related authorize can take appropriate action otherwise our next generations can safely live in and grow up healthily. From:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Beaches and recreation
In the Victorian era, many popular beach resorts were equipped with bathing machines because even the all-covering beachwear of the period was considered immodest. This social standard still prevails in many Muslim countries. At the other end of the spectrum are topfree beaches and nude beaches where clothing is optional or not allowed. In most countries social norms are significantly different on a beach in hot weather, compared to adjacent areas where similar behaviour might not be tolerated. For example, undressing down to swimwear, showering in public, women exposing their breasts and lying with legs apart, etc.
A walk along the beach is also popular, including a long walk in the case of a long beach, for example from one seaside resort to the next. When and where the sand is not too hot, people often walk barefoot on the beach, because of the pleasant feeling of sand on their soles and between their toes. The best beach walking areas typically are near the shoreline, where the sand is wet and more comfortable to walk in. A person will also enjoy walking with their bare feet in the water.
In more than thirty countries in Europe, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Costa Rica, South America and the Caribbean, the best recreational beaches are awarded Blue Flag status, based on such criteria as water quality and safety provision. Subsequent loss of this status can have a severe effect on tourism revenues.
In my opinion, beaches play main role since they are the best recreational places for us or even the tourists from foreign countries. We are required to keep clean of the beaches and do not litter anywhere from the beaches. Beach can give us recreation or even our family members. We can enjoy our happy life during at beach for searching the happiness. Then, how about you? Try and enjoy it, then you may know in final. From:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Are 'Energy' Drinks Threatening Our Kids?
Researchers are calling for warning labels and other steps to curb the abuse of those wildly popular high-caffeine "energy drinks."
The researchers are worried about all sorts of problems. Too much caffeine can lead to "caffeine intoxication," which can cause nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, stomach problems and even rapid heartbeats and death in rare cases. The scope of the problem is unclear. But at least 41 such cases related to energy drinks were reported to poison control centers between 2002 and 2004 alone, the researchers noted. And that's probably just the tip of the iceberg.
In my opinion, Absolutely caffeinated drinks should be required to list their caffeine content. Packaged food lists the amount of calories and other nutritional information. Since caffeine is a stimulant and can have drug interactions with various medications, that information should certainly be provided. That there is such a large youth market for energy drinks underscores the need for labeling. More information, please refer
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Kids Say Specs Make Kids Look Smart
When I was shopping for new eyeglass frames recently, my 14-year-old daughter wanted a pair, too. Not that she needs glasses; her vision's perfect. But she thought the glasses looked really cool.
How far we've come since I was 14, when glasses conferred instant nerd status on their wearers. (Of course, frames then weren't as fashionable as the ones my daughter and I were looking at. But, still.) By Jennifer Huget
In my opinion, it’s not just kids who think glasses equals smarts. Even it is for me too to emerge of this type of thinking. However, if you are a rational adult, then you can be understood that poor vision actually is regardless of the intelligence of someone. In addition, if we say wearing spec is for fashionable of ourselves and make us look like more tidy, beautiful or handsome, then I recognize of these cases. But for making someone to look like more smart and clever, this is a question which full of question marks in my mind. More information, please refer to:
This is PMR examination week
This week is considered exam week for all the PMR candidates because they are starting to sit the exam for this whole week. I saw this news that a Form Three student who name is Sarah Mazlin Zahari, from Kuantan may be down with a severe headache but she is determined to sit for the PMR examination. The SMK Goh student has been suffering from headache since Sunday. The 15-year-old girl even managed some last revision before sitting for Bahasa Malaysia I paper at the Tengku Ampuan Afzan hospital yesterday (13-10-2008).
Actually, what I would like to share is that the spiritual is very vital for us just seems like Form Three girl who even getting sick, however she still has the heart to sit for the exam. This can be make us to imitate. And my youngest brother is actually also sitting for this PMR examination, so I really hope that my brother and all the PMR candidates can do their best in this exam and obtain excellent results finally. The news is from:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Why we suppose to study Mathematics in each level?
Actually, I require asking a question for a long time ago, but no one can answer me as well. Why we suppose to study Mathematics as well? And what usage of it actually? When you see this question, actually your mind has already come out some main ideas, right? For your information, studying Mathematics is very useful to you or even to me. I would like to share with you all about the benefits of studying the Mathematics subject.
To understand creation
To train our mind effectively
To understand and realize to the Mathematicians’ history and we can know that how to create or distribute a formula or principle which we are learning until now.
To appreciate the beauty ( the usage of the formulae and principles)
To enjoy the mental challenge
That is the main reason why I prefer the Mathematics subject most and I will continue my Mathematics study even when I after graduated. I hope all of you may also have this heart to learn Mathematics, and then you will feel that, learning the Mathematics actually is not so difficult that what has been set in your mind! Reference from:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
assalamualaikum madam rahah,
now i would like to share a lot of information from the book that i already read for a long time.
It the book from reader's digest, such a big and thick book.. Entitled 101 ways to improve your memory.
In this side, I would like to share about one of the subtopic from this book entitled 'THE FIVE SENSES':
we already know that human has five senses that are SIGHT, SMELL, TASTE, TOUCH and HEARING.
These five senses actually channels to our are through the senses that all data is registered and gradually accumulates to become the rich and fertile ground that constitutes our memory.
Each of the senses is adjusted to a certain range of wavelength. these waves will be captured by different organs.
The information carried by our senses is recognized, continuously analyzed and processed by specialized areas of the brain.
Here are the areas that detect each of our senses.
1) Associative sphere:
- all the sensory information is combined to give an accurate overall perception
2) sensitive sphere:
- it receive tactile information, from the head to the feet.
3) Gustatory sphere:
- this is the zone where taste is interpreted
4) visual sphere:
- coming straight to retina, the first images gradually take shape.
5) Auditory sphere:
- sounds are transmitted here to analyzed
6) olfactory sphere:
this is the zone near the hippocampus where smells are synthesized.
Thank you
sees you in another page.
I would like to share here with my friends about 'MY MEMORY AND LECTURES'.
listening to the lecture is a good way to acquire new information on any subject of our choice. start by reading about the subject and then attend lectures that are easy to follow. Observe the following rules for good memorization.
- Do not neglect to take slow - release sugars in your diet; your brain will then function without slowing down.
- Sit as close as possible to the lecturer in case she or he uses diagrams or photographs.
- make rough notes of the main points during the lecturer.
- make a summary soon after the lecture or discuss what you have learned with someone else.
My memory and my medication.
When you have to take medicine several times a day, it's your episodic memory that makes these actions part of the daily routine by according a special space for them. Your mind and body rapidly make the required adjustment to this routine. If you forget to take the medicine once or twice, it is most probably because that day was different in some way or because you were psychologically or physically upset that day. Don’t worry, get relax, and tomorrow you won't forget!
Thank you
My reading is about ‘AIR POLLUTION: how does it hurt?’ Even at low levels, air pollution can damage your health in several ways:
• IRRITATION : burning eyes, cough and chest tightness
• REDUCED LUNG FUNCTIONS: difficulty breathing deeply vigorously, more rapid and shallow breaths than normal.
• AGGRAVATED ASTHMA: Increased hospitalizations and emergency department visits to treat severe symptoms.
• INCREASED SUSCEPTIBILITY TO INFECTIONS: reduced ability to fight colds, flu, bronchitis and pneumonia because protective membranes in the nose and throat dry out and immune function is impaired.
My reading is about ‘GOODBYE DUST MITES’. Want to rid your bed of dust mites, those ubiquitous allergens that live by the thousand in each pinch of dust? Experts have long known that washing sheets, pillows and blanket covers weekly – and blankets and quilts monthly – in hot (55oc) water helps kills of most of the bugs. But that’s tough on bedding. Now there’s an easier ways to be rid of these unwanted bedfellows. A study from the University of Sydney found that adding eucalyptus oil (available at most health- food shops) to your wash cycle- whether hot, warm or cool – will vanquish the vast majority of dust mites. The recipe: mix one part liquid soap with four parts eucalyptus oil. Once mixed, the solution should remain opaque for at least 10 minutes. If it separates, try a different kind of liquid soap. Fill the washing machine, pour the mixture in and soak the bedding for 30 minutes before laundering as usual. For best results, repeat these washings weekly for sheets and every month for blankets and other large bedding. In addition purchase a dehumidifier to use in your bedroom.
Thank you
My reading is about ‘THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR’. Researchers say that social support is the key to a long and happy life. But what exactly is social support? The short answer is the degree to which a person’s basic social needs are met through interaction with others. Social support fulfils the most basic human needs of:
• Being cared for and loved
• Being valued
• Having your personal
• Worth confirmed
• Sharing intimacy
• Companionship, communication, and sense of belonging
• Having easy access to information, advice and guidance from others
• Material and financial assistance in times of need.
MY READING IS ABOUT ‘GET HANDLE ON YOUR ANGER’. The next time you feel your temper rising, take a step back to recognize and label your anger. Just saying the words ‘I’m really furious!’ can help to defuse the emotion. Remind yourself, ‘this will pass,’ then take time to cool off. Leave the room. Splash cold water on your face. It’s also helpful to:
• BREATH EASY: it sound to simple, but it works. If you feel as if you’re really going to explode, take two three very deep breaths and count to 10. Slowly and intentionally wipe away your angry expression by clenching and relaxing your jaw, forehead and mouth. These actions will help keep you from doing or saying something rash that you may regret later.
• REDIRECT YOUR ENERGY: doing something physical, like taking a walk around the block or doing a fast- paced 20 minutes on a treadmill, can help you use the adrenalin in your bloodstream. Painting, drawing, clay modeling and other activities that provide satisfaction also can help to calm you.
• Behavioral: drinking too much, eating too much or too little, fidgeting, fist clenching, talking too fast or too loud.
• Emotional: anger, defensiveness, depression, irrationality, listlessness, mood swings, worry.
• Mental: confusion, memory problems, poor concentration, racing thoughts, vivid dreams.
• Physical: cold hands and feet, grinding teeth, headache, heart palpitations, increased sweating, indigestion, itching, loss of libido, sore neck, rapid breathing, tense muscles, weight loss or gain.
My reading on ‘PLASTIC NOT SO FANTASTIC’ from the reader’s digest book January edition. Remember the debate over bisphenol A, the chemical found in some plastic containers, drink bottles and the lining of cans, which was linked to cancer? While the European Food Safety Authority concluded earlier this year that the levels of exposure were within safe limits, a US study has now challenged this and a decision id due on what to do. In the meantime, you can lower your exposure to bisphenol A. website the suggests you discard cracked, old items, and only refill plastic bottles with the original type of liquids
My reading is about ‘GROWING BRAIN’. Omega – 3 is vital for foetal brain development and now it’s thought a deficiency in the womb can lead to blood pressure problems in adulthood. Doctors also believe that if kids don’t get enough omega – 3, they may develop learning, psychiatric and behavioral problems later on. A study by Dr. Natalie Sinn at the University of South Australia found that fish oil supplements reduced hyperactivity, inattention and impulsiveness in half the children taking it. It also helped children who suffered from ADHD symptoms. Get more omega – 3 to kids by giving them fish in foods they enjoy, like seafood pizza.
My reading is about ‘Love Hurts…but it Can Also Heal’ state University had married couples create minor blister wounds on their skin, then discuss a neutral topic. Two months later, the test was repeated, but this time couples talked about a point of conflict. The result: couples took longer to heal after airing disagreements than when covering neutral round. Hostile couples who were critical and sarcastic healed slowest and produced less of the proteins linked to healing. Dr Brian Baker, an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, performed another study that showed the physical effects of marital harmony. Married couples with mild hypertension wore blood-pressure monitors for 24 hours and completed a questionnaire about the quality of their marriage. Bad marriages raised while good marriages lowered blood pressure for couples. “Marriage tends to be good for your health, but it’s the quality of your marriage that’s important,” says Baker.
How To Become More Intelligent:
• Listen to others patiently and hear and learn from what they are saying. Some people are wise, other's just hurt and need to talk, while others may try to persuade you into doing things you shouldn’t! Read, research the Internet on different subjects. If we keep our ears and eyes open to the world and truly listen we learn much.
• Pay attention to subjects.
• Here are some Related Links for some websites that will help you improve your memory and thinking skills. The best way to become smarter is simply to exercise your brain! You can improve your brain the same way you improve your muscles when you exercise them. Read as much as you can and talk about what you have read with others. Look up information about anything that seems interesting. The more you learn, the more your brain will be able to learn. Try puzzles and brainteasers to improve your problem-solving abilities. You can also browse the Learning Tips section to learn how to take better notes in class, how to listen better, and how to study for tests.
I prefer of it. I often use this to train my brain especially doing my mathematics. I also prefer to play puzzles because I really hope I can improve my problem-solving skills and abilities. If you don’t believe on it, just try it by yourself, then you may know it vividly by yourself in final. From:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Are You Secretly "Obese?"
When it comes to obesity, you probably feel like you've heard it all. Well, here's a new idea for you: "Normal weight obesity." OK, so you're thinking: "That's a contradiction in terms. How can someone be both 'normal weight' and 'obese?' "
Now, I would like to do some explanations. First of all, you remember that BMI stands for body-mass index. It's calculated based on your height and weight. Anyone with a BMI over 24 is "overweight." Thirty or above and you're "obese." BMI has gotten a lot of criticism, though. Super healthy people, like athletes, are often "obese" even though they're all muscle. Lopez-Jimenez and his colleagues suspected the opposite also might be true: People whose BMIs are normal may still be at risk.
That fits with other recent research. Last week another study linked big bellies with dementia. And earlier this week new research from the Nurses' Health Study at Harvard found women with a lot of fat around their waists were more likely to die early from cancer or heart disease even if their weight was considered "normal."
So, for your information, especially for those who are looking for making his or her body slim and fit, don’t just watch your weight, you are necessary to concern your fat composition. Even though for you are thin, slim or fit, you also require keeping or maintaining your balanced diet, and often keep doing exercise to protect yourselves from infecting of the horrible diseases. More information, refer to:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Why do we yawn?
Every morning when I am going to my morning class, I shall yawn at least once in 1 or 2 hours. This event is happening not only on my side, but also to many other students. Then I feel strange and surprised, why all this happen for me and others? So, I tried to find this article to search exact and correct answers from net. Fortunately, I could obtain it flow, and I would like to share with you all too.
Yawns are involuntary reactions to increase carbon dioxide levels in the blood. When folks are weary, bored, or being sedentary (or a mix of all three — such as during an 8:00 A.M. chemistry class in the giant lecture hall), their breathing slows. This leads to decreased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide levels in the blood. By opening the mouth wide and inhaling deeply, yawns draw in a large amount of oxygen while expelling the accumulated carbon dioxide from the blood stream, bringing the body back to its normal state. So who wins the bet? It's a tie: yawns happen when the body needs more oxygen, and being tired is one of the things that make this happen.
So now, I quite clear why I often have this reaction during morning class. Perhaps, I am very tied or I really require more oxygen for my body’s cells to do the metabolism.
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Can you live alone without family and friends?
If you are asking from my comment, then the answer would be that yes, you can, but there are definite negative effects that are related to living alone without any family or friends to interact with. Now I would like to add on more about the negative impacts of living alone without anyone.
The most obvious aspects are a sense of isolation and alienation; a sense of having no connections with others. Living alone without a sense of connection with others leads to feelings of loneliness, helplessness, an inordinate amount of time spent focusing on ones self, and depression. It can lead to unstable emotional states and irrational thoughts, as well as thoughts of suicide as one begins questioning their existence and whether they have any value or matter to anyone at all.
For anyone who does live alone and does not have social connections - consider ways you might get out and connect with others. Even going out for a walk and just smiling at others who are out doing the same can do wonders for your sense of worthiness when they return your smile at you in return. If you're feeling up to it, you can add saying "Hi" to your greeting and feel the joy of someone else offering you a friendly "Hello" in return. Acknowledging others and being acknowledged back is a basic way to begin building self-esteem and to see you provide value even in the simple task of acknowledging others presence in the world.
If you find you must live alone for some reason, the next best thing is to get yourself a pet. Something who trusts you, depends on you, that you can care for, and who is always there for you. There have been many studies done showing many positive effects of having pets, such as healing faster from operations, less tendency to loneliness, and so on... it's not a substitute for connections with other people, but it's far better than living completely alone.
As you can perhaps tell, this is an area that is important to me and that I've studied and looked into for a long time. I hope the information is useful and helpful to those who may need it. More information, please refer to
Ching Wai Hoong,EA08019, E03
Cheeky mobile use leaves addicts red-faced
DOCTORS baffled by an unexplained rash on people's ears or cheeks should be on alert for a skin allergy caused by too much mobile phone use, the British Association of Dermatologists has warned.
Citing published studies, the group said a red or itchy rash, known as "mobile phone dermatitis," affects people who develop an allergic reaction to the nickel surface on mobile phones after spending long periods of time on the devices.
"It is worth doctors bearing this condition in mind if they see a patient with a rash on the cheek or ear that cannot otherwise be explained," it said.
The group said many doctors were unaware mobile phones could cause the condition.
Safety concerns over mobile phones has grown as more people rely on them for everyday communication, although the evidence to date has given the technology a clean bill of health when it comes to serious conditions like brain cancer.
"In mobile phone dermatitis, the rash would typically occur on the cheek or ear, depending on where the metal part of the phone comes into contact with the skin," the group said in a statement.
"In theory it could even occur on the fingers if you spend a lot of time testing on metal menu buttons."
Nickel is a metal found in products, ranging from mobile phones to jewellery to belt buckles and is one of the most common causes of allergic contact dermatitis, according to the Mayo Clinic in the US.
Earlier this year Lionel Bercovitch of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and colleagues tested 22 popular handsets from eight different manufacturers and found nickel in 10 of the devices.
In my opinion, If this was caused by mobile phone use then there would be millions of people worldwide that would have a similar condition, not just a few people in England. It is more likely a reaction to the material used in the production of the phone or some cleaning material people are using on their phones or their hands (which they hold up to their head). More research is needed to provide a warrant any health warnings. From:,25642,24510181-5014239,00.html
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Climate action still a priority
Climate Change Minister Penny Wong, in Poland for talks ahead of a key UN climate change conference in Copenhagen, says the crisis will be factored into the design of a future emissions trading scheme.
The Government was also very aware of the desire of many business leaders for certainty and clarity, she said.
Ministers attending the Poland meeting have discussed the financial crisis.
"The current financial crisis does not lessen the need for the nations of the world to deal with climate change," Senator Wong told ABC Radio today.
She was responding to comments from Woodside chief executive Don Voelte who said a carbon trading scheme could not start in 2010, as flagged in the Government's green paper.
"Heck, I think it's off the table right now," he told ABC Radio.
"You can't put something like that in at this time until we get this whole fiscal chaos that is going on in the world straightened out."
That would probably take a couple of years, he said.
"No government can risk jobs in the economy until we get stabilization within the world marketplace.
"This is not going to be a short-term issue, it is not going to be two or three months to get this all straightened out."
But the Australian Industry Group says the scheme should start in 2010.
"The economic pressure certainly intensifies pressure on the economy as a whole if we move too quickly on this issue," chief executive Heather Ridout said.
In my opinion, at the same time if we start sensibly, if we start cautiously, maybe we can learn how to operate in this new environment and the risks will be reduced. From:,23599,24493674-5009760,00.html
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Does Anyone Care?
If I was to die tonight
Would anybody care?
If I used a gun
Would anyone hear?
If I was to die tonight
what would I lose?
Would anybody care
If I used a noose?
If I was to die tonight
Would it be, because I took my life?
Would anybody care
If I used a knife?
Jordan Everly
This is really a touched poem and imprinted deeply in my mind. And even the title, I also feel that it has included a deep and wide meaning inside of it. I try my best to understand this poem as well, fortunately it is quite simple words in using and I can get the whole meaning of this poem finally. The poet, Jordan Everly attempted to express his internal feeling which it was embedded in his mind and heart a long time ago. Unfortunately, there was no one could understand him well or even some could, however, they were reluctant to hear him of expressing his internal heart feeling. When I read though the whole poem, I really feel upset and the sadness has been floating in my mind. I can feel him, he was very successful to express out his thoughts and feelings to me via this simple poem. Don’t know why, I really hope that I can exist at that precious moment to share his difficulties, his sadness or even everything! Now, I can realize vividly, we can see the sentence of “ if I was to die tonight ” obviously, it means that he had ever thought to commit suicide, since he knew, his existence in this world was meaningless and even nobody would concern what he had ever done. He felt that he just a remainder in the world around him. Via this meaningful poem, I hope that most of us can live in a life which is full of people concerning and won’t feel that he or she is living alone in this world. Reference from:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
Health implication of using air conditioner daily
A poorly maintained air-conditioning system can occasionally promote the growth and spread of microorganisms, such as Legionella pneumophila, the infectious agent responsible for Legionnaires' disease, or thermophilic actinomycetes,[10] but as long as the air conditioner is kept clean these health hazards can be avoided. Conversely, air conditioning, including filtration, humidification, cooling, disinfection, etc., can be used to provide a clean, safe, hypoallergenic atmosphere in hospital operating rooms and other environments where an appropriate atmosphere is critical to patient safety and well-being. Air conditioning can have a positive effect on sufferers of allergies and asthma.[11]
In serious heat waves, air conditioning can save the lives of the elderly. Some local authorities even set up public cooling centers for the benefit of those without air conditioning at home.
Poorly operating air conditioning systems can generate sound levels that contribute to hearing loss, if exposures are endured over a long term. These levels are similar to the exposure of living near a busy highway or airport for a considerable length of time. Properly functioning air conditioners are much quieter.
In my opinion, if we use the air conditioner is necessary, then we are supposed to use it in smarter way for one example which it can maintain the conditioning level. This is not only saves the conditioner life, and also keeps you from spread of hazardous microorganisms. The people who are suffered from asthma and allergies, you are advised to use or under the air conditioning less as well. Of course, the air conditioners also provide numerical benefits to humans especially in hot season but these implications we can not just ignore, we are required to take some actions to avoid the unwanted events happen. From:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
The benefits of listening music
Music with a prominent beat stimulates an increased arousal in students which overrides the effect of environmental distracters…repetitive beat produces a reduction in muscle tension, thus reducing hyperactivity… (there was) significant reduction in distractibility among students after being exposed to music. Short term memory was also beneficially affected by having to listen to music.
Music plays with your state of mind as the electrical energy generated by firing neurons creates brain waves. The music a person chooses to listen to can influence the waves’ frequency, and their state of mind. It’s not only the mind that is influenced by music, the body also responds. Musical messages travel down the spinal cord, impacting the autonomous nervous system that regulates the heart rate, blood pressure, muscular activity, metabolism, and other vital functions…
Energizing music can make your brain exercise longer and harder. It increases speed and workload capacity … music with a strong steady beat can increase endurance, boost effort level, increase motivation and distract from discomfort and agitation.
From my view, listening to music even in class actually can be considered a good teaching method and provides the students to study in a comfortable and relax condition and environment. It can stimulate the students mind to think more creative as well as improve their study’s skills and concentration too. So that why music can be called the new teaching tool for the 21st century. From:
Ching Wai Hoong, EA08019, E03
i just want to share about my reading in the reader's digest august 2008's about ten tips for eating well without having to so useful for our health and also good to practice in order to make a happier,these are the tips :
1)eat for pleasure and good health, not for weight lose.
2)start the day with oats and you won't be hungry for hours.
3)eat more fish,chicken,vegetables and salads and also less red meat,pork,pasta,pastry and potatoes.
4)use a plastics squeeze bottle for olive oil and sauces,can help you use less.
5)use yogurt instead of cream.
6)snack on fruit and nuts instead of chocolate and crisps.
7)steam instead of grill,grill instead of roast,roast instead of fry,shallow-fry instead of deep fry.
8)eat cabs like pasta and potatoes for lunch instead of in the evening.
9)drink better,drink less,and drink only with the evening meal.
10)if you want something,enjoy it without guilt,then lighten up the next day..
so,that's all the things that i want to share..thank you
Stress that's GOOD..
i)Facing something with enough excitement to override any fears.
ii)Having a filled-to-the-brim schedule that still contains several activities that you look forward to and enjoy doing.
iii)Having more commitments that you care about-marriage,motherhood,valued employee and community volunteer.
iv)Working toward a valued goal and knowing that life will slow down once you achieve it.
v)Feeling challenged and alert-primed to tackle the task at hand.
vi)Being tired enough to get restful,deep sleep.
Stress that's BAD
i)Facing something with a mixture of dread,worry and axienty.
ii)Having an overloaded schedule stuffed with obligations that you don't enjoy and wouldn't fulfil if you had a choice.
iii)Feeling that what you do is unimportant,unfulfilling and not worth the effort and time.
iv)Feeling out of control and over-whelmed,with no end in sight and no help on the horizon.
v)Wanting to stay in all the time rather than take a stab at getting through the day.
vi)Having restless sleep,ulcers,back pain or recurrent illnesses.
i have read a short article about study tips that is suitable for parents to help their children facing learning process
firstly, for kids:
i)listen and hear during class.
ii)ace your homework and do the practice.
iii)study effectively and continuously.
and then for the parents they can apply this method to help their children:
i)help your children prepare a study schedule and things related to their sudy.
ii)create a special and suitable that will encourage their kids to study.
iii)get involved with their kids study to show that study is important to theior kids.
from reader digest book's i have found an article make me interest to write and shoul everyone know about this...
Are You One Of Them???
i)signs that you're too tired to drive...
-poor concentration
-tired or sore eyes
-slow reactions
-boredom and irritability
-missing road signs
-making fewer and larger steering corrections
-finding it hard to stay in the lane
in this article also have
ii)tips to stay alert at the wheel"
-make sure that you've had adequate sleep before you set off
-plan to drive during the day, not during normal sleeping hours.
have a rest break at least once every 2 hours, more often if you find yourself getting sleepy.
-if you do begin to feel sleepy or notice any of the telltale signs when we've listed, stop and nap for up to 40 minutes.
-use caffeine judiciously;keep it for when tiredness sets in, but don't rely on it.
-eat sensibly during journey and avoid large meals.
-where possible, share the driving load.
-avoid assuming alcohol immediately
before and during your journey.
from reader digest book's i have found an article make me interest to write and shoul everyone know about this...
Are You One Of Them???
i)signs that you're too tired to drive...
-poor concentration
-tired or sore eyes
-slow reactions
-boredom and irritability
-missing road signs
-making fewer and larger steering corrections
-finding it hard to stay in the lane
in this article also have
ii)tips to stay alert at the wheel"
-make sure that you've had adequate sleep before you set off
-plan to drive during the day, not during normal sleeping hours.
have a rest break at least once every 2 hours, more often if you find yourself getting sleepy.
-if you do begin to feel sleepy or notice any of the telltale signs when we've listed, stop and nap for up to 40 minutes.
-use caffeine judiciously;keep it for when tiredness sets in, but don't rely on it.
-eat sensibly during journey and avoid large meals.
-where possible, share the driving load.
-avoid assuming alcohol immediately
before and during your journey.
salam.... today I want to share with you all about this fact. " two- third or parents of young children are woken up at least once a week, losing 200 hours of sleep a year". thinking....
mohd fariz faizuan othman
How about your life today? Now, I want to share with you all with a good fact that I get from the magazine.It says " 27% of men overestimate their height by 2.5 cm or more; just 13% 0f women do ". So, how do you think?
mohd fariz faizuan othman
Asasalamualaikum....actually I want to share about the colours...Well,the retinas in our eyes have three types of colours receptors..From my reading,i just know that we can only detect three of the visible colours which red,blue and green.These visible colours also known as additive primaries.It is these three colours that are mixed in our brain to create all of the other colours we see such as orange,grey,purple,yellow and others.Basically,the wavelength and frequency of light also give effect to the colours we see.The seven colours of spectrum have varying wavelength and frequncies.
That's all from me
Did you know?
Cuts of beef with round or loin in the name (for example, sirloin) are generally the leanest.
mohd fariz faizuan bin othman
i want to share about my reading today from readers's about sleep..
do you know how many calories does an extra two hours of sleep save??
well,the answer is about 300,according to a study at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas (i don't know where this place)..from the research, thirty-two student kept their diaries of how much sleep they got and which foods they ate over a three-week period.
The first week, students stuck to their normal eating and sleeping schedules.
The second week, they were asked to sleep an extra two hours a day.
And the third week, they went back to their normal routines.
Researchers found that the students who got an extra two hours of sleep during week two ate nearly 300 calories a day less than in week one.When they returned to their normal sleep-deprived routines in week three, they ate more,that's all the interesting something from sleep..
i have read one of the article in the new straits times..i think it's about the comment from a 40-year-old working mother of four children. she talk about the hot news now day that advertised on the new straits times on October,17 entitled 'Teacher kicked,slapped by two Form 2 girls. she was not satisfied with the responsible among the parents nowadays until the case like that happened. she state that the teachers these days are scared of the students and also asked these questions: What has happened to us, parents? How can we be so gullible as to think our children could never tell a lie just to escape the punishment they deserved?
so,for her comment,she said that it is right that we should be a caring society. At the same time, we must be practical and use our common sense on the issue of discipline in school. The need for this must be accepted by all parents who want to see their children grow up to become decent and responsible citizens. There's no two ways about it.
Without a proper disciplinary system enforced in every school in Malaysia, we can be assured of a chaotic school environment such as that we already seen in some countries like the United States.
for me, i am totally agree with this mother as the parents play a main role in order to make their children good or bad human.
OK,that's all..
How about you life today? Today I have read, that I think it is a good news to sharing together. I have read the Reader's Digest book, and I found that it news is better for our health. In this blog, I want listed 5 surprising reasons to get more exercise. Did you know exercise is good for you? Of course you know exercise is good for you. But did you know just how good? Here are 5 more reasons to limber up.
1) It boosts the immune system.
2) It guards against Parkinson's.
3) It could slow prostate cancer.
4) It might fight Alzheimer's.
5) It may have more effect on heart health than obesity.
So, how do you think? Even if you can not get to the gym, there are other ways to get active. You can even exercise at your desk; see or
Sorry, I forgot to listed my name base on comment about 5 surprising reasons to get more exercise. On 21 October 2008, 4:04 PM.
mohd fariz faizuan othman
i have read one of the article about antibiotic we know,only a doctor can determine whether it is appropriate to take an antibiotic or not.if one is prescribed,keep these basic guidelines in mind:
i)Take the full course of treatment.if you stop taking the drug early because you feel better, you will allow any bacteria that are still alive inside you to multiply.they may then possibly rekindle the infection.
ii)Never save antibiotic for later use.a doctor should evaluate your condition each time you may be sick enough to need antibiotics.
iii)Antibiotics have no effect on viruses,but they do kill bacteria - and not just the ones making you sick.use acidophilus supplements or eat yoghurt to help restore the numbers of beneficial bacteria in you system quickly.
Smoothie Savvy
1.Use fully ripe fruit.they typically have better flavour and,sometimes,higher nutritional value.too sweet?add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice.too tart??add honey or unsweetened apple sauce.
2.Frozen fruit make a thicker drink.spread diced fruit on a baking sheet and freeze for two to four hours.transfer the pieces to a resealable beg when hard.or buy unsweetened strawberries,blueberries and raspberries already frozen.most supermarkets sell a good range.
3.The smaller the ice cubes,the easier to crush.fill trays only halfway or set your automatic icemaker to the smallest setting.
4.Experiment.try unsweetened fruit nectars,such as mango,guava or apricot,instead of juices;silken tofu instead of yoghurt;or buttermilk instead of low-fat milk.flavour with vanilla extract,orange-flower water,grated ginger,or chopped fresh mint.
Until You by Judith Mcnaught is very a fascinated story that revolves around Sheridan Bromleigh, a teacher.One day, she had to go to England with Miss Lancaster as a companion to meet Miss Lancaster fiancee,Lord Burleton.Unfortunately Miss Lancaster had escaped with his lover while on board.So,Sheridan feel responsible to meet the lord and tell him about his fiancee escaped.While,in England a young man had an accident with the lord and couse the deadth of the lord.From the lord`s butler the young man know about the arrival of the lord`s fiancee.He decided to meet the lord and tell her about the lord deadth eventhought he vand the butler did know the lord`s fiancee face.During the meeting in the port,the young man tell about the lord deadth to Sheridan.She is so shock untill she was unable to speak as the young man thought her as Miss Lancaster.Then,she had encounter an accident that couse her lost of memory.Feeling guitly the young man take care of her.For Seridan,she thought she was Miss Lancaster and the young man was her fiancee.The romantic sory are revolves around them as they fall in love and deciced to get married.But ,during the wedding day,Sheridan got her memory back as the real Miss Lancaster appear brfore her.Feeling confused and histria ,she ran from her wedding.After some quarell they are back together.
Testing Kate by Whitney Gaskell is very story.Kate is the careless heroin ang was call as bad luck.During her first day in the university, she was tell by a man from her apartment building,Nick stick that she had a pad stick on her back.From that moment she had bee friend with Nick as they are in a same re study group with course,law.They also made a study group with,Jane Arnold,Dana and Lexi.Unfornately she had encounter a problem with her Prof Holfman.Her love life also had problem as they had to do a long distance relationship w3ith George.But lastly,she decide to do want she want most and stop her study.A few years later shr meet back with Nick and confess to him.
Recently,I had to read about the funtional of the external part of the printer as preparation of our English exhition.For example of the external part is paper tray,control panel and ink cartridge.Control panel is a collection of button of command that gives detail of our command.It has a few button such as CANCEL,NEXT,START and other button.It also has screen that used to display our command.
i have read 2 novels from 'a little black dress'. The first one is about JUST SAY YES. it is a lovely story and also a great story.the story is about a girl name lucy who has boyfriend whose extremely popular winner of reality show, nick laurentis, proposes to her live on air she's stunned-into silence.every girl in the story loves a romantic gesture, but she's just not ready for that kind of commitment.with the press hounding her as the one who callously broke nick's heart, lucy flees her London flat to seek refuge in an isolated Cornwall Cottage.but if she's hoping for the simple life she's in for a shock.the story told me about dodging paparazzi, finding Mr Right and knowing when you should JUST SAY YES!huhu..
just say
this is the second novel i read from 'a little black dress'.the title is HISTERICAL BLONDENESS.the story begin when the usually brunette, and terminally single, patti stiiwell wakes up to find that her hair has mysteriously turned blonde overnight, her whole life change.suddenly men are taking notice on her-lots of cutes men.and so she takes the opportunity to have the time to her life.but when the blonde wears off-her old life start again. that's all.
10 bad things good for you~
-listening to loud music
-texting,not talking(for example,messaging with someone)
-pounding the pavements
-being a bit overweight
-full fat dairy
-computer games
-sugary soft drinks
-being a working person
tips on how to be a good listener~
-gives your full attention to the person who is not look out the window or daydrea.
-make sure your mind is focused, too. if you feel your mind wandering, change the position of your body and try to concentrates on the speaker's words.
-let the speaker finish before you begin to talk. speakers appreciate having the chance without interruptions.when you interrupt, it appears as though you are not listening, even though you reallt are.
ea08070 website, il earn how i can be a good friend to my friend.there is about 8 steps on how to be a good friend. the first one is be loyal. always stick up for your friend and trust them so they know that you are loyal to them.second is listen. to be a good friend we not only need to be a good talker but also a good listener. no one would like to friend to a chatterbox which won't listen to them.the third one is be trustworthy. don't ever talk your friend secret when they ask you to shut it up. the fourth is stick up for them. don't just sit back and relax when you see your friend being bullied by other people. try to protect them. the fifth is spend time together. by hanging out togetheryou could spend some quality time together and your friendship will become more stronger than before. the sixth is be yourself.don't try to pretend to be someone else because sooner or later your friend will see your true colour. when this happen they migth more like you or they might hate you.the seventh step is care for your best friend. when they are out to somewhere, don't just simply forget about them. with the technology nowadays communication is very easy even though you are in different country, therefore try to contact your friend.the last step is avoid expectations. don't expect your friend to be someone who did not represent their true attitude. try to accept your friend for who they are. well, that's all i want to share about this website. hopefully we all can get our true best friend. thank you
norlailah binti lanisa (ea08056)
what is bullying?bullying has een defined in many can be defined as a specific type of aggression in which the behaviour is intended to harm or disturb.the behavior occurs repeatedly over time, and when there is an imbalance of power, with a more powerful person or group attacking a less powerful one. actually, after i read this article, i really miss my secondary school. even though there was no bullying, but i just miss them.
i think most people knew about this information.but i just want to tell that some scientists believe that the earth's supplies of coal,petroleum and other fossils fuels will soon run out. in order to meet the ever increasing demand for fuel energy from the sun which is more commonly known as solar energy.various methods of utilizing this energy have been developed.
Hi;)have you ever heard about IAP or indoor air pollution?actually, when there is indoor air pollution, the building is suffering from what is referred to as sick building syndrome, a situation in which a substantial number of occupants of the building experience dis-comfort and ill-health that is only relieved upon leaving the building.many developing countries are following the example of developed countries by designing buildings which save energy.such building retain high temperatures that keep the building warm during the harsh winter month.however, such buildings with higher temperature and humidity levels proliferate micro-organism in indoor environments. in other words, organic compounds are produced which eventually combine to produced IAP. IAP in turn causes building-related illnesses in the occupants.
i just want to share about an article that i search in the
it's about stress..
stress mean a biological term which refers to the consequences of the failure of a human or animal body to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined.
for my opinion,stress can make someone be an abnormal person like an usual. it's will force someone doing the false or even the bad thing that he/she never do such as kill herself/himself.this is we call negative stress. sometimes,stress also make the people change in their attitude from bad to better..this is we call the positive stress..
for me,actually it's depend to the person as they can choose another one of the type of the stress..
so,as the final exam is around the corner,i would like to advise all my friend-don't be stress and always be with hard and smart without stress..
that's all,thank you..
forget my identity-comment on October 23,2008 2:47 AM
Build Up Your Frozen Assets
i)set your frozen temperature at zero.Food lasts longers when it's stored at colder temperatures.
ii)cook,puree and freeze any kind of vegetable or fruit and use it,thawed,to enrich casseroles,soups or stews.also try blanching whole or cut-up vegetables.experiments have shown that more nutrients are retained if vegetables are blanched(plunged in boiling water for about three to four minutes)before freezing.blanching kills bacteria and inactivates enzymes so that they cannot cause discoloration and disagreeable flavours.blanching is not necessary with fruit;pieces can be sprinkled lightly with sugar.
iii)undercook dishes you're preparing for the freezer.subtract about five minutes from the usual cooking time for rice and noodles in particular.on their own,these starches freeze poorly,but they're fine in casseroles.
iv)pack freezable in containers with airtight lids or heavy-duty zip-top plastic bags.use a permanent ink marker to label each batch with the date,name of contents and number of servings.
v)use your freezer to store and preserve herbs.first,dry them thoroughly(in the sun is easiest)or they will be mushy and discoloured when and pack the leaves loosely in freezer bags.they can be used either directly from the frezeer or thawed.
vi)cool foods to room temperature before freezing.this helps prevent large ice crystals from forming during freezing and giving and 'off' taste later when they melt.
vii)thaw meals by placing them in the refrigerator for 24 hours before reheating.defrost with the wrapping on so that condensation forms outside of the wrap,not on the food.cook as soon as defrosted,while the food is still cold.
Easy-to-swallow Advice
i)There are no magic bullet. Good as they can be, supplements can only be just supplements. When it comes to strengthening your immune system, they’re never a replacement for a healthy diet, exercise, stress-reducing routines and good sleep habits.
ii)Consults a doctor with an interest in nutrition or a qualified nutritionist. Avoid advice from unqualified people, especially if large if large doses of supplements are recommended. If taken in excess, some supplements do more harm than good.
iii)It’s doesn’t pay to take pills you don’t need. If you’re taking a specific reason and you don’t see an improvement after a month or two, or if you symptoms have worsened, consult your doctor before continuing to use it. Natural health practitioners are listed on the web site of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.
Buying Herbal Supplements
1)Note the form the herb listed on the package.when possible,select a standardised extract.Standardisation ensures that each dosage contains the same percentage of active compounds.(even plants of the same species can vary greatly in the quantity and strength of these compounds.only with standardisation can you be sure you're getting the right amount).otherwise,choose a product labelled 'whole herb'.these contain all of the herb's distinct compounds in the ratio nature provided.
2)Check the expiry or best-used-by date.discard the product if that date has passed.
3)Read any health warnings,cautions and contraindications to be certain that the herb is appropriate for you.herbal supplements in Australia are regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration.products are classified as 'R',registered,if they have shown proven effectiveness,or 'L',listed,if they are safe but have not show proven effectiveness for the therapeutic claims New Zealand anything promoted as a health product must be cleared for safety and efficacy by the Health Minister before going on sale.
Before You Hit The Floor
Some tips to help your first foray into yoga go smoothly.
1)Talk to you doctor.certain medical conditions may rule out specific poses.if you have high blood pressure,glaucoma,a history of retinal detachment,or heart disease,for instance,your doctor may advise you not to do hand,head or shoulder stands.because they tend to increase blood flow to the head,such positions could aggravate any of those conditions.
2)Fit the class to your to the teacher before signing up to alert him or her to your newcomer status and make sure you'll be comfortable with the level of the class.
3)Wear comfortable clothes.good choices are bike shorts,stretchy leggings,or tight and a must be able to move easily and be able to see you bare-foot,but take your own mat if you prefer.
4)Don't overdo it.push yourself,but don't be talked into anything that feels overly difficult.a good yoga teacher will guide-rather than force-your body into the correct form.
5)Eat early.try not to have a meal within two hours of class.
6)Stay at home,if you a few beginner videotapes or have a few one-on-one sessions with a private teacher.
What's Your Napping Style?
1)Replacement sleepers nap to get a much-needed energy boost,because they don't sleep enough at night.
2)Split sleepers regularly divide their total sleeping time into two periods-midday and night.not surprisingly,this is especially common among night or split-shift workers.
3)Long sleepers simply enjoy more than a 'full' night's sleep.a famous example was Winston Churchill,who napped every day,even at the height of his wartime responsibilities.'Nature had not intended man to work from eight in the morning until midnight,without the refreshment of blessed oblivion,which,even if it last only 2o minutes,is sufficient to renew all vital forces,'he wrote.
4)Prophylactic sleepers nap to store up for a planned deficit because they may have work obligations,or plan to travel later or have a night out.
Salam madam Raha
i read book from reader digest.
one of the topic is human cyborg.the latest technology from japan.they create robot to handle human activities like wash clothes.
it interesting topic.
salam Madam Raha,
i read praying can use treat a critical disease.physical activities such as stand up or down is a simple exercise.the new research show that physical activities in praying can treat a ED(erectile dysfunction), heart disease n mental,praying is very good for your life.
assalamualaikum Madam Raha..
I had read about breakfast. Some scientist called breakfast as a brain food. In their research, someone who take breakfast has more focus, more energy to work in the day. Such student which in learning process make the brain going focus, energy and fresh..
forget my name...
I just read an interest megazine National Geographic... what I read is The Red Planet.. It's Mars..
Mars is small rocky body and look like Earth.. very earthlike.. It has polar ice caps that grow and recede with the season changes...
AHNAD FAIZ BIN MOHD NAWAWI know why we sleep? let's check up..There are a few theories as to why we need so much sleep. One idea is that sleep is restorative to the body, giving it an opportunity to rest. But if rest is the goal, why does our brain remain hard at work? It's possible that while we sleep, the brain is practicing and running problem-solving drills before completing actions in the real world. There are several studies that show that learning can't take place without sleep to reinforce the knowledge [source: Schaffer].
Some of these studies may have real implications for students. One researcher claims that it would be better for students to review information until they were tired, then slept, as opposed to pulling an all-nighter [source: BBC]. Some schools have changed the time of that first bell so that middle and high school students can get a little more snooze time [source: Boyce, Brink]
thank you..
amir syahir yaakob
eao8135 i read some article What causes the smell after rain?
Most people notice a distinctive smell in the air after it rains. It's frequently linked with spring, as the smell of fresh cut grass is associated with summer. You'll find it in a lot of poetry and also on many inspirational lists of things to be happy about. But what causes it?
As it turns out, the smells people associate with rainstorms can be caused by a number of things. One of the more pleasant rain smells, the one we often notice in the woods, is actually caused by bacteria! Actinomycetes, a type of filamentous bacteria, grow in soil when conditions are damp and warm. When the soil dries out, the bacteria produces spores in the soil. The wetness and force of rainfall kick these tiny spores up into the air where the moisture after a rain acts as an aerosol (just like an aerosol air freshener). The moist air easily carries the spores to us so we breathe them in. These spores have a distinctive, earthy smell we often associate with rainfall. The bacteria is extremely common and can be found in areas all over the world, which accounts for the universality of this sweet "after-the-rain" smell. Since the bacteria thrives in moist soil but releases the spores once the soil dries out, the smell is most acute after a rain that follows a dry spell, although you'll notice it to some degree after most rainstorms.
Another sort of smell is caused by the acidity of rain. Because of chemicals in the atmosphere, rainwater tends to be somewhat acidic, especially in urban environments. When it comes in contact with organic debris or chemicals on the ground, it can cause some particularly aromatic reactions. It breaks apart soil and releases minerals trapped inside, and it reacts with chemicals, such as gasoline, giving them a stronger smell. These reactions generally produce more unpleasant smells than bacteria spores, which is why the after-the-rain smell isn't always a good one. Like the smell caused by the bacteria spores, the smell of chemical reactions is most noticeable when it rains following a dry spell. This is because once the chemicals on the ground have been diluted by one downpour, they don't have the same reaction with the rainwater.
that's all.
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
eao8135 know what had happen after tsunami
On December 26, 2004, a massive underwater earthquake off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra Island rattled the Earth in its orbit. The quake, measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, was the largest one since 1964. Dozens of aftershocks with magnitudes of 5.0 or higher occurred in the following days. But the most powerful and destructive aftermath of this devastating earthquake was the tsunami that it caused. The death toll reached higher than 220,000, and many communities suffered devastating property damage.that's worst had happen to around us.
thank you
amir syahir yaakob
eao8135 are you? i hope u know this fact??
read this..The Heaviest Building Ever Moved
Building 1: Fu Gang Building (15,140 tons)
When it comes to big moves, it's only a matter of time before a record is broken. The current record holder in the book of Guinness World Records for heaviest structure moved intact is a building in China. The Fu Gang building weighs in at 15,140 tons, or 33.3 million pounds. It had to be moved over about 118 feet (36 meters), and it took 11 days to move it [source: Guinness World Records]. As this writer doesn't speak Chinese and all of the research written on this building is in Chinese, it's difficult for her to tell you much else about this historic move. So let's just take a moment to appreciate again that the Chinese moved a building that weighed 15,140 tons. How long will it take to break the record? The big moves on this list show that it's only a matter of time and determination.
woo..that amazing..maybe we can ask for incredible hulk help..hihi..
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
Salam. let's read this..Safety and Performance of hyper cars.
A lot of auto enthusiasts grimace at the thought of efficiency, while plenty of other people worry that incredibly light vehicles will not do an adequate job of protecting the occupants. Hyper cars are actually better in both aspects than many compact cars on the road today. Although they have small engines, the power-to-weight ratio of a hyper car can be much higher than a heavy car with a V8 engine.
This allows for impressive acceleration, and even more
impressive handling.Nice car nice prices..hihi.
thank you
amir syahir yaakob
salam..this it continued for hypercars safetyThat agile handling is also a safety feature. Light weight equals shorter braking distances and when you combine that with precision avoidance maneuvers, hypercars can potentially avoid some accidents altogether. In the event of a collision, hypercars can use advanced energy absorption techniques. Carbon fiber itself has excellent crash properties, deflecting and absorbing a lot of kinetic energy before it ever gets to the occupants. The monocoque (single-piece) carbon fiber chassis used by some hypercars is also very stiff, adding further protection. In addition to more traditional safety features like airbags, built-in crush zones that absorb impacts in key areas also create additional protection.
thank you.
amir syahir yaakob
ea08135 have dream to buy camera digital? let's view this. Top 10 Digital
Canon PowerShot A620
Packing a host of features into an easy-to-use, compact point-and-shoot, the Canon PowerShot A620 is tops in its class. This high-performance camera has a 7.1- megapixel CCD and customizable shooting settings that let you decide how much control you want and how much to leave on automatic. Its large 2-inch LCD screen has a grid option to help you line up and center your subject. You can also shoot movies up to 1GB in high-quality video mode or up to 60 seconds in fast-frame mode. how about price?
i do not know..hihi..
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
hii..let's remember this tips.If your cat has problems vomiting hairballs, use the following cat care tips:
Step 1: Remove all of the cat's food and water immediately.
Step 2: If vomited material is bloody or has a foul odor, contact the veterinarian immediately. If not, proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Treat the cat by placing one or two teaspoons of white petroleum jelly on the cat's mouth and paws so it can lick it off. Do not give the cat mineral oil.
Step 4: Repeat the petroleum jelly treatment once a day while the cat is having difficulty. If the problem lasts more than two or three days, contact the veterinarian as soon as possible.
so,you can save your cat with your own.
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
ea08135 know this fact?
let have pleasure to read.
High Paying Dirty Jobs; Crime Scene Cleaner
Depending on how bad the mess is, the cleanup could take a few hours to a few days. But you won't hear these crime scene cleaners complaining too much -- they charge by the hour. With a little experience under your belt and flexibility with your work hours, you can easily make about $75,000 a year with this job [source: Sahadi]. Although you don't need a college degree to get a crime scene cleaning job, it can help boost that salary into six figures.
It awesome to job for..hihi
thank you..
amir syahir yaakob
Amazing fact about sharks. let's read it.Sharks have been studied closely for more than 100 years, mainly because of their low likelihood of contracting disease. Fish with bones have a pretty high rate of growing tumors. For a long time, scientists believed that sharks were immune to cancer and tumors. So what makes sharks different? They don't have bones. Their skeleton is made up entirely of cartilage. This is one reason that shark teeth are collectible -- it's the only fossil you can find from dead sharks. Their cartilage dissolves over time, and nothing is left but the hard-enameled teeth. Many researchers think that this cartilage holds the secret to the cure for some human medical conditions -- namely cancer.that's all.
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
hi..If a peacock loses his tail feathers, do they grow back? you know that answer?? let's check itIn about seven months -- in time for the peafowl mating season to come back around -- peacocks will regrow their plumes longer and fuller. The peacock's tail reaches peak development around age six [source: Hopkins]. In fact, mature peacock trains can extend more than 5 feet (1.5 meters) in length [source: National Zoo]. Because of the size boost from the feathers, peacocks are one of the largest flying birds.
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
Salam..i would like to share this fact.Mount Everest is literally located at the top of the world, rising 29,035 feet (8850 meters) above sea level. As soon as it was crowned the world's tallest mountain, people inevitably had to climb it. And just as inevitably, many of them failed. While more than 2,200 people have succeeded, nearly 200 have lost their lives attempting the who have great determined can reach at peak.
thank you
amir syahir yaakob
Will I die if I eat polar bear liver? While this polar bear could easily make a meal out of you, one bite of his liver could be enough to send you to the hospital..Why??
While some vitamins dissolve in water, vitamin A only dissolves in fat. This means that, unlike other vitamins, excess vitamin A doesn't exit the body in urine. Instead, it collects in the body's filtration organ, the liver, where it can reach toxic levels. Generally this occurs over a prolonged period of time, in what's called chronic hypervitaminosis A. In fact, if you ever have the chance to try polar bear liver, think twice -- it may be the last meal you ever eat.
thank you
amir syahir yaakob
Salam, today I have read about Dodos.Dodos were flightless birds the size of large turkeys.
In 1598 a Dutch trading vessel landed on Mauritius and its sailors found that the birds were good to eat and easy to catch. With the introduction of hogs, cats, rats, and monkeys by colonists, who arrived in 1638, the dodo population was exterminated. The last living dodo was seen in 1681.
Solitaires, birds related to the dodo, lived on the nearby islands of Runion and Rodriguez. By 1800 they, too, had become extinct.
The dodo and the solitaires belonged to the family Raphidae. The dodo was Raphus cucullatus; the Runion Island solitaire, R. solitarius; the Rodriguez Island solitaire, Pezophaps solitaria.So, it now became Extinct Animals.
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
ea08135 has 3 Steps to a Healthier You
1. Follow a balanced exercise program. A brisk 30-minute walk while enjoying the sunset will burn 1,500 calories per week -- that's 78,000 calories a year! Cardio is great for your heart and lungs, but add a couple sessions of weight training to tone or build muscle.
2. Schedule family fitness time. Play basketball, chase a Frisbee, or hike the hills together. You'll be getting closer to each other as you shape up.
3. Invest in a jump rope. It's a great workout anytime. Set a goal of skipping rope for ten minutes per day and watch those love handles melt's easy right?
so let's do it now!!
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
Salam..Everybody wants to burn the most calories in the least amount of time.Here have 5 Sports and Recreational Activities and the Calories They Burn. 1.Running
Burning about 450 calories every 30 minutes (based on an 8-minute mile), running also gives a fantastic cardiorespiratory workout. Leg strength and endurance are maximized, but few benefits accrue to the upper body. Warm up thoroughly, wear the proper shoes, and keep a moderate pace to avoid injury.
2. Rock Climbing
Rock climbing relies on quick bursts of energy to get from one rock to the next. It won't do a lot for your heart, but your strength, endurance, and flexibility will greatly benefit, and you'll burn about 371 calories every half hour.
3. Swimming
Swimming provides an excellent overall body workout, burning up to 360 calories in a half hour depending on the stroke used. However, most people have difficulty maintaining proper form for that long. The best swim workout is based on interval training; swim two lengths, catch your breath, and then repeat.
4. Cycling
Cycling is an excellent non-weight-bearing (your weight is not being supported by your body) exercise, and depending on your speed, burns around 300 or 400 calories in a half hour. It provides a great cardio workout and builds up those thighs and calves. However, it doesn't provide much in the way of an upper body workout.
5. Boxing
If you're game enough to step into the ring, you'll be rewarded with a 324-calorie deficit for every half hour of slugging it out. In addition, your cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular endurance will go through the roof. Make sure you're match fit, though, or it may be all over before you build up a sweat!but,always remember to properly warm up and stretch.
thank you,
amir syahir yaakob
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. A novel that hits with movies. Harry Potter is about a competition that's held in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry Potter was accidentally taking part in this competition and how he solves the problem. This story is ended by a tragedy where one of the participants dies. I realy enjoy this book because it full with imagination as I like it movies.
Beside Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, I also had read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. This is the book before Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But I watch it movies before found this book. In this story, Harry discovers that his true destiny is to become a great wizard, enemy of the evil Voldemort; but first, he has to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn how. Try read this book. Its realy exciting..
Assalamualaikum Madam...
Brain is the center of the nervous system in animals. All vertebrates, and the majority of invertebrates, have a brain. Some "primitive" animals such as jellyfish and starfish have a decentralized nervous system without a brain, while sponges lack any nervous system at all. In vertebrates animal, the brain was located in the head, were protected by skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell.
Salam Madam...
Unidentified Flying Object or UFO is the common issues in all of country in the world.Some people already see it and some people not.A lot of question appear in our mind like who are them?,Is it there is another creature like us in other planet and if yes,why they come to us?".Until now,we still cannot answer these question.Several country like America make organization in order to investigate this thing like British UFO Research Association (BUFORA),UFO and Research Midlands(UFORM).We hope someday,UFO is not mystery to us anymore and a lot of question in our mind will be answered.
Salam madam Raha,
Do you like game,this the latest game from sony.the 80-gigabyte model, which hits shelves at RM1,599, is what Sony calls a “complete entertainment system” comprising a Blu-ray player, high-definition multimedia interface output, integrated Wi-Fi, Cell Broadband Engine and a DualShock 3 wireless controller.Now,it price is expensive,but we wait 1 or 2 year,it price is cheaper.
forgot identity
at October 27, 2008 8:47 AM
Salam Madam Raha
Safety tips from PLUS
-observe the speed limit
-follow our travel time advisory
-just a call away
-drive safely
-be more careful
-the road is not race track
-be courteous at all time
follow this tips for your life
PROTON MSX is to produce a high technology 'Jekyll & Hyde' dual image, high performance crossover. It is actually a technology showcase of aluminiun adaptable platform, ride & handling, engine power and crossover functions of suv and sports car. The target user group of the PROTON MSX is for successful professionals with young-at-heart lifestyle. The typical usage of the mpv is for leisure and work .And to attract all the businessmen, corporate leaders or celebrities, they had emphasize on 6 different aspect of the car which is the style, the engine and performance, the technology behind it, the ride and handling, the quality and also the ride comfort.
It only a Naturally Aspirated 3.0 V6 engine, They had manage to churned out a hefty 224KW of power and 360Nm of torque. With a 0-100 time of 5.9 seconds and a top speed of 250kmh, the proton already beaten up some of the top notch SUV such as the Porsche Cayenne S,BMW X6 35i and the Nissan Murano. The Technical Specification Of the SUV ENGINE : 3.0L V6 MAX POWER : 224kW MAX TORQUE : 360Nm TRANSMISSION : 6 M/T LENGTH :4,697mm WIDTH : 1,852mm HEIGHT : 1,750mm WHEELBASE : 2700mm KERB WEIGHT : 1,570kg 0-100km/h : 5.9sec TOP SPEED : 250km/h
I love 2 play games. That one of my hobby. I love to play when i have leisured time or i want to release tension.
One of my favorites games is warcraft 3, that is one of the map is DOTA. In this game, we have to defend our base and attack enemies’ base with our unique heroes. Until the latest map,
There are about 93 different heroes. Each of them has their unique skill and technique. To win this game, we have to plan and that need cooperation between the team mates.
This game has spread widely around the world and there has several contests again the country.
I have got a new hobby. That is make a Kubrick as my collection. This is a new version of small figure. But, the collection that i got is just a local one, not the original. But the price is affordable.
it is only RM 9.90 each. U all can get it at the store around the kuantan parade and Berjaya megamall. This figure is small n have a lot of design but the shape is just the same. Until now, i only have 5 figure and perhaps, i will buy again to add to my collection.
One of the largest entertainments in the world is Sony. It has supply a lot of feature and stuff that is for fun or for entertainment. One of the successful products is Play station. Until now, there are three version of play station, which is play station 1, play station 2, and play station 3. Then, they also provide a good stuff in sound such as speaker.
For more information about all my writing, please visit my blog
Amirul Amir Bin Roslan
Salam Madam... I would to share about MP4 Ipod Classic.....
MP4 Ipod Classic is an electronic appliance that can play music and video.It is use for listening music and watching video.we can save the song in MP4, because it has internal memory about 1 gigabyte(1GB).But for watching video,it must need more memory,that why it provide the memory slot(sd card ) for up to 32GB.So you can put many movie in it as long as it has free spaces.For more interesting, it made up for several colour such as black, pink, or green.So you can just choose the colour that you like the most.This product also contain a camera that have 2MP,two time for zoom, and also 3.8mm focal length, which is same like handphone.But the different between them is ,MP4 is not a telecommunication device.
PSP is a handled game console manufactured and marketed by Sony Computer Entertainment. Actually sony PSP is the Japan product. PSP also have many advantages that make it quite different with PS1, PS2, and also PS3.It does not need the television to play the game.we can bring it everywhere because of its small size,lightweight and also easy to brought.The price of psp IS arround RM700 and above.We can alsao use it to surfing internet because it consist of wireless LAN.Other than that, we can also watching movie using PSP.In other word, it is the product that give us a lot of uses.
today, i would like to share about what I read in Reader Digest. Muscle weighs more than fat.
Trainers often tell clients who are concerned about what the scale is showing that the reason they couldn't lower their weigh because muscle weighs more than fat.
But isn't true because a kilogram of muscle weighs the same as a kilogram of fat.
So, if your weight remains the same, you wil look sleeker and smaller. So keep hitting those weights.
Today I just want to talk about FRIEND. Friends is so meaning full to all community because friends always with you all at the time. Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more beings. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors. Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them.THANK YOU...
hello..lets talk abut banana.what? yes..banana..After Reading THIS, you'll NEVER look at a banana in the same way again.Bananas. Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes.But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
thats all....thank you..
ikhwan e03 ea08114
I would like share articles about "GUIDE TO FEMALE HAIR LOSS". This article mentioned that hair loss usually occurs because of hormonal factors. As a consequence, biological events like puberty, pregnancy and menopause levels can also cause female hair loss. In the case of pregnancy, hair loss is simply a consequence of the stress the body undergoes during labor and should stop approximately 6 months after birth. Discontinuation of taking birth control pills can also cause temporary female hair loss. Therefore, this information is important and very useful for us to know more details and to gain knowledge as well.i think That’s all from me..
hello everybody..
The more often you use your English, the worse it turns out to be. This I have read from the article, what do you think??I am not that good in English but I can share my opinion. I think, it is not about your English getting worst or something. But it is about our mentality or your mindset. Sometimes, maybe because you are very afraid of making mistakes or to talk to audiences, you will be very conscious about it. Then when we are very conscious, we make mistakes. Believe me especially when we are talking. Can you see my point there? Change your mind set. Don’t be inferior..Just believe yourself..... Because all people in the world have there weakness….
From the article that I read, there are 10 reason why we must smile.
The first reason is smiling makes us attractive. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good.
The second is smiling changes our mood. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.
Third is smiling is contagious. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.
Fourth is smiling relieves stress. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.
Next is smiling boosts your Immune System. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed.if you want to now more, better you find me.hehee So, always smile ‘senyum sokmo’ That all…
Assalammualaikum wbt..
Do you know what “Talent Development” is???
Talent Development: What it means for Academes clients
managing talent is one of the greatest challenges in organizational life today. It's always fascinating to learn how different organizations are facing up to this challenge. Because this is such a pertinent issue for Academe clients, we decided to invite a group of them to a seminar and networking event where we could share best practice and learn from each other.
We learned a lot. We asked what ‘talent' really means. We looked at its strategic importance. We discovered that sometimes it's best if you don't use the word 'talent' at all...
i have read the article thathow to use a laptop tha tip that you can use:
1. Learn how to maintain a relaxed, neutral posture that reduces stress and strain to your muscles by:
2.Schedule mini-breaks every 20 to 30 minutes to avoid repetition and static postures.
3. Maintain a comfortable viewing distance from your notebook computer’s screen - approximately 18? to 30?.
4. Keep you head and neck in a relaxed, neutral posture; avoid excessive neck flexion or rotation.
i hope everyone can follow this steps..good luck..
ikhwan E03 EA08114
Nike Total 90 Omni
I have read about a latest ball of the nike product. That is Nike Total 90 Omni Premier Match Soccer Ball. It is A perfectly spherical shape allows the Omni to fly faster, farther and more accurately. It's cover is Compressed PU layer stores energy from impact and releases it at launch while a cross-linked nitrogen-expanded foam layer offers exceptional shape retention and a polyester support fabric enhances structure and stability. Geometrically shaped panels distribute pressure evenly across panels and around the ball for a consistent, accurate and powerful strike. It has Six-wing carbon latex air chamber for explosive acceleration.
more information an pictures, visit my blog.
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